Solving 3D tasks at 2D costs
For mid-range 3D applications, balancing accuracy, cost, and complexity has always been a challenge. But what if you could achieve precise 3D vision without breaking the bank – or overengineering your system? A new function for B&R’s standard 2D vision sensor makes it possible to obtain profiles of moving objects using intelligent triangulation algorithms.
Nobleo: Pioneering Advanced Inspection Solutions in the Semicon 08 Project
Nobleo is a leading contributor to the Semicon 08 project. As an innovator in high-speed scanning and inspection technology, Nobleo specializes in machine learning-driven applications and vision-based solutions. In collaboration with IMS and Settels Savenije, Nobleo is instrumental in developing inspection systems tailored for photonic integrated circuits (PICs), an area of growing significance within the high-tech sector.
We push the boundaries in lightning-fast ultra-precise positioning
Sioux brings high-tech to life. It does so not only within client projects, but also autonomously. For example, it developed the AXYT; a high speed, high accuracy planar stepping stage. Ronald Plak, System Architect at Sioux: ‘The prototype is ready and with this we show that Sioux is in the forefront in the field of fast…
Optimize Process Performance with Digital MFCs
Today’s digital mass flow technology gives operators and process engineers real-time insight into multiple data points in their systems. Brooks Instrument has configured an advanced, smart suite of alarms, warnings and error alerts, available via SLA Series MFCs, to identify areas where fluid flows might be dropping below critical thresholds. Read more
ILME MIXO: modulaire connectoren op maat voor stroom, data en pneumatiek
Industriële connectiviteit vraagt steeds vaker om flexibele en aanpasbare oplossingen. De MIXO-serie van ILME biedt precies dat: een modulair systeem waarmee gebruikers zelf hun ideale connector kunnen samenstellen. Of het nu gaat om elektrische signalen, datatransmissie of pneumatische aansluitingen, de MIXO-serie maakt het mogelijk om verschillende technologieën te combineren in één compacte stekker.
Innovative Battery Production with XTS: Efficient and Flexible Manufacturing
In this video, we will show you how Beckhoff’s eXtended Transport System (XTS) is revolutionizing battery production. Discover how XTS enhances efficiency and flexibility in manufacturing and learn about the benefits this technology…
Design Sprint 101: From Idea to Tested Prototype in Five Days
Don’t be put off by the clickbait headline and read about an innovative product design methodology that has the potential to shrink months of development into much less time. From collecting, sorting and triaging ideas, through prototyping to user testing – all in one working week. Read more
“Binnen zonder kloppen” – Eindhovens dagblad 26-02-2025
Aan onze koffiebar leest collega en mede-eigenaar Mike Ferguson het interview wat hij en broer Niels Ferguson daags daarvoor onverwachts hebben gegeven. “Zo zit je aan de lunch en een moment later worden Niels en ik door het Eindhovens Dagblad geïnterviewd voor de rubriek ‘Binnen zonder kloppen’”. Een interview zonder voorbereiding en gegeven vanuit het hart…
North Brabant province invests 4 million euros in further development of molten salt reactor
The province of North Brabant is investing nearly 4 million euros in the further development of a new generation of nuclear reactors. A consortium of the companies Thorizon, VDL Groep and DEMCON will work in Brabant in the coming years to develop and test crucial components for a molten salt reactor. This investment should lead to…
Aerospace Startup Acceleration Program (ASAP)
Altair believes in those who dare to push the limits of engineering to change the world. That’s why we support startups in their challenging journey towards success through the Aerospace Startup Acceleration Program (ASAP), an acceleration program designed to help startups overcome the aerospace industry’s unique hurdles. Read more