Verbod op PFAS: wat zijn de effecten en alternatieven?

De European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) heeft een belangrijke update uitgebracht over het PFAS-verbod uit 2023. Deze update is relevant voor de PFAS-producten in het ERIKS-portfolio, die door veel van onze klanten worden gebruikt. De hoogtepunten vind je hier in een overzicht. Lees verder

Bronkhorst High-Tech: een Parel in de Achterhoekse Maakindustrie

In de nieuwste editie van Kijk op oost Nederland lees je alles over ons internationale familiebedrijf dat al 43 jaar hoogwaardige technologie ontwikkelt en produceert in de Achterhoek. Van de coating op brillenglazen tot de perfecte slagroom op tompoucen, met onze instrumenten maken wij dit mogelijk! Lees verder

100 AI-Powered Engineering Use Cases

Explore how artificial intelligence is redefining the engineering landscape across 100 powerful use cases. Discover how these real-world applications are not only solving complex engineering challenges but are also setting new standards for the future. Read more

Lely – Bouwen aan de Boerderij van de Toekomst

Voor het boerenbedrijf begint een nieuw tijdperk. Lely, de grootste robotproducent in Nederland, bouwt eraan mee. Slimme systemen op basis van kunstmatige intelligentie (AI) helpen de boer om het welzijn van de koe en de boer te verbeteren. Lees verder [Bron:]

Electrifying Transportation: Challenges and Opportunities

Electrifying transportation is one of the significant technology initiatives of this era. Breakthrough innovation in transportation was rare in the last quarter of the 20th century. However, during the last few decades, battery and high-power semiconductor technology have improved significantly. Read more

Insulation layer on magnet wires: A common stumbling block for engineers

In coil production, the insulation of the wire has an influence on a wide variety of product properties such as application range, service life, costs or coil design. Wire insulation also has an effect on various factors during coil manufacturing, such as scrap or further processing. This article summarises the essential facts about wire insulation –…

Sioux drives radio astronomy innovation

The RADIOBLOCKS project is developing the next generation of technologies for radio astronomy infrastructure. Sioux Technologies is part of the European consortium taking on this challenge, particularly deploying its expertise in developing high-speed modules. This will enable the real-time collection and processing of huge amounts of data. In this way, Sioux is contributing to the next great discoveries in the…

Optical measurements according to standards

In our lab and cleanroom we have a range of spectrophotometers, spectrophotometer accessories, custom made measurement setups and solutions to measure the optical properties of all kind of materials under different circumstances (cryogenic temperatures, very high temperatures, vacuum, different angles of incidence etc.) Read more