So You’ve Identified Your First Engineering Use Case for AI – What Next?

Artificial intelligence (AI) in engineering is delivering hugely positive results. Low- and no-code tools are democratizing AI capabilities that were once solely the domain of specialist data scientists. However, not everyone in engineering is reaping the benefits just yet. Getting productive with the new wave of accessible AI tools is easy. Engineers tell us their toughest AI challenges lie elsewhere. 

Mikrocentrum breidt uit naar Zuid-Holland! 

Goed nieuws voor bedrijven in de hightech- en maakindustrie in regio Zuid-Holland: vanaf nu hoef je niet meer ver te reizen om deel te nemen aan onze praktische en impactvolle cursussen. Lees verder [Picture from video by Mikrocentrum on…

SRBA Controlled Environments and ABN Cleanroom Technology join forces on 3D printing cleanroom

The facility employs a modular SRBA wall and ceiling system, providing flexibility for future upgrades. This design choice supports ABN’s productised cleanroom approach, making the space adaptable to changing requirements. Overall, this project reflects the synergistic approach of these companies in combining their expertise for industrial advancements with sustainability in mind. Read more [Source:]

Enhanced Scanning for Dark Materials

The new RED LASER versions of Gocator 2540/50 and 2629/30/40 line profilers reduce inspection errors and increase throughput with superior scanning performance on challenging materials. They excel particularly in scanning dark or matte surfaces where traditional blue lasers struggle to maintain signal quality.* Improved signal strength on dark or matte materials 

* Enhanced scanning performance for…

Rotary bearings

Discover PM’s range of high-precision instrument bearings for turntables. They are easy to install and several accuracy grades are available. Customized designs manufactured in-house. Learn more now

Multi CAD en het belang van een CAD onafhankelijk PLM Systeem

In de huidige complexe productontwikkelingsomgevingen maken veel bedrijven gebruik van verschillende CAD-systemen, ook wel Multi-CAD genoemd. Dit kan het gevolg zijn van overnames, samenwerkingen met externe partijen of het simpele feit dat niet elk CAD-systeem geschikt is voor alle ontwerpen. Hoewel Multi-CAD flexibiliteit biedt, brengt het ook uitdagingen met zich mee, zoals gegevensbeheer, samenwerking en het waarborgen van ontwerpconsistentie. Hier…

PCCA Planar Compact Clear Aperture XY Module

The Planar Compact Clear Aperture Module is an advanced XY positioning system designed for a broad spectrum of precision applications that demand minimal height, where high accuracy is imperative, and an unobstructed optical pathway is required for critical applications in laser and optics. Read more [Picture source: PBA Group – Robotics & Automation…