

Brilliance in BKL

BKL is a technical service provider in mechanics and mechatronics. We develop high-quality solutions enabling clients to work smarter, more efficiently and above all more safely: hoisting and lifting tools, industrial modules and machines. Our range of services include engineering, inspections, services and manufacturing. We provide services for partial processes and overall solutions.

Brilliance in Engineering

Smart engineering solutions can provide a considerable advantage. Just think, for instance, of more safety for your employees, more process efficiency and improved competitiveness.
BKL develops solutions to meet your requirements. As a technical service provider, we can provide the entire engineering process, from the definition phase until commissioning of the final product. Safety is of paramount importance to us. That is our engineering service for high-quality hoisting and lifting tools, mechanics and industrial modules.

Brilliance in Production

BKL is an OEM for OEMs. We supply high-quality work for high-tech companies. In terms of production, we have a wide range of employable skills. We are, for instance, the go-to company for built to print, or for fully operational machines according to your specifications. Prototyping and functional models are examples of other specialties, as are cleanroom assembly and repairs.
Our employees make all the difference: professional, driven and always “up” for a challenge. But above all we are guided by the principle that equipment should contribute to safe working conditions. This is something we never compromise on.

Brilliance in Inspection

We are safety experts and specialize in hoisting and lifting tools. As a manufacturer, we know these tools inside and out and as an inspection body we are ISO 17020:2012 accredited. We provide a broad range of services: from demonstrating the suitability for first use to conducting periodic inspections, tests and examinations.

BKL offers guarantees. Guiding principle in all our activities is our passion for safety. We leave nothing to chance and we do not compromise on safety.

Brilliance in Services

As a technical service provider in mechanics and mechatronics we combine knowledge and expertise in a broad service package.
We offer, for instance, consultancy, training, maintenance, repairs, reconditioning and tool management for your hoisting and lifting tools. This allows you to make use of additional capacity with which to create value, to increase efficiency and to promote safety.
A guiding principle for our work is our passion for safety. We leave nothing to chance and we will never compromise on safety. Our services are aimed at preventing incidents and dealing with (residual) risks in a responsible manner.

More information?

We would be more than happy to make time to discuss:
• the engineering solutions
• production
• inspecting, testing and examining
• the services


Experts in Inspection

February 10, 2025

Do your machines and tools still comply with legal standards? Can they be safely operated by your employees? Are they still in a condition to guarantee the quality that meets your customers’ expectations? Read more

Specials production

January 25, 2025

Who would you entrust with the production of your small-scale, complex series? Or hoisting and lifting tools, components, industrial modules, machines and pieces of equipment? BKL is an OEM for OEMs. We supply high-quality work for high-tech companies. In terms of production, we have a wide range of employable skills. We are, for instance, the go-to company for built to print, or for fully operational machines according to your specifications. Prototyping and functional models are examples of other specialties, as are cleanroom assembly and repairs. Read more

Engineering met de hoogste veiligheid

December 6, 2024

Smart engineering oplossingen bieden veel voordeel. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan meer veiligheid voor uw medewerkers, aan procesoptimalisatie en grotere concurrentiekracht. BKL ontwikkelt oplossingen die aan uw eisen tegemoetkomen. Als technisch dienstverlener verzorgen wij het hele engineeringproces, van de definitiefase tot aan de inbedrijfstelling van het eindproduct. Veiligheid is van het hoogste belang voor ons. Dat is onze engineering service voor hoogwaardig hijs- en hefgereedschap, werktuigen en industriële modules. Lees verder

Deskundig op het gebied van veiligheid

November 2, 2024

Voor BKL is veiligheid van het hoogste belang. Veiligheid is een van de eerste stappen in het ontwerpproces van uw nieuwe product. Om te bepalen of uw product veilig is, moet er om te beginnen een risicobeoordeling gedaan worden. In een risicobeoordeling worden alle mogelijke risico’s in uw ontwerp geïdentificeerd en naar zwaarte geschat (met een cijfer). Er worden speciale maatregelen genomen om tot afdoende risicovermindering te komen. Met zijn jarenlange ervaring is BKL gespecialiseerd in de implementatie van de beste praktische maatregelen voor risicoreductie en weet het tevens of en wanneer afdoende risicoreductie is bereikt. Lees verder

Uw veiligheid, ons DNA

June 1, 2024

De gebruikers van uw hijs- en hefgereedschap, modules en machines zijn uw medewerkers, uw menselijk kapitaal. Veiligheid is van het allerhoogste belang. Daarom ontwikkelen we gebruiksvriendelijke machines die eenvoudig te bedienen zijn en waarmee je veilig kunt werken. Een veilige werkomgeving bevordert de werklust en betrokkenheid van de werknemers; bovendien is er minder kans op ongevallen en dat komt de bedrijfscontinuïteit ten goede. Lees verder

Afdeling Service & Repair

March 9, 2024

Binnen onze afdeling ‘Operations’ hebben wij sinds 8 januari de Business Unit: Afdeling Service & Repair. Met de start van de afdeling realiseren wij de kwaliteit die u van BKL B.V. kunt verwachten, tezamen met een minimale doorlooptijd. Lees verder [Bron foto: BKL B.V. op linkedin.com]

Services for additional options

September 29, 2023

We offer, for instance, consultancy, training, maintenance, repairs, reconditioning and tool management for your hoisting and lifting tools. This allows you to make use of additional capacity with which to create value, to increase efficiency and to promote safety. Read more

BKL and Heves Engineering develop custom screen printer fot high precision glue

May 13, 2023

So-called LED arrays are used in the printing process of Xeikon’s high-volume digital printing presses. The manufacture of the LED arrays is a precise process that Xeikon carries out in-house. During the production process a screen must be placed accurately over the LED array to manually apply a precise amount of adhesive. For this, BKL developed and built a screen printer together with Heves Engineering. The screen printer provides a repeatable and accurate Placement of the screen. The new production tool was recently taken into use in Xeikon’s cleanroom and provides optimum ease of use and efficiency. Thanks to the close cooperation between Xeikon, BKL. and Heves Engineering, the project was successfully completed.

BKL machine / tooling featured in video ASML (Time 1:08)!

March 3, 2023

Again we are proud that one of our machines/ tooling (FBS1) we have developed with our customer ASML is featured in a video concerning ASML.

BKL develops electrically operated lifting table for difficult to reach places with no visibility!

October 13, 2022

This lifting table is used to place a smaller module inside an even bigger module. Read more [Picture source: BKL B.V. on linkedin.com]

Tonnie verruilde boerenbestaan voor baan in de hightechindustrie: ‘Ik was bang dat ik niks anders kon’

September 10, 2022

Na een meeloopdag bij het bedrijf BKL in Neunen, waar ze machines maken voor hightechbedrijven als Philips, voelde hij meteen een klik. “Hier kan ik gelukkig worden, voelde ik. Ik heb een leuke diverse groep collega’s, en dat is iets wat ik nooit ervaren heb, want als boer is het toch veel eenzaam werk. Nu heb ik opeens gesprekken bij de koffieautomaat.” Lees verder [Bron: eenvandaag.avrotros.nl]

BKL helps Roche to speed-up installation of new analyzers

July 30, 2022

Roche Diagnostics Nederland is a supplier of diagnostic analysis equipment for medical labs. Due to the consolidation, more and more analyzers are being placed on a small surface. Sometimes these are also mechanically connected by a track transport. This presents a problem if one or more of these analyzers in a line need to be replaced by a next generation. Read more [Picture source: BKL B.V. on linkedin.com]

Purchasing Safe CE Marked machinery

Before purchasing CE marked machinery, you need to make sure that the machinery you intend to purchase can safely be used in the environment it is intended to be installed. It is advised to perform some basic actions and checks before the purchase is made. Read more

Precise synchronous lifting of a high-tech module

June 29, 2022

In close collaboration with the customer, BKL designed and produced a fully CE certified and UL approved machine. It consists of 4 columns that can jointly lift modules up to almost 3 meter high and has a WLL of 24,000 kg. The precise synchronous movement of the columns guarantees that interfaces towards the module stay within 0,5mm accuracy. With a footprint of 4,6 x 7 meter this was quite a challenging requirement to address. Read more

Commissioning Iron sulphate dosing installation at EPZ

April 29, 2022

Elektriciteits-Produktiemaatschappij Zuid-Nederland (EPZ) has been using the Ferrous Sulphate dosing installation in its nuclear power plant for some time now. This installation has been completely developed, built, tested and installed by BKL. Read more