

developing solutions and making an impact.

Demcon was created as a result of the passion of its founders for solving challenging technological and social problems. We develop high-quality, innovative, complex systems and products, and can also take care of production ourselves. This way we create value for our customers. In a society faced by major challenges, we carry out projects that have a positive impact on people and the world they live in. We work on smart applications in various sectors, such as healthcare, safety, water, energy, production and communication. In addition to technological innovation we also devote our efforts to promoting entrepreneurship and investing in talent and education.

Over more than 30 years, Demcon has grown to become the Demcon group, with 1.000+ employees and several branches in the Netherlands, Germany, Japan and Singapore as well as clients worldwide. As a high-tech system supplier, we supply innovative technological solutions, products and systems for the (design) challenges of our clients. We take care of the entire process, from defining an idea to delivering a market-ready product.

At Demcon we work with short lines of communication. There is a strong feeling of togetherness and that creates a supportive, open, relaxed and fun atmosphere. Together we achieve the best results.


Mechatronics is the multi-disciplinary specialism of Demcon, which means that mechatronic systems engineering is the key discipline, the ‘mechatronic conscience’ within Demcon. There are also strong disciplinary departments that combine the knowledge and competencies in their fields. Together, they are responsible for conceiving and developing innovative concepts and creative solutions for the design challenges of the clients.


Demcon can provide for complete production, from prototyping and production engineering to setting up the supply chain and in-house assembly. Demcon has the specialised knowledge for this, as well as the international supply network and the advanced facilities, including carefully developed assembly lines and an extensive clean room.

The ambition of Demcon is to realise further growth by addressing new and challenging projects, surveying new international markets and further expanding its production expertise and capacity.

Demcon has developed from a business with roots in Twente to a Dutch business with international operations. For junior and senior talent with various educational backgrounds, experience and interests, Demcon offers an intellectually challenging and socially inspiring working environment.


North Brabant province invests 4 million euros in further development of molten salt reactor

February 28, 2025

The province of North Brabant is investing nearly 4 million euros in the further development of a new generation of nuclear reactors. A consortium of the companies Thorizon, VDL Groep and DEMCON will work in Brabant in the coming years to develop and test crucial components for a molten salt reactor. This investment should lead to new market opportunities for Brabant’s high-quality manufacturing industry. Read more [Picture source: DIFFER / Bart van Overbeeke]

First unmanned surface vessel for Rijkswaterstaat by Demconunmanned systems

February 12, 2025

Rijkswaterstaat has entered into a four-year partnership with Demcon unmanned systems for the delivery of a first unmanned surface vessel (USV) with autonomous navigation functionality. This small unmanned high tech surface vessel is less than two meters long and suitable for inland waters. The new USV was developed in the Netherlands and is being manufactured in serial production. Rijkswaterstaat intends to use the USV to perform hydrographic measurement tasks. The USV is scheduled to be delivered later this year , after which the process integration, training and maintenance period starts. Read more

Bioreactor for Organoid Cultivation Joins Demcon

February 7, 2025

Boost for Medical, Biotechnological, and Pharmaceutical Research. Technology developer and manufacturer Demcon acquired a majority stake in Orgonex at the end of last year. The spin-off from Utrecht University / the Innovation Center for Advanced Therapies (ICAT) has developed a bioreactor for cultivating organoids. Organoids are miniature organs used for medical, biotechnological, and pharmaceutical research. Orgonex’s bioreactor yields five times higher than traditional manual cultivation methods and is more compact and straightforward than other automated cultivation solutions. This system offers an accessible solution for efficiently cultivating sufficient organoids and can be easily integrated into existing laboratory infrastructures at academic research groups and pharmaceutical companies. Together with Demcon, Orgonex is now developing the bioreactor into a professional system that will be launched later this year. Read more

Improving the safety and longevity of future space missions

February 1, 2025

Claudia Rodríguez del Río, who did an internship and MSc. Thesis in collaboration with Bart Van De Laar at our Delft office and Ines Uriol Balbin at the Delft University of Technology, worked on a project focused on modelling satellite models and developing a deorbiting module for CubeSats in Low Earth Orbit with the goal of reducing the deorbiting period of these satellites. Read more [Picture source: Demcon on linkedin.com]

Demcon joins TNO and University of Twente to accelerate photonic chip innovation

January 25, 2025

Demcon has partnered with TNO and the University of Twente to accelerate low-energy modulation of silicon nitride (SiN) photonic chips. These advanced photonic chips promise to create cheaper, faster, and more energy-efficient devices, enabling earlier disease diagnostics, safe self-driving vehicles, and more efficient data communication. By combining their expertise, Demcon, University of Twente and TNO are set to drive significant advancements in photonic chip technology. Read more

Demcon enters automation for seed breeding with SeQso

January 17, 2025

We’re thrilled to announce that as of this year, SeQso has officially joined the Demcon group! SeQso is a leader in designing and building advanced sorting and sowing machines for seed breeders across Europe, Asia, and America. Their systems empower breeders to tackle the global challenge of developing crops that offer higher yields and greater resilience—critical for addressing food security in the face of climate change. Read more [picture source: Demcon on linkedin.com]

Transfroming Machine Development: Digital twins in action

January 11, 2025

At Demcon Industrial Systems, digital twins are more than just a development tool—they’re a key for developing reliable machines and support our customers throughout the lifecycle of their systems.
One great example is our project for Drystack, where the digital twin played a crucial role in the development. Read more

DEMCON, Thorizon en VDL Groep bundelen krachten in ontwikkeling gesmoltenzoutreactor

January 10, 2025

Een consortium van Nederlandse technologiebedrijven DEMCON, Thorizon en VDL Groep heeft in december een projectovereenkomst gesloten. Hun gezamenlijke missie: een doorbraak realiseren in de ontwikkeling van Small Modular Reactors (SMR’s), en meer specifiek gesmoltenzoutreactoren. Deze innovatieve kernreactoren beloven een veilige, schaalbare en duurzame bijdrage te leveren aan de energietransitie. Lees verder [Bron: duurzaam-ondernemen.nl]

Outdoor tactical simulator

January 2, 2025

The Ministerie van Defensie is experimenting with the use of robotic and autonomous unmanned systems to optimize the application of unmanned systems and develop new concepts for tactical land operations. When the availability of unmanned vehicles is limited, simulation can be used as a stand-in for the real systems. To give units realistic and relevant experience in the field Demcon has developed an outdoor tactical simulator in which the simulated robot is controlled by a physical End User Device. The simulator enables efficient experimentation with autonomous systems where also to-be-developed capabilities can already be simulated. In this movie we explain more about this simulator and how the in Virtual Battle Space simulated systems are connected to real hardware. Watch the video

QL Polymers becomes part of the Demcon group

December 6, 2024

Technology developer and manufacturer Demcon has acquired Hengelo-based QL Polymers, a specialist in polymer chemistry, technology and processing. Founder Joost Duvigneau will remain involved as a minority shareholder and managing director of Demcon QL Polymers. The company is committed to “Quality for Life” with plastics that have the potential to improve the quality of life and believes that being part of Demcon will increase its impact by providing access to larger projects and enabling it to develop advanced processing plants. Demcon, in turn, can benefit from QL Polymers’ expertise in polymers, including in projects for sustainable process technology, recycling and medical applications. Read more

Demcon more active at German market!

November 29, 2024

The Demcon Group is now officially established in Germany as Demcon Germany GmbH. With this renaming from Demcon systec industrial systems GmbH to Demcon Germany GmbH we aim to make the engineering expertise from the Netherlands more visible in Germany. Read more

Nederlandse satellietbouwer leerde veel van leveringen aan ASML

November 22, 2024

FSO Instruments, een gezamenlijke onderneming van het Brabantse VDL ETG en Demcon uit Enschede, profiteert bij de bouw van een reeks satellieten voor Defensie, vaFSO Instruments, een gezamenlijke onderneming van het Brabantse VDL ETG en Demcon uit Enschede, profiteert bij de bouw van een reeks satellieten voor Defensie, van de kennis die VDL heeft vergaard met leveranties aan ASMLn de kennis die VDL heeft vergaard met leveranties aan ASML.

Dit stelt Gus van der Feltz, business development manager bij FSO Instruments, in een toelichting op de grote order die zijn bedrijf en partners hebben gekregen voor de bouw en lancering van een Defensie-satelliet in 2027.  Met de PAMI-1 krijgen de Nederlandse strijdkrachten een satelliet die volledig in eigen land is gebouwd. Nederland kan dat mede door zijn vooraanstaande positie op gebied van chiptechnologie. Lees verder [Bron: computable.nl]

Demcon Robotic Explorer

October 26, 2024

Together with our ambition to develop innovative technological solutions, we want to protect the safety of people and society in general. Last years we’ve been busy to develop the Demcon Robotic Explorer. This is a small-sized autonomous unmanned ground vehicle. Watch the video

Demcon neemt Eluxis over, specialist in kennismanagement voor de technische sector.

October 19, 2024

Technologieontwikkelaar en -producent Demcon heeft het Enschedese Eluxis, specialist in kennismanagement voor de technische sector, per 1 september overgenomen. Daarmee kan Demcon haar dienstverlening op het gebied van kennismanagement uitbreiden om klanten meer te ontzorgen. Demcon kan zich verder ontwikkelen door, naast de ontwikkeling van nieuwe producten en technologie, actief de gehele levensfase van een product te ondersteunen. In deze ondersteuning spelen technische documentatie en technische opleidingen een belangrijke rol. Tegelijkertijd behoudt Eluxis de eigen klantenkring en zal die ook verder uitbreiden. Lees verder [Bron: linkmagazine.nl]

When ordinary data is no longer enough: Demcon shows the power of synthetic data

September 13, 2024

In an era where data is increasingly driving innovation, Demcon data-driven solutions (DDS) plays a crucial role. Through the use of advanced algorithms and synthetic data, Demcon is helping various industries to operate more efficiently and effectively. Marnix Zoutenbier and Vincent Bos explain the added value of synthetic data and elaborate on Demcon DDS’ innovative approach. “If you feel like you can do more with data, it’s time for a cup of coffee with us,” says Zoutenbier with a reference to Demcon’s mission to help companies use their data more effectively. Read more [Bron: innovationorigins.com]

Empowering Tomorrow’s Batteries Today!

August 10, 2024

Demcon industrial systems is the engineering partner of E-magy for the development of their GEN2 casting machine. This machine will produce their unique nanoporous silicon anode material for lithium-ion batteries. In the casting machine, liquid silicon is poured onto cassettes after which it solidifies and acquires its specific properties. Read more

Nuttig voor veel meer dan de Einstein Telescope

July 27, 2024

Demcon Kryoz, Cooll en de Universiteit Twente ontwikkelen met subsidie van het Nationaal Groeifonds een trillingsvrije koeltechniek voor de Einstein Telescope. Die moet helpen de spiegels van de toekomstige detector voor zwaartekrachtsgolven zo gevoelig mogelijk te krijgen, vertelt oprichter Pieter Lerou van Demcon Kryoz. Lees verder [Bron: https://www.einsteintelescope-emr.eu]

DemcAir ventilation systems get renewed purpose in Ukraine

July 13, 2024

The DemcAir was based on the unique ventilation technology developed by Demcon macawi respiratory systems for use with every patient, from premature infants to adults. The separate ventilation modules had been in production at Demcon for many years for supply to foreign respiratory system manufacturers. Now, for the first time, Demcon developed a complete ventilation system itself, for a domestic client. Read more [Picutre source: Demcon on linkedin.com]

Tech Talk: Creating a sports tracker for health and performance

June 21, 2024

Advancing smart multi-sensing systems for the screening of cultivation processes in bioreactors

June 15, 2024

We’re continuously engaged in a diverse array of national and international projects, often supported by governmental institutions such as the European Union. These collaborations serve as dynamic hubs of innovation, driving international partnerships and technological advancements. One such initiative we’re proud to contribute to is the LIBRA Project EU, a project focused on advancing smart multi-sensing systems for the screening of cultivation processes in bioreactors. Projects like LIBRA underscore our commitment to pioneering solutions that address societal issues. They not only propel innovation but also pave the way for groundbreaking technologies. Discover more about LIBRA here [Picture source: Demcon on linkedin.com]

vibration isolation for nanometer measurement device

June 1, 2024

In this article, we present the model-based design steps for a high-performance vibration isolation system to support a metrology frame. During the design phase, several improvements were shown to increase the vibration isolation performance. The design requirements for the individual spring and damper components have been derived from the relatively simple model. To conclude, the realisation of these components is briefly discussed. Read more

Reaching high accuracy with off the shelf components!

May 25, 2024

We would like to give you an in-depth look at a machine we have developed and how we approached its development. The machine assembles a chip into a baseplate resulting in an IVD cartridge. To execute this assembly process, we use off-the-shelf components combined with a vision system developed by Demcon focal. The vision assisted assembly module is then placed into an assembly line that covers the complete production of the IVD cartridge. You can read in this post how we reached the high accuracy of 5 microns by a cycle time of less than 3 seconds. Watch the video

Nieuwe propositie Demcon data driven solutions heeft veelbelovend jaar achter de rug

May 11, 2024

Data en data analytics, elk bedrijf wil er iets mee en velen zien het als een gouden oplossing. Demcon data driven solutions, een nieuwe tak binnen Demcon die sinds 1 januari 2023 actief is, ontwikkelt algoritmiek voor bedrijven op basis van gekochte, beschikbare óf – en daarin onderscheidt het zich – synthetische data, plus het hele systeem eromheen. In alle gevallen staat de use case van de klant voorop: draagt de gewenste oplossing bij aan de strategie en levert het daadwerkelijk meerwaarde op voor de klant? Lees verder [Bron: linkmagazine.nl]

Sync Biosystems secures €2.5M to validate technology with international end users

April 13, 2024

The international δypha Consortium has received a European Innovation Council Transition grant of 2.5 million euros for bringing Sync Biosystems’ technology from pilot to product. Industrial and research leaders, integral members of the consortium, participate as end users: Charles River Laboratories, Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology and Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital. With dedicated showcases, they will demonstrate how the technology impacts their drug development assays and their search for better therapies for patients. To translate the results from the in vitro technology to patient-relevant levels, consortium partner ESQlabs will develop specific physiologically-based computational models. The goal of δypha is to improve cell culture and drug testing with automated and continuous fluidic control in standard cell culture plates. Read more

TNO and Demcon provide the world’s largest telescope with sharp vision

March 22, 2024

Technology developer and producer Demcon shipped the first Laser Projection System together with TNO last week. Its destination is the European Southern Observatory (ESO), where TNO and ESO will test the system. In total, Demcon company Focal and TNO will build nine systems for ESO’s Very Large Telescope and Extremely Large Telescope in Chile. The systems project ‘laser guide stars’ into the atmosphere to help the large telescopes better focus on distant astronomical objects. This gives astronomers sharper images of the universe. They hope to make new discoveries, for example about the evolution of the universe after the Big Bang and the formation of stars and galaxies. Read more

Demcon supports research on preventing cervical cancer

March 2, 2024

Cervical cancer is generally preventable, provided that the disease is detected at an early stage. Although screening programs can prevent 92% of deaths, participation in these programs in the Netherlands is low, ranging between 50-60%. For women with a migrant background, this percentage is even lower, namely between 30-40%. For many women, participating in screening seems to be a (too) big step. Read more

First grant from the Einstein Telescope R&D scheme for high-tech companies

February 23, 2024

A consortium of Demcon kryoz, Cooll and the University of Twente will develop an advanced cooling system for the Einstein Telescope. This enormous observatory will measure gravitational waves, which Albert Einstein predicted more than 100 years ago. It may be housed beneath the hilly landscape of the Dutch-Belgian-German border area. Read more

Universiteit Maastricht en Demcon slaan handen ineen voor ReGEN Biomedica

February 10, 2024

Technologie-ontwikkelaar en -producent Demcon is technologiepartner en medeaandeelhouder geworden van ReGEN Biomedical, dat is voortgekomen uit de Universiteit Maastricht. ReGEN Biomedical ontwikkelt in Maastricht technologie voor het kweken van biologische weefsels voor regeneratieve geneeskunde en farmaceutische screening. De onderneming maakt deel uit van de RegMed XB pilotfabriek; de nationale infrastructuur die de gehele keten van ontwikkeling en productie van stamcellen, mini-organen, weefsels en slimme (bio)materialen omvat. Lees verder

Synthetic data for food sorting

February 2, 2024

There are multiple Demcon innovations where synthetic data plays a key role. The results of the ‘Synthetic data for food sorting’ project are something we will all have to deal with sooner or later. At least, if you like green beans or strawberries. After all, how can you filter out bad green beans and strawberries during the production process? Read the full article

Tech Talk: Electrolyzer for decentralized application

December 9, 2023

How does a needle placement robot work?

September 23, 2023

The starting point for developing the needle placement robot was to retain the current workflow as closely as possible, and only to automate the steps critical for the speed and result (‘first time right’) of the procedure. The critical step is determining the angle at which the needle enters the body. Read more

Ingenious and ergonomic design of steerable guidewires

August 26, 2023

Guidewires have been used for ages to perform image-guided procedures in the circulatory system, such as angioplasty, catheter insertion, stent placement and brain surgery. They require precise intravascular steerability for accessing difficult-to-reach anatomical locations and limiting damage inside the body. We developed an intrinsically safe design that offers physicians active endovascular access through enhanced maneuverability. This was achieved with the ingenious, ergonomic design of a guidewire and a one-hand controller that is able to steer only the guidewire’s tip. Read more

Autonomous water-pipe inspection robot

August 11, 2023

Guaranteeing drinking water quality and preventing water spillage requires good management of the huge pipeline networks. Commissioned by the drinking water companies, recently united in the company SubMerge, we have developed a prototype inspection robot. It can navigate autonomously through water pipes to collect the necessary up-to-date data, for replacing risk-driven maintenance by far more efficient condition-based interventions. Read more

Robuust indoor (zonder GPS) kunnen vliegen met een Drone

July 22, 2023

Bij steeds meer handelingen die we in het dagelijks leven doen, kan technologie een ondersteunde functie vervullen. Door beschikbare technologie slim te combineren kan deze ingezet worden voor nieuwe toepassingen. Zo werkten we voor Holland Robotics (Logistiek) aan een indoor drone, waarbij de uitdaging lag in het robuust indoor (zonder GPS) kunnen vliegen. Samen met VDL ETG Projects B.V. definieerden we de use-case, wij zorgden voor de uitvoer. Lees verder en bekijk de video

Tech Talk: The world of wearables

May 27, 2023

Cracking the glass code

April 26, 2023

We have grown accustomed to metal and concrete printing. But glass? It not only has a very high melting point, it also becomes brittle after solidifying too quickly. Together with the German specialist in advanced solutions from high-performance materials QSIL we cracked the ‘glass code’. Key to that were accurate positioning and temperature control. QSIL now has a robust 3D glass printer at its disposal for research and demonstrations. Read more

Demcon en Carbyon gaan in cocreatie de klimaatverandering te lijf

April 1, 2023

De machines die CO2 uit de lucht halen worden zo groot als een zeecontainer en moeten over niet al te lange tijd aan de lopende band uit de fabriek rollen. Lees verder [Bron: innovationorigins.com]

Demcon zet de volgende stap in data gedreven oplossingen

March 25, 2023

Met de oprichting van Demcon data driven solutions per 1 januari 2023, zet technologie-ontwikkelaar en -producent Demcon een volgende stap in haar ambitie om zich te ontwikkelen als technologiepartner op het vlak van data science vraagstukken. De digitale transformatie neemt steeds complexere vormen aan en zorgt voor een grotere vraag naar data als product of service. Voorbeelden hiervan zijn het ontwikkelen van een autonome inspectiecamera voor pijpleidingen en algoritmes die het moment detecteren waarop patiënten op de IC zelf ademen. Wat begon als een verkenningsmissie, is nu doorgegroeid naar een eigen bedrijf met volwaardige data-oplossingen. Lees verder

FSO Instruments brengt lasersatelliet- communicatie naar de markt

March 16, 2023

De Nederlandse technologie-ontwikkelaars en -producenten Demcon en VDL Groep bundelen hun activiteiten voor lasersatellietcommunicatie in FSO Instruments. Met de oprichting van dit eerste technologiebedrijf in Nederland voor lasersatellietcommunicatie wordt voortgebouwd op baanbrekende technologie die TNO heeft ontwikkeld in samenwerking met bedrijven, waaronder Demcon en VDL. Lees verder

Demcon vergroot portfolio met uitbreiding op duurzame procestechnologie

March 3, 2023

Demcon zette recent een belangrijkste stap op het vlak van chemie en procestechnologie. Dit zijn vakgebieden die essentieel zijn in de energietransitie en de stap naar een circulaire economie, waaraan Demcon al langer werkt. Demcon Suster, voortgekomen uit de Universiteit Twente, is sinds 2022 onderdeel van de Demcon groep. Bert Heesink, één van de oprichters van Suster, vertelt over de groeiambities van Demcon Suster. Op de Technology Base staat nu een proefinstallatie voor de productie van bio-kerosine. Lees verder [Bron: inntwente.nl]

Demcon DIY: augmented reality for the blind

February 24, 2023

Mellon Medical ontwikkelt innovatief hechtinstrument verder met Demcon

February 11, 2023

Demcon brengt zijn brede expertise van medische productontwikkeling in en heeft tevens een minderheidsdeelneming in het bedrijf. ‘Daarnaast bieden we proactief praktische ondersteuning bij het dagelijkse reilen en zeilen van het bedrijf. De samenwerking tussen Mellon Medical, Demcon innovation & technology en Demcon investment laat zien dat we daadwerkelijk willen bijdragen aan het succes van een bedrijf’, aldus Jemy Pauwels, managing director van Demcon investment. Lees verder [Bron: linkmagazine.nl

Topology optimization for additive manufacturing

January 26, 2023