Extended Range CoaXPress Solutions

The PHORTE fiber optic extenders enable reliable CoaXPress data transmission over distances up to 80 km, dramatically expanding the capabilities of machine vision systems beyond traditional copper cable limitations. Read more

CVC Series Circular Voice Coil Motor

Operating on electromagnetism, our Circular Voice Coil Motor (CVC) offers superior force, lightning-fast response, and precise motion. With no need for commutation, these high-performance electric linear motors excel in applications requiring pure frequency oscillation and sub-micron positional control when paired with high-resolution encoders. Read more [Picture source: PBA Group on linkedin.com]

Tribotester brengt stick slip effecten glijlagers in beeld

Vanaf september 2024 heeft Thomas Vrakking bij IB Kracht bv stage gelopen.Tijdens zijn stage heeft hij zich verdiept in een fenomeen binnen de tribologie: stick-slip. Dit is een effect waarbij twee oppervlakken die over elkaar bewegen afwisselend vastgrijpen (stick) en plotseling loskomen (slip). Dit gedrag kan grote gevolgen hebben voor de prestaties, efficiëntie en levensduur van…

New milestone InMotion on discharging battery pack

Throughout the last 1,5 years the InMotion team has been working on the implementation of the Next Generation Battery Pack (NGBP) in the Revolution racecar. They have shown its charging capabilities before, but the discharging potential was still a future topic. Read more

Fluid power replacement solutions

Until 15 or 20 years ago electromechanical systems were unable to compete with fluid power in output and efficiency, but thanks to continual improvement they now offer advantages in many areas. Electromechanical actuators, equipped with a precision ball or roller screw and driven by an electric motor and gear unit, are coming into increasing use as…

Create a Virtual Environment with VMware Workstation Pro

Creation, maintenance and orchestration of virtual environments is part of software tester’s daily routine on most projects, especially when working with desktop applications. Virtual Machines (VMs) help you create isolated environments with different test configurations on a single machine eliminating the need for multiple pieces of hardware. At the end of 2024, the VMware company has announced a…