

We are Edhouse, a Czech based SW development company that likes to go above and beyond standard software outsourcing. Edhouse specializes in cooperation with high-tech and scientific companies labeling it ‘’Software for Science and Technology’’. We go the extra mile to understand your processes, demands and products, to work autonomously minding the big picture in every created detail. It means you can make use of your expert capacities and focus on what you do best, your products, customers and revenue.

Edhouse is proud to cooperate with major manufacturers in several high-tech fields such as ThermoFisher Scientific, onsemi, Schneider Electric, and NCR.

We’re currently looking for companies who would not only like to outsource their SW development but are searching for experienced teams that can take care of whole projects or their parts.



How do we know you’re the right supplier for us?

July 4, 2024

After 2+ in the Sales position of Software development company, I’ve been through numerous conversations revolving around the question: ‘’How do we know you’re the right supplier for us?’’ I wanted to share my thoughts and have put together 3 main points you should consider before choosing one. Obviously, this is rather one-sided overview, as I represent one of the sides. Read more [Picutre source: Juraj Benkovič on linkedin.com]

HW development

March 29, 2024

Are you looking for a partner to outsource your electronics and HW projects? Do you struggle to connect physical engineering of electronic devices and the realm of software development? Edhouse is here for you. In our world digital realm of software and physical world of engineering complement each other. Read more

The brief history of HW lab in Edhouse

October 31, 2023

The Lab. It has become a central point in my business pitch. The simple fact that a bunch of SW developers have a whole room dedicated to electron-microscopes, 3D printers, mechatronic devices in various stages of decomposition was, at least for me, a proof strong enough, to testify to our inclination towards HW related programming. Read more

Hardware prototype which needed software management

September 9, 2023

The customer clearly defined the technological process of use for the hardware prototype. Our task was to provide software support and enable the control and monitoring of this process. The application was to be primarily used on a computer connected to the microscope. But we decided to make it ready for web use as well. That’s why we chose the client-server structure and wrapped the client Angular application in the Electron framework. This way the web applications can run as smoothly as if they were on desktop. Read more

Automated preparation of electron microscopy samples

July 8, 2023

Ion gun, electron beam, focused ion beam…

It may sound like science fiction but these are everyday terms for people working with the #AutoTEM application. Although it may seem misleading the AutoTEM is an application running on a special SEM #microscope equipped with so-called ion cannon in addition to standard detectors and a source of electron radiation. Gallium ions are very heavy and their rectified beam thus enables “cutting” into a sample or transferring the cut parts by welding onto a so-called needle. So, the AutoTEM is an application for automatic sample preparation for TEM (transmission) electron microscopes. It is used for the preparation of so-called lamellas (a sample wafer with a thickness of about 100 nm), both in the field of #biology and especially in the #semiconductorindustry. Read more and watch the video

The teamwork is my drive

June 10, 2023

Getting answers to more personal questions from our director, Honza Hornych, wasn’t that easy. But his answers about work, education and Edhouse development were quite forthcoming. If you’re wondering what Edhouse’s relationship is to training its employees, what’s the key and where we try to think one step ahead, come read our interview with Honza Hornych, CEO of Edhouse, who has been working here for 15 years. Read more

Wide-field correlative microscopy application

April 27, 2023

Well, you’re probably thinking of Google Maps. What Google Maps are to the world, Thermo Fisher Scientific MAPS are to microscopy. Even the ultra-high magnification the electron microscopes can now achieve (more than 1 million times) would be useless without context. Just as you can look at entire continents, states, cities, streets and even individual houses in Google Maps, with Thermo Fisher Scientific MAPS, you can combine images of different magnifications and even those coming from different devices. MAPS supports the widest range of various types of electron microscopes. For example, we can look at a cell magnified using optical, scanning or even transmission microscope at different magnifications and even identify the internal structure of individual organelles.

Data management for chip production

March 4, 2023

Onsemi is an important customer manufacturing semiconductor components, ranging from the smallest diodes to very complex chips. Its products are used in various industries and manufactured in dozens of factories worldwide. Each component or set of components has its own specific data record stating when, where and how it was manufactured or tested. Read more

Complex software for scanning electron microscope

February 16, 2023

The Axia™ ChemiSEM is a scanning electron microscope from the Thermo Fisher Scientific Company. A few years ago, a new project was created in Brno with the aim of making electron microscopes cheaper and thus making them available to the wide scientific public. Read more

Case study: Thermo Fisher Scientific

November 16, 2022

The company searched for a steady supplier to ensure development of control software for electron microscopes. With this software playing a crucial role in managing the device itself as well as processing the research results, it was essential to find top quality development team competent to master the high requirements in the field. Read more