
ICT Group

Making the world a little smarter everyday

The world around us is changing fast and digital transformation significantly impacts the way we live and do business. It offers huge potential to make the world smarter while contributing to a more sustainable future. ICT Group is committed to playing its part in making the world a little smarter every day.

ICT Group is a leading European industrial technology solutions provider. With a track record spanning more than 40 years, ICT Group has both extensive multi-domain expertise and in-depth industry knowledge. Integrating these strengths into compelling technological solutions puts us in a unique position to help our customers make their business processes more efficient, flexible, simple, safe and – as a result – more sustainable.

With our Smarter Industries solutions we serve the automotive, manufacturing, high-tech, food, chemical & pharma, oil & gas and logistics industries. Our solutions in Smarter Cities are focused on water, rail and road infrastructure as well as public transport and mobility. Within Smarter Healthcare we provide solutions in the domains of medical data exchange and obstetrics.

Lifelong learning starts on the first day at ICT Group

The developments in IT are moving at a rapid pace. As a knowledge company that continuously develops, it is important for us to keep up to date in order to be ready for the future. ICT Group employees are given every opportunity to develop further. We stimulate them in various ways. For example, via the ICT Academy, our own training institute with a wide range of technical training courses, such as machine learning or artificial intelligence. The ICT Academy also provides courses to further develop all kinds of skills, such as professional leadership and critical thinking. In addition to its own ICT Academy, ICT Group works together with external parties to provide training, in-company or otherwise.

Fun at ICT Group

We also believe in having fun. Together!

Young ICT is a community run by young professionals within ICT Group. The goal behind this platform is to bring together colleagues from across the organization. For many colleagues, it is also the way to get to know others. Within the network, colleagues share knowledge, help each other in their personal development, get to know different cultures and, last but not least, have a lot of fun.

Throughout the year, Young ICT organizes all kinds of activities in which technology, innovation, networking and fun are central. These range from lectures, workshops and sporting activities to hackathons.

Besids the fun activities we also try to look out for each other. With the Go for IT campaign ICT Group contributes to stimulating a healthy body and mind, strengthening an inclusive work environment and increasing and sharing (technological) knowledge. There are several initiatives within ICT Group in which colleagues can work individually and collectively on their physical and mental health.



Model-Based Testing: Improved Quality-Assurance with less effort

August 3, 2024

Model-Based Testing (MBT) is a novel testing approach that automates exploratory testing. By automating, this process can be done faster, more systematically, and fully automated, for example during downtime at night. Read more

ICT Group provides embedded software that meets the highest requirements for medical products

July 27, 2024

The quality of ultrasound images for clinical applications is crucial for accurate diagnosis. Solstice developed a device for the preparation of contrast agent with bubbles of constant size. This was the breakthrough the market was waiting for. ICT Group laid the foundation for the embedded software. Read more

Jules Stohr on software control for a new factory

July 20, 2024

In the transition to plant-based proteins, many suppliers to the food industry are working on innovation projects. Sometimes these projects are so large that they lead to the construction of a completely new factory. Jules Stohr and his team have been designing the control of such a new factory in recent years. What was involved and why is the customer so satisfied? Read more

Model-based software development voor automotive

July 13, 2024

Modelleer met Motar uw automotive software zonder dat u over ontwikkelvaardigheden hoeft te beschikken. Ideaal voor bedrijven die sterk zijn in engineering van (off-highway) voertuigen. Lees verder

Mobile App Development: Connecting people, devices & data

June 1, 2024

Mobile apps are essential in today’s society, offering a wide range of functions and services that streamline our daily lives. From communication to entertainment, productivity to healthcare, apps play a crucial role in connecting people and simplifying tasks. Read more

Starlet automatiseert bloedafnameketen met mobileNXT

March 22, 2024

Bloed prikken, we moeten het allemaal wel eens, maar we staan er zelden bij stil hoeveel registratiemomenten er in dat proces zitten en hoe foutgevoelig het is. Zeker als de patiënt slecht ter been is en de prikker daarom bij hem of haar thuis of in het verpleeghuis moet langskomen. Daarom automatiseerde Diagnostisch Centrum Starlet het volledige proces, van planning tot en met de analyse in het lab, met één grote applicatie die aan de voorkant bestaat uit taakgerichte apps voor verschillende medewerkers: planners, prikkers en laboranten. mobileNXT en Topicus vormen het hart van deze applicatie. Lees verder

Boon Edam innoveert business model met conNXT

March 9, 2024

Waar Boon Edam altijd leveranciers is geweest van fysieke producten, met als enige vorm van dienstverlening de garantie, innoveert het bedrijf nu in rap tempo zijn businessmodel. conNXT ligt aan de basis van dit succes. Alle producten die nu de fabriek verlaten worden voorzien van sensoren. Verkopers verkopen nu niet langer alleen een deur of toegangspoortje, maar geven er ook een SLA op af. Klanten kunnen via een gepersonaliseerd dashboard inzicht krijgen in de status van hun producten, maar ook in de bezoekersaantallen en in de aantallen medewerkers op verschillende dagen van de week. Lees verder

Terugkijken: Webinar Building an integration platform in Azure

March 2, 2024

Sharing the gold inside the Fortress. Het vervolg op het webinar building a Fortress in Azure. Nu is de cloud veilig, maar hoe kunnen we de data beschikbaar maken voor integratie en delen met andere partijen. Lees verder en bekijk de video

ICT Group strengthens its position in the public and mobility sector with the acquisition of TriOpSys

February 10, 2024

Founded in 1998, TriOpSys designs, builds, and manages mission-critical software applications and infrastructures for traffic management, weather satellites, monitoring stations, and command and control centers. Read more

Developing embedded software as a mechanical engineer is ideal for me

February 2, 2024

Embedded software developer Dirk van Wijk has been working at Fourtress, part of ICT Group, since May 2023. In his student days, the mechanical engineer was one of the members of Solar Team Eindhoven. It was there that he discovered the combination of hardware and software. ‘For me, it was a foregone conclusion that I wanted to go in that direction.’ Read more

Streamlining medical product development with Renesas Synergy Software

January 20, 2024

For the development of a special medical product, the software developers of ICT Group have used the Renesas Synergy Software Package (SSP) development platform. With this, they have reduced the time-to-market by a factor of 5 and the safety of the product fully meets the extremely high standards of IEC 62304 and ISO 13485. Read more

Growing together with ASML through knowledge sharing

January 6, 2024

ICT Group is aiding ASML with its large-scale software development and maintenance needs. Their partnership extends beyond transactional aspects, encompassing strategic planning and knowledge sharing. Read more

Intensivering samenwerking TU/e en ICT Group

December 2, 2023

ICT Group en het Software Engineering and Technology (SET) cluster van de afdeling Wiskunde en Informatica van de TU Eindhoven gaan intensief samenwerken op het gebied van Functional Safety voor voertuigen. Als onderdeel daarvan hebben Koen Peppelman (Business Unit Manager ICT Electronics) en Johan van Uden (Technisch Consultant ICT Electronics) een Laboratorium-setup overhandigd aan Prof. dr. Mark van den Brand en dr. ir. Ion Barosan (Assistent hoogleraar in het SET cluster). Deze Lab-Setup bestaat uit een geavanceerde TTTech Automotive controller (ECU) met het model-based ontwikkelplatform Motar van ICT Group. Lees verder

Elevate Your OT Efficiency with ContinuOTy

November 10, 2023

Keeping your Operational Technology (OT) assets in top shape is vital. At ContinuOTy, we make it simple. Our platform offers smart solutions to boost your OT reliability and drive informed decisions. Read more

Optimale besturing voor perslucht machines

November 4, 2023

Bij ICT Group hebben we de uitdaging aangepakt om de luchtdruk in machines voor perslucht te beheersen, zodat de productiecontinuïteit gewaarborgd blijft. Onze klant, een fabrikant van persluchtmachines, benaderde ons met deze specifieke behoefte. Met behulp van ons geavanceerde Machine Control Platform hebben we de besturingsoplossing gerealiseerd. Lees verder

Model-based testing with Axini for automated software testing

October 18, 2023

Software in machines, devices, and vehicles is becoming more and more complex. Model-based testing is the ideal method to develop faultless software and avoid costly test processes. With Axini, we offer a platform and consultancy for Model-based testing within a company’s own IT environment. Read more

Intelligently controlling headlight beams

September 2, 2023

Automotive OEM’s are investing a large budget in R&D to develop features in vehicles which will result in safer and/or more cost efficient driving. Using the newest LED technologies on vehicle headlights will enhance the safety of the driver and other road users. Read more

ICT Automotive ontwikkelt eigen ‘Digital Car’

August 12, 2023

ICT Automotive heeft sinds kort een eigen ‘Digital Car’ demonstrator. Een Volkswagen minivan is omgebouwd tot een echte ACES auto voorzien van diverse smart en connected functionaliteiten. Lees verder

Low-Code toepassingen binnen de maakindustrie

August 5, 2023

De maakindustrie staat voor uitdagingen door de snelle technologische vooruitgang en de toenemende vraag naar operational excellence. Klanten worden steeds veeleisender. Zij verwachten kortere doorlooptijden en optimale kwaliteit. Bovendien moeten bedrijven voldoen aan strikte wet- en regelgeving en omgaan met toenemende personeelstekorten. Lees verder

Nieuwe revolutionaire mijlpaal InMotion

July 15, 2023

Elektrisch opladen in een handomdraai: het is de droom van elke e-rijder. Studententeam InMotion van de TU Eindhoven hebben het geflikt. Met een nieuw accupakket en dankzij een revolutionair zelfontworpen koelsysteem zijn ze in staat om hun elektrische raceauto op te laden binnen 4 minuten! Lees verder

Industry 5.0 is al begonnen!

June 17, 2023

Wat 5.0 toevoegt aan 4.0 is de focus op de mens en zijn omgeving. 4.0 richt zich primair op connectiviteit, kunstmatige intelligentie en machine learning: volledig geautomatiseerde processen die zelf intelligente beslissingen nemen op basis van data die ze zelf verzamelen. Daarmee kunnen ‘ze’ bijvoorbeeld de kwaliteit van producten verhogen en de downtime van assets verlagen. Industry 5.0 kijkt naar de wereld waarin dit zich afspeelt. Een gemixte omgeving waarin de fysieke wereld en digitale wereld met elkaar versmelten. De wereld die je waarneemt en actief ervaart wanneer je een VR-bril opzet. Lees verder

High Tech Digital Twin

April 22, 2023

A Digital Twin (DT) is a dynamic digital representation of a product, process or person, which analyzes existing business systems using real-world data. It bridges the gap between model and reality, bringing together sensors enabled via IoT technology, connectivity networks and data analytics. Read more

Software defined vehicles enabled by ACES

April 7, 2023

The automotive industry is in the midst of the largest transformation ever experienced by this market. This is mainly driven by the trend that vehicles are becoming Autonomous, Connected, Electric and Shared (ACES). Software is driving most of the key breakthroughs in ACES and thus is becoming progressively more important as it increasingly determines the value of a car. Read more

High Tech Centre of Excellence

March 31, 2023

The Centre of Excellence is the place where experts of the ICT Group High Tech Unit experiment and test the use of new technologies. We do this by executing real-life use-cases in simulated environments. Read more

ICT Group en InMotion verlengen partnership voor drie jaar

March 9, 2023

ICT Group en InMotion hebben een langdurige verlenging van hun partnership aangekondigd. Zij gaan voor drie jaar samenwerken in de nieuwste technologische ontwikkelingen. InMotion is een team van studenten van de TU Eindhoven en Fontys Hogescholen dat zich richt op een elektrische raceauto met een focus op het accelereren van de energie transitie in de Automotive industrie. Momenteel is InMotion bezig met het reduceren van de laadduur. Lees verder

A more accessible city? Get insights from mobility data with Multimodal Analytics

February 24, 2023

Municipalities and provinces generate a lot of data with their infrastructure. This data can be used to make and test policy, and make adjustments if necessary. But how do you convert this raw data into management information? To channel this complexity, InTraffic developed the Multimodal Analytics (M2A) approach. M2A is a mobility analytics platform with an associated design thinking approach to address mobility issues in an integrated and data-driven way. Read more

Industrial digital transformation for a smart, sustainable world

February 17, 2023

The rise of Industry 4.0 changes the world around us significantly. Data plays an important role in the industrial digital transformation we are going through. Thanks to the insights we generate with data, our clients can optimise their assets and production, make maintenance predictable, and reduce energy consumption and waste. Read more

GRE from diesel to electric within five months thanks to Motar

February 3, 2023

We chose Motar because it allows fast development and offers a lot of flexibility. ICT Group has already helped numerous companies in the controller field and they have a large team of experienced and professional specialists. Read more

Physical Twin. Complex assets off-site intensive testing

December 8, 2022

Many assets can only stay out of service for a short time in order to avoid jeopardising operations. Think of a machine for processing food that has a limited shelf life, or a bridge or tunnel. In those situations, extensive on-site test procedures along with the related downtime are not an option. We use Physical Twin to fully rebuild an asset to scale and integrate the control system with the electrical system. This allows us to intensively test various scenarios off-site, detect any errors in a timely manner and minimise disruption. Read more

Defender for IoT perfecte oplossing voor security industriële assets

October 1, 2022

Jeffrey Chirino en Mahdi Abdulrazak, global SOC Lead en CISO bij SHV Energy, hebben een drie maanden durende Proof of Concept gedaan met Defender for IoT. Wat zijn hun ervaringen en welke aanbevelingen hebben zij om Defender succesvol te implementeren binnen een OT-omgeving? De ICT Group unit Industrial Cyber Security implementeert zelf ook Defender for IoT en deelt graag deze ervaring. Lees verder

ICT Group support Maastro with professionalisation effort

July 15, 2022

Maastro is a nationally and internationally renowned radiotherapy centre that often develops their own software. ICT Group helped Maastro to standardise software documentation in accordance with the MDR. Read more

ICT Group benoemt Karim Henkens als CEO

June 16, 2022

Per 1 september is Karim Henkens benoemd als CEO van ICT Group B.V. Hij volgt hiermee Jos Blejie op die per 1 juli, in verband met pensionering, terugtreedt. Jos Blejie is in 2013 gestart als CEO bij ICT Group en onder zijn leiding heeft de onderneming een sterke groei doorgemaakt, zowel organisch als door overnames in binnen- en buitenland. Lees verder

Industry 4.0 verbetert de positie van Nederland distributieland

May 7, 2022

Nederland is door zijn ligging aan zee een heel belangrijk logistiek knooppunt in Europa. Om die leidende positie te behouden, zal de logistieke sector in ons land zijn efficiency verder moeten verhogen en CO2-uitstoot beperken. Industry 4.0 kan daar een belangrijke bijdrage aan leveren. Lees verder

De impact van COVID-19 op de machinebouw

April 30, 2022

Toen COVID-19 zich over de wereld verspreidde, stelde de mogelijkheid om realtime-informatie binnen handbereik te hebben teams in staat om met dezelfde snelheid, zo niet sneller, door te werken. De verwachting is dat bedrijven de komende jaren zullen gaan nadenken over het herstel van hun activiteiten en het opbouwen van de nodige slagkracht om ook toekomstige crises het hoofd te bieden. Lees verder

HoloNXT sophisticated 2D/3D visualisation

April 5, 2022

The HoloNXT platform was designed by ICT Group to connect data online with the physical world. The result is a mixed reality environment with infinite possibilities, including a digital twin. Read more

ICT Group announces the acquisition of 100% of the shares of Fourtress

February 24, 2022

ICT Group B.V. (ICT) announces the acquisition of 100% of the shares of Fourtress B.V. (hereafter called ‘Fourtress’). Fourtress is a well-respected technical automation services provider based in Eindhoven. The company currently employs around 42 employees on HBO / academic level. Read more

Jorg Wissink (ICT Netherlands): ‘Compliancy en security worden de komende jaren nóg belangrijker’

February 10, 2022

Als leverancier van oplossingen voor industriële technologie heeft ICT Netherlands (onderdeel van ICT Group) een breed aandachtsveld. De experts die er werken ontwikkelen en onderhouden soft- en firmware voor verschillende markten: van automotive tot logistiek en van de machinebouw tot de zorg. “We leveren veel maatwerk. Soms zitten we dicht op de hardware, dan weer op cloud-gebaseerde oplossingen als dashboarding”, schetst senior business consultant Jorg Wissink. Lees verder

Software quality will be key in the car of the future

February 4, 2022

Cars are slowly turning into computers on wheels, and a car’s quality is determined more and more by its software quality. Each new generation of cars has more features on board than the last, and they depend on each other more heavily. The shift towards fully self-driving cars also increases the software complexity. What does this mean for the software development process and the required quality of the developed software? Ream more

Centre of Excellence – Digital Twin technology

September 4, 2021

Smart, reliable software solutions are a prerequisite for continued excellence. Crucial to reducing the time-to-market and staying ahead of the competition. To deliver exactly the agreed quantities that meet all set standards and defined (quality) criteria. ICT presents the Centre of Excellence where all knowledge and experience gained from previous projects for high-tech players is concentrated. In addition, we test new technologies in our field lab on the basis of real cases in a conditioned environment. This research does not disrupt your processes and is objective and independent. We are happy to help you: from exploration and concept development to delivery and maintenance.

In this video our colleague Julien Schmaltz explains our expertise within the Centre of Excellence. Next to that, he goes in-depth on the digital twin technology.

Industry 4.0 benchmark rapport

July 31, 2021

Wat speelt er binnen de Nederlandse industrie en zijn Nederlandse bedrijven klaar voor de volgende stap?

In dit rapport leest u o.a. meer over:

  • Integratie van IT & OT
  • Optimale assetmanagement
  • Impact van Industry 4.0


Hypermodern e-fulfilment center Kruidvat betekent forse uitbreiding van WMS

July 9, 2021

A.S. Watson, moederbedrijf van onder andere Kruidvat en Trekpleister, heeft onlangs de capaciteit van het e-commerce DC in Ede verdubbeld door niet alleen het vloeroppervlak uit te breiden met tussenverdiepingen, maar processen ook vergaand te mechaniseren en automatiseren. Lees verder [Bron: hightechsoftwarecluster.nl]

New role for software in the ACES vehicle

May 7, 2021

The automotive industry is in the midst of the largest transformation ever experienced by this market. This is mainly driven by the trend that vehicles are becoming Autonomous, Connected, Electric and Shared (ACES). Software is driving most of the key breakthroughs in ACES and thus is becoming progressively more important as it increasingly determines the value of a car. Success is no longer determined by the design and the driving style, but also by the time-to-market of new functionalities and by launch excellence of new software-driven features. Read more

Opname webinar: Virtual, Augmented & Mixed Reality

April 30, 2021

Bekijk hier de opname van het webinar Virtual, Augmented & Mixed Reality. Wat zijn de ontwikkelingen en welke mogelijkheden biedt het voor uw bedrijfsprocessen?

Faster and better testing with Model-Based Testing, however be careful when you select your test cases

April 23, 2021

Around the year 2010 Model-Based Testing (MBT) was at the top of the hype cycle. It was seen as a must-have. The method could be implemented with relative ease and required only limited investment. Then a range of disillusions followed. It turned out to be more complex than anticipated and the costs often outweighed the benefits. This was the reason for most organisations to stop using MBT. Which is a shame, as experience proves that MBT can definitely contribute to productivity when used in the right situations. What are these situations? And what are important factors to take into account when you are considering applying MBT? Read more

Cyber security in IT & OT

April 17, 2021

Op dinsdag 30 maart jl. organiseerden wij een webinar over cyber security in IT & OT. Hierin deelden Christiaan Woldendorp (ICT Group), Henk van Ee (Saxion Hogeschool), Onno Wierbos (NS) en Martijn Kooij (Raster Industrial Automation) hun kennis en ervaring aan de hand van een aantal praktijkvoorbeelden. Bekijk de video

Ziekenhuis Rijnstate monitort zwangere vrouwen met een medische indicatie vanuit huis

March 26, 2021

Tijdens de pandemie besloot ICT Healthcare & Technology Solutions (HCTS) een helpende hand te bieden door zonder kosten een aantal Sense4Baby telemonitoring units beschikbaar te stellen aan ziekenhuizen in binnen- en buitenland. Rijnstate maakte gebruik van dit aanbod. Inmiddels biedt zij deze dienst permanent aan voor vrouwen met hoog risico zwangerschappen. Lees verder

The fully software-defined car is coming

March 13, 2021

The automotive industry is in the midst of perhaps its greatest transformation ever driven by four disruptive technologies: autonomous driving, connectivity, electrification and shared mobility. Software, playing an increasingly important role in the ever smarter vehicle, will largely determine the value of the car. Read more

Data driven factory – De kracht van data voor uw fabriek!

February 13, 2021

ICT Group organiseert ieder jaar het Smart Industry event. Dit succesvolle evenement geeft aanwezigen de gelegenheid up-to-date te blijven van nieuwe ontwikkelingen & technologieën binnen Smart Industry. Wij volgen de richtlijnen van het RIVM met betrekking tot het coronavirus. Om deze reden werd er dit jaar geen fysiek Smart Industry event georganiseerd, maar gingen we online! Lees verder en bekijk de video

Adding new functionalities to an existing vehicle

February 3, 2021

Conmeq designs electric mini-loaders from scratch. Thanks to ICT’s Motar platform, the software could be developed considerably faster. Now it is time for the next step. Read more

Besturingssoftware voor tunneltechnische installaties

January 26, 2021

De lokale besturing die ICT Group heeft ontwikkeld, is straks verantwoordelijk voor de aansturing van een groot deel van de installaties in en rondom de tunnel. Denk aan installaties als de ventilatoren, vluchtdeuren, brandblusvoorzieningen, de waterafvoer, enz. Lees verder

ICT Group enters into partnership with TTTech Auto

December 17, 2020

ICT Group, developer of the model-based development tool Motar, is entering into a partnership with TTTech Auto. TTTech Auto provides solutions for the challenges of future vehicle generations. The company specializes in safe software for automated driving and beyond. Read more

Meerwaarde van data zit in de voorbereiding

December 11, 2020

Digitalisering, big data … het klinkt veelbelovend, maar hoe haal je als bedrijf meer informatie uit de groeiende hoeveelheid data en toenemend aantal software mogelijkheden? Daarover gaan Jaco Bruinaars en Almando Coutinho, respectievelijk financieel directeur en business unit manager Data Intelligence bij ICT in gesprek met FM.NL Financieel Management, een uitgave van Alex van Groningen BV. Lees verder

Robotizing the agricultural sector

October 14, 2020

It has often been said that robots will take over a lot of work in the agricultural sector. The developments regarding COVID-19 cause a breakthrough. Read more

Remote Monitoring & Predictive Maintenance voor de agrarische sector

October 2, 2020

Steeds meer boerderijen over de hele wereld worden geautomatiseerd. De agrarische sector, die voornamelijk draait op basis van werk door machines, zorgt voor een toenemende vraag naar slimme IoT-oplossingen. Deze oplossingen verhogen de productiviteit en optimaliseren het gebruik van middelen. Lees verder

Contributing to ground-breaking research into tiny particles

September 5, 2020

The control software for one of the installations of the shared nanolab of TNO and Delft Technical University was seriously outdated. In addition to taking care of a system upgrade, Raster also added new functionalities. The researchers are happy with the result: the upgrade makes their job easier and improves their work. Read more

Smartlink ensures actual availability of data and reliability in production processes

August 22, 2020

Everywhere across the world compressors are used by factories, power plants and hospitals. Gas, compressed or ultraclean medical grade air from sea container-sized compressors are crucial to the (business) processes of these organisations. IoT and the latest cloud solutions are used to ensure actual and reliable data. Wherever and whenever you need it. Read more

Groene energieopslag in back-up batterijen van telefooncentrales

July 30, 2020

KPN is in samenwerking met diverse bedrijven in de energiesector begonnen met een onderzoek naar hoe de honderden back-up batterijen in telefooncentrales ingezet kunnen worden bij een tekort of overschot van groene energie. Lees verder [Bron: duurzaamnieuws]

Recording webinar | model driven engineering: efficiently developing software in a complex environment, where are we now?

July 18, 2020

On June 25 and 30 ICT Group presented the webinar sessions ‘Supporting growth in challenging times: model-based approaches for efficient software development and managed complexity’. The first session was about ‘Model-Driven Engineering: efficiently developing software in a complex environment, where are we now?’. Watch the video

Oasen en OrangeNXT: Samenwerken aan zelfsturende drinkwaterinfrastructuur

July 4, 2020

Drinkwaterbedrijf Oasen, Microsoft en OrangeNXT werken samen aan een slimme datagedreven drinkwaterinfrastructuur waarbij gebruik wordt gemaakt van het Internet of Things. Dat OrangeNXT de nieuwe technologie bij Oasen zou realiseren was eigenlijk niet meer dan logisch. De partners zagen elkaar geregeld bij Microsoft en toen er een Digital Twin (digitale representatie) van het drinkwaterleidingnetwerk van Oasen moest komen, was de samenwerking snel beklonken. Lees verder

What is the difference between Model Based Testing and Model Driven Engineering?

June 26, 2020

The complexity of software intensive systems is ever increasing. Model Driven Design technologies and code generation have the potential to manage complexity and increase software development efficiency. Model Driven Engineering (MDE) and Model Based Testing (MBT) are methods to design software faster, cheaper and more efficiently. Read more

Machine Vision is not plug & play

June 10, 2020

Automatic quality inspection with Machine Vision reduces the cost incurred by production companies while improving quality. Fred Grootentraast, LabVIEW-specialist at ICT Group, explains how to implement Machine Vision effectively. Lees verder

ICT Group zet data science en AI kennis in voor maatschappelijke vraagstukken

May 8, 2020

Met een passie voor data science en artificial intelligence (AI) hebben een aantal Eindhovense data-bedrijven de handen ineen geslagen om hun kennis en kunde in te zetten voor goede doelen. Het nieuwe partnership, ‘Data & Purpose’, focust op het helpen van organisaties die zich, op non-profit basis, richten op maatschappelijke vraagstukken. Lees verder

New smart camera vision platform

May 1, 2020

‘A standard market camera, the right housing, and your own platform will get you a long way. But if you take it a step further, you start to see that things don’t seem to fit. It’s too big, too complex, or requires too many products, which ultimately drives up the price, especially when you’re working with large quantities. In other words: the technical know-how is there, but it’s not cost-effective. That’s where we come in.’ Read more

ICT Group wint contract ProRail voor configuratiemonitoring

February 11, 2020

ICT Group heeft het contract van ProRail gewonnen voor de bouw en aansluitend het beheer van een systeem voor ConfiguratieMonitoring (CoMo). Met dit systeem wordt de technische staat van publicatiemiddelen op de stations, zoals de dynamische informatieborden en omroepinstallaties, op afstand gemonitord. Lees verder

Making something out of nothing: Vekoma makes experience tangible

February 4, 2020

Each year millions of people visit one of the amusement parks found throughout the world. These parks are a place where adults feel like young kids and where children push their boundaries. For an unforgettable day with the entire family or to stimulate the senses with G-forces. Whatever the ultimate ride may have been, there is a good chance it happened in the Netherlands. To be more precise, at Vekoma in Vlodrop in the Limburg region. And ICT Group has been contributing to the fun since 2017. Read more

From Supply-Driven To Demand Driven Production Of Doors

January 23, 2020

For years Reinaerdt Deuren based its production on make-to-stock. The sizes of batches became smaller and smaller as the number of different designs increased. This was the reason for the company to take the strategic decision to change its production method into make-to-order with a batch size of only one item. ICT Group ensured that the new production line communicates seamlessly with the ERP system and that Reinaerdt Deuren is ready for future challenges. Read more

De wereld slimmer maken

January 13, 2020

ICT Group is een vooraanstaande technologie- en servicesprovider met een notering op de Amsterdam Exchange. Het bedrijf maakt sinds 2014 een forse groei door. CEO Jos Blejie vertelt over acquisities, succesvolle software en innovatie. Lees verder