

COMSOL BV provides software solutions for multiphysics modeling. It is a fast growing high tech engineering software company with a proven track record and a vision as a future leader of the industry. The company was founded in July 1986 in Stockholm, Sweden and throughout the years has grown to include offices in Brazil, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the U.S.A.

COMSOL Products

In 1998 COMSOL published the first version of its flagship product, COMSOL Multiphysics® – an engineering, design, and finite element analysis software environment for the modeling and simulation of any physics-based system. In subsequent years, the product line was expanded to include a suite of discipline-specific add-on modules for Structural Mechanics, High and Low Frequency Electromagnetics, Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer, Chemical Reactions, MEMS, Acoustics, and more. Applications for the software are found in virtually every area of science and engineering. Interfacing tools enable the integration of COMSOL Multiphysics® simulations with all major technical computing and CAD tools on the CAE market.

COMSOL Multiphysics® contains functionality for building simulation applications, the Application Builder. This allows simulation experts to create intuitive and very specific user interfaces for their otherwise general computer models — ready-to-use custom applications. The applications can be deployed with the addition of the COMSOL Server™ or COMSOL Compiler™ products. Both products allow experts to share finished applications with their design teams, manufacturing departments, process operators, test laboratories, customers, and clients worldwide. COMSOL Server™ is an application management tool where applications safely and securely can be deployed, either through an internal network or across the web. COMSOL Compiler™ is an add-on to COMSOL Multiphysics® that enables creating standalone applications, which can be run on a desktop or laptop computer without COMSOL Multiphysics® or COMSOL Server™.

COMSOL’s customers

COMSOL products help researchers and engineers design and develop better products. Leading technical enterprises, research labs, and universities use this simulation tools to increase productivity and problem solving capacity. COMSOL’s customers make our cars and aircrafts safer and more energy efficient, they enhance the reception to our cell phones, they search for new energy sources, explore the universe, develop medical equipment enabling more accurate diagnosis, and they educate the next generation of scientists.

COMSOL events

COMSOL offers free online presentations featuring live software demonstrations, a range of topics, and guest industry speakers. Participate in the Q&A during the live event or access archived webinars later. To help users expand their knowledge of COMSOL Multiphysics with advanced modeling techniques, the company also offers general intensive courses as well as trainings devoted to a specific science/engineering area.


How to Define Load Cycles in Battery Models

March 8, 2025

When modeling a battery system, specifying a load profile is critical for accurately representing how the battery will operate in a real-world scenario. In the COMSOL Multiphysics® software and the Battery Design Module, several approaches are available to accommodate such profiles in your battery model. This blog post discusses these approaches and elaborates on their implementations. To demonstrate the use of these methods, we will review model examples from the Application Libraries in COMSOL Multiphysics®. Read more

COMSOL Conference 2025 Amsterdam

February 12, 2025

The COMSOL Conference 2025 Amsterdam brings together engineers, scientists, researchers, and managers for a 3-day in-person modeling and simulation event. Exchange ideas, learn from keynote and invited speakers, explore the poster hall, and choose from 20+ instructor-led minicourses where you will learn best practices and modeling techniques relevant to specific areas of interest. More info and register

Introduction to Conjugate Heat Transfer Modeling in COMSOL Multiphysics®

January 11, 2025

With COMSOL Multiphysics® and the add-on Heat Transfer Module, you can simulate conjugate heat transfer with laminar flow or turbulent flow. In this article, we provide a comprehensive introduction to single-phase flow, conjugate heat transfer modeling. Read more [Picture source: COMSOL, Inc. on linkedin.com]

How to Define Load Cycles in Battery Models

December 14, 2024

When modeling a battery system, specifying a load profile is critical for accurately representing how the battery will operate in a real-world scenario. In the COMSOL Multiphysics® software and the Battery Design Module, several approaches are available to accommodate such profiles in your battery model. This blog post discusses these approaches and elaborates on their implementations. To demonstrate the use of these methods, we will review model examples from the Application Libraries in COMSOL Multiphysics®. Read more

COMSOL brengt versie 6.3 uit van COMSOL Multiphysics®

November 30, 2024

De nieuwste versie van de multifysische simulatiesoftware introduceert een Electric Discharge Module, GPU-versnelde simulaties en updates voor een hogere modelleerproductiviteit. Lees verder

Modeling Absorption and Scattering of Collimated Light

November 2, 2024

When a ray of collimated light, such as from a laser, is incident upon a semitransparent medium, it can experience both absorption and scattering. This means that the incident light is both converted to thermal energy and redirected. Under certain assumptions, these phenomena can be modeled using a diffusive approximation in the COMSOL Multiphysics® software. This modeling approach has applications in laser heating of living tissue as well as materials processing. Let’s learn more!

How to Model Periodicity in Microfluidic Systems

September 13, 2024

In microfluidic systems, fluid flow is always laminar. This is both a benefit and a burden — a benefit because the flow field is stationary, and a burden because species mixing occurs primarily by diffusion, which can be time-consuming. A simple way to mix chemical species in a microfluidic chip is to use a serpentine channel structure. Using the COMSOL Multiphysics® software, the periodicity of such a structure can be exploited to determine the required channel length that will ensure that the chemical species leaves the system well mixed. Read more

Tracking Eigenmodes over Parameter Sweeps

August 17, 2024

Eigenfrequency analysis is an integral part of the numerical modeling toolkit. The eigenmodes of a linear system often have distinct qualitative characteristics and evolve differently over a parameter range, such as frequency. We are often asked if there is a way to keep track of and categorize these families of eigenmode solutions over the parameter sweep. In this blog post, we will demonstrate how to do so using the mode overlap integral in the COMSOL Multiphysics® software. Read more

Designing Next-Generation Carbon Dioxide Removal Technology for Better Life in Space

August 10, 2024

NASA combines thermal modeling and experimental testing to find the best compressor design for the system that keeps the air breathable at the International Space Station. Read more

Modeling the Differential Quenching of a Katana

June 29, 2024

The katana is a legendary sword used by the samurai several hundred centuries ago. It is perhaps most recognizable for its curved shape and its remarkably sharp single edge. In this blog post, we will go over how to build a simple model of a katana using the COMSOL Multiphysics® software and simulate a differential hardening process to explore some of its features. Read more

Semiconductor Manufacturing Models

June 8, 2024

To demonstrate how the COMSOL Multiphysics® software can be used for modeling semiconductor manufacturing equipment, processes, and devices, we create example models and other guides on a regular basis. Browse example models and see suggested add-on modules in this resource collection. Read more

Structural Contact Modeling Guideline

May 18, 2024

Structural contact modeling is a highly nonlinear problem. As surfaces come in and out of contact, load paths and stress states will abruptly change. The computational solvers in the COMSOL Multiphysics® software are designed to work with sufficiently smooth solutions, so solving such models is inherently challenging. To efficiently achieve a converged solution, most contact models will require some changes to the default model settings. Read more

Design and Customization of Composite Materials Using a Simulation App

May 4, 2024

Composites are widely used in industrial applications. Compared to the traditional monolithic materials, composites can have specialized material properties due to the customization of constituents, making them versatile and applicable to many different industries, such as in areas like aerospace engineering and biomedical engineering. Homogenization techniques are needed to numerically compute the material properties of composites and can be used for the customization and design of versatile materials. In this blog post, we are going to look at a simulation app developed in the COMSOL Multiphysics® software using the Application Builder that can be used for composite material design and material homogenization. Read more

Taking a Closer Look at MEMS Technology with COMSOL Multiphysics®

April 20, 2024

When you speak up in a virtual meeting, recite voice commands into smart devices, or talk over the phone, there’s a good chance it’s MEMS technology that picks up your voice. This is due to the frequent use of this solid-state semiconductor technology in creating small speakers that produce high-quality sound. In this blog post, we explore the benefits that MEMS bring to microphones, the challenges that come with producing MEMS microphones, and how modeling and simulation can help make the design process of these microphones more efficient. We also discuss the latest advancements in modern microspeakers driven by MEMS technology. Read more

Modeling the Speed and Stealth of the Darkstar

March 30, 2024

I watched the latest Top Gun movie, Top Gun: Maverick a few weeks ago. It is a really awesome movie, and it is also cutting edge from an engineering standpoint. The movie starts with Maverick, played by Tom Cruise, working as a test pilot preparing to fly a new secretly developed airplane, the Darkstar, capable of flying Mach 10. Simultaneously, Rear Admiral Chester Cain, played by Ed Harris, makes his way to the test base to shut down the program — considering the Darkstar had not yet been able to fly Mach 10, which was a requirement for the project to continue — but Maverick takes action before Cain can do so. Just as Cain arrives to the base, Maverick takes off with the Darkstar to make a try for Mach 10. A great start! Read more

Examining an Air Filter with a RANS Turbulence Model

February 23, 2024

HVAC systems do more than provide the smooth, chilled air that flows when the temperature outside rises. Within these systems, air moves through filters to ensure high air quality. With clean air at stake, modeling and simulation can be used to gain an in-depth understanding of the physics behind the behavior of air as it moves through a filter… Read more

How to Estimate the Parameters of Nonlinear Material Models in COMSOL Multiphysics®

February 10, 2024

Mechanical systems often contain components that exhibit nonlinear material behavior. Examples include large elastic deformations in seals and gaskets, strain-rate dependence and hysteresis during cyclic loading in rubbers and soft biological tissues, and elastoplastic flow and creep in metals. Together with its Nonlinear Structural Materials Module add-on, the COMSOL Multiphysics® software contains more than one hundred built-in material models that can be used for modeling highly complex material behavior. However, a drawback with these — often phenomenological — models is that they can contain a large number of material parameters, which need to be calibrated for each specific material in order to obtain accurate modeling predictions. In today’s blog post, we will demonstrate how these parameters can be estimated from experimental data obtained from common material tests using nonlinear least-squares minimization techniques. Read more

Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Production Models

February 2, 2024

To demonstrate how the COMSOL Multiphysics® software can be used for modeling hydrogen and energy production through electrolyzers, fuel cells, and related technology, we create example models and other guides on a regular basis. Browse example models and see suggested add-on modules in this resource collection. Read more

Introduction to the Composite Materials Module

January 27, 2024

Composite materials are heterogeneous materials composed of at least two constituent materials. Among the different types of composite materials, layered composite materials are quite common and are widely used for aircraft, spacecraft, wind turbine, automobile, marine, buildings, and safety equipment use cases. The Composite Materials Module, an add-on to the COMSOL Multiphysics® software, includes built-in features and functionality specifically designed for studying layered composite structures. Fiber-reinforced polymers, particulate-reinforced polymers, laminated plates, and sandwich panels are a few common examples of layered composite materials. Read more

How Do Chladni Plates Make It Possible to Visualize Sound?

December 16, 2023

Can we “see” sound? Not directly, but we can come close. By changing our perspective, we can learn a lot about the nature of acoustics. One way to observe acoustics phenomena is by studying standing waves in a solid medium known as a Chladni plate. A special technique creates patterns on the plate that reveal sound’s physical nature. Read more and watch the video

Best Papers and Posters from the COMSOL Conference 2023 Munich

December 2, 2023

The COMSOL Conference 2023 returned in person this year in Munich, Germany, where the multiphysics simulation community formed new connections, learned about the latest advancements in the COMSOL Multiphysics® software, and drew inspiration from each other’s innovative work. During the three-day event, engineers, researchers, and scientists across industries showcased their findings through poster and slideshow presentations. Six teams earned special recognition for their work, receiving Best Paper and Best Poster awards. Read more

Solving the Superconductor Teaching Challenge with Apps

September 16, 2023

Why are superconductors and their applications such a challenging subject to teach? Francesco Grilli, a researcher and professor from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), has an idea as to why — and a solution to the problem. By building simulation applications and making them available in a web browser, Grilli helps present this complex topic in a captivating way to encourage students to stay focused and interested in learning more about superconductivity. (You, fellow COMSOL Blog reader, can also access the apps via the link toward the end of the post!) Read more

Forming New Ideas with Generative Design in COMSOL®

September 9, 2023

Does a new design come from a person or a process? We may imagine that innovators envision a design and then pick up their pencils to bring their idea to life. Of course, designers and engineers today might not use pencils, and they might not have a final design idea in mind. Instead, some designers use a process that comes up with new ideas for them — a methodology known as generative design. Read more

Why Do Golf Balls Have Dimples?

August 26, 2023

Dimples are famously crucial for the aerodynamic properties of a golf ball: They generate a turbulent flow that reduces the ball’s drag. However, doesn’t this sound counterintuitive? In general, smooth objects are more aerodynamic than rough ones. In today’s blog post, we will dig into the details of this apparent paradox; learn how to use this knowledge to model the trajectory of a golf ball with the COMSOL Multiphysics® software; and, finally, find the best angle to hit the ball. Keep reading for a hole in one… Read more

Using COMSOL Multiphysics® for Teaching in Academia

August 11, 2023

Multiphysics modeling and simulation accelerates scientific research and increases the understanding of underlying phenomena, making it suited for use in engineering education. In this panel discussion, speakers Dr. Harold Ruiz from the University of Leicester and Dr. James Bowen from the Open University will share how they are using the COMSOL Multiphysics® software as an academic teaching aid. Read more

Elevating the Performance of Ionization Gauges with Simulation

June 17, 2023

Semiconductor manufacturing, particle physics research, and other valuable processes occur in high-vacuum or ultra-high-vacuum (HV/UHV) conditions. To help develop a better ionization gauge for measuring pressure in HV/UHV environments, instrument manufacturer INFICON of Liechtenstein used multiphysics modeling to test and refine their impressive new design. Read more

COMSOL Learning Center

June 10, 2023

Check out the new COMSOL Learning Center! You’ll find multipart courses, articles, videos, modeling exercises, model files, and step-by-step instructions — all designed to help you get the most out of the COMSOL® software! Read more

Using Different Physics Interfaces for RF Electromagnetic Heating Models

June 2, 2023

The COMSOL Multiphysics® software is well suited for modeling RF heating, where one needs to solve for both the electromagnetic fields and the temperature distribution over time. Although you might think that you need the RF Module for all types of problems involving RF heating, you can often use either the RF Module or the AC/DC Module, and you can use several different physics interfaces for some typical problems in this area. Read more

Generating a Simulation Mesh of a Femur From 3D Data

April 27, 2023

Have you ever wondered how to create a simulation mesh out of data obtained by 3D imaging techniques? In this blog post, we will explain how to do so using the COMSOL Multiphysics® software. This topic expands on the theme of modeling irregular shapes, which we have explored in past blog posts. The processes we will discuss here are, in part, already used when setting up verification studies for topology optimization results. Nevertheless, in this blog post we will generalize the workflow to suit data obtained by 3D imaging techniques. Read more

Performing Topology Optimization with Milling Constraints

February 11, 2023

Topology optimization is associated with extreme design freedom and thus extreme performance, but the resulting designs are often incompatible with conventional manufacturing techniques. The development of manufacturing constraints for topology optimization is an active research topic. The COMSOL Multiphysics® software supports milling constraints, and in this blog post we will explain how to use such functionality and show examples. Read more

The Intriguing Stresses in Pipe Bends

February 3, 2023

For many structural engineers, beam theory is a popular analysis tool. Using the equations can be beneficial when considering structural behavior, as they are easy to apply and provide useful results. However, it’s also known that due to the simplicity and convenience, beam theory is applied even when some underlying assumption may not hold up too well. This blog post investigates one such case, where there are severe pitfalls of using beam theory, and the true structural behavior is surprisingly different. Read more

4 Examples of Fuel Cell Modeling in COMSOL Multiphysics®

January 14, 2023

Fuel cells are one of the most talked about new technologies in the clean energy domain. Fuel cells generate electricity via electrochemical reactions involving hydrogen and oxygen, where the sum reaction yields hydrogen oxidation and oxygen reduction. Simply put, if a fuel cell has a steady supply of hydrogen and oxygen, it will generate electricity. Furthermore, the byproduct generated in this process is water, thereby making it a “clean fuel”, which doesn’t generate carbon dioxide or toxic byproducts. Read more

Modeling the Pulsed Laser Heating of Semitransparent Materials

January 6, 2023

It’s quite common to use focused laser light to rapidly heat materials for various purposes, including within the semiconductor processing industry. Here, we will look at a Gaussian profile laser beam with periodically pulsed intensity, heating up two different semitransparent materials deposited onto a silicon substrate. To model this, we will solve a multiphysics modeling problem using the temperature field and the Beer–Lambert law. Let’s further explore the model and see how to set it up… Read more

How Decaying Shells Help Preserve the Alkalinity of the Seas

December 2, 2022

Calcium carbonates produced by sea creatures help to maintain the ocean’s alkalinity — and also serve as a natural sink for anthropogenic carbon dioxide. To better understand essential but obscure deep-sea galvanization processes, Olivier Sulpis of Utrecht University developed an innovative 3D reactive-transport model that shows how seashells help preserve calcite grains in seafloor sediments. Read more

Shape Optimization in Electromagnetics: Part 1

November 26, 2022

Shape optimization can be used to improve designs in many different physics areas. In this blog post, we will focus on shape optimization in wave optics. We will go over the shape optimization features in the COMSOL Multiphysics® software and show what you can expect to achieve when these features are used for wave optics applications. Read more

Major News in COMSOL Multiphysics® Version 6.1

November 4, 2022

COMSOL Multiphysics® version 6.1 introduces new functionality for detached eddy simulation, thermal analysis of satellites, winding layouts for electric motors, and robust mechanical contact. A new interface enables the analysis of battery packs with several hundred cells. Simulation of acoustically driven flows is made possible by a new acoustic streaming interface. New mesh repair tools for the handling of misaligned models provide an alternative to traditional CAD repair and defeaturing. Direct modeling operations make it possible to perform parametric sweeps of imported CAD models and optimize them. New functionality for including direct shadows in visualizations provides enhanced depth perception. Read more and watch the video

Get an Inside Look at an Innovative Rainwater Drainage System

September 28, 2022

A multidisciplinary team worked together to design and install an aboveground rainwater drainage system in Copenhagen, Denmark. The resulting structure provides an ingenious system for dispersing rainwater runoff from nearby rooftops and mitigating noise pollution. Watch the video

Designing the Gold Standard of Immersive Audio for Virtual Reality Gaming

September 15, 2022

Tectonic Audio Labs created a state-of-the-art balanced mode radiator speaker using electromagnetics, mechanical, and acoustics simulation. The speaker was implemented into a virtual reality (VR) headset for Valve Corporation and is now regarded as the gold standard for VR audio. Read more

Bridging the Terahertz Gap with Simulation Software

August 19, 2022

Rather than coining the phrase “x-ray vision,” perhaps comic book writers should have called it “terahertz vision” instead. The precise blend of electromagnetic and material properties in the terahertz spectrum enables efficient applications such as simultaneous noncontact package inspection with spectroscopic characterization — to determine, for example, whether a package contains baking flour or an illegal or otherwise dangerous substance. This can be determined without opening the package and while returning images of the package contents with submillimeter precision. Read more [Source: photonics.com]

Designing Tidal Turbines That Are Safe for Marine Life

August 4, 2022

Creating clean energy alternatives for energy sources that generate greenhouse gas is crucial if we are to avoid excessive global heating and the rising climate crisis. A viable, renewable energy source are ocean tides, which, unlike solar and wind resources, are not weather dependent, making them predictable. Tidal energy can be harnessed by deploying tidal turbines into tidal streams. This process is the foundation of the MeyGen project, a massive renewable energy project that is planned to be the world’s largest tidal energy plant. Recently, an array of tidal turbines has been deployed at this project site, where tides flowing between the Atlantic Ocean and North Sea are funneled into a high-energy stream between mainland Scotland and the Island of Stroma. Read more

Extracting Electrical Circuits from Electromagnetics

July 30, 2022

Simulations One of the common objectives of electromagnetics simulation is to extract lumped quantities that can be used in electric circuit simulations. Keep reading to get step-by-step instructions on how to perform such a task using the COMSOL Multiphysics® software… Read more

Modeling Graphene in High-Frequency Electromagnetics

June 18, 2022

Graphene and other 2D materials are the focus of intense research and application interests due to their promising properties. In this blog post, we are going to use the example of a graphene-based THz metamaterial perfect absorber to demonstrate how to model 2D materials accurately and efficiently in high-frequency electromagnetics. The discussed techniques are equally applicable to modeling other thin layers, such as coatings on optical devices. Read more

Analyzing Thermal Distribution in a Li-Ion Battery Pack

May 18, 2022

Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are used to power a variety of devices, from toys and drones to cellphones and laptops to medical equipment and electric cars. To efficiently power such devices, the temperature distribution inside operating Li-ion batteries needs to be controlled, as deviation from optimal operating temperatures can cause a loss, or failure, in their performance. One way to analyze the temperature distribution in Li-ion batteries is with multiphysics simulation. Read more

Making a Recipe for the Perfect Soft-Boiled Egg with Simulation

May 5, 2022

Two professional chefs stand in a classroom, closely observing a soft-boiled egg. What may initially sound like a cooking class is actually part of a physics course offered at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e) in the Netherlands. Read more

COMSOL Completes the Working Environment for Modeling and Simulation Projects with the Model Manager Server

April 30, 2022

The power of multiphysics simulation reaches all elements of product and process design projects with the introduction of the Model Manager server, which facilitates the collaboration between stakeholders and colleagues working on a modeling and simulation project. Read more

Microlithography Lens

March 25, 2022

Microlithography lenses are used to project the image of an integrated circuit onto a silicon substrate. This tutorial demonstrates how to create a 21-element fused silica lens which has a NA of 0.56 which is designed to be used at a wavelength of 248nm. The lens, which has a total length of 1 meter, has a magnification of -0.25 with excellent image quality over a 23.4mm image circle. Download the application files