
Innovation Industries

The largest Dutch deeptech fund

The fundamental problems society faces tomorrow require transformational solutions. Deeptech has the power to play a crucial role to fundamentally reshape the economic and societal landscape at unprecedented speed. Innovation Industries’ mission is to enable deeptech to positively impact the future.

With our vision on ambitious transformational businesses that address large markets we help build the industry leaders of the futureOur multidisciplinary team provides hands-on support, offers vast industry experiencea strong M&A and IPO track record and an extensive network of experts, universities and corporates.

We provide financing and hands-on guidance to technology ventures that have a high potential for positive impact on society. Hereby, we seek to optimize long-term returns for our investors, always in a manner that is both prudent and responsible.


We target companies that develop commercially promising products and technologies in the area of deeptech. Areas we typically invest in are nano- and microtechnologies, semiconductors and integrated photonics, clean technology, food and agrotechnology, and medical technology. Innovation Industries has a broad investment mandate and invests in start-ups, scale-ups and growth capital. We believe in supporting companies long term, focusing on value creation.


Fund size: EUR 275 M

Major investors: the Dutch pension funds PME and PMT

Focus: transformational deeptech businesses

Stage: pre-seed, seed, early stage

Team: 15 cross-cultural investment managers (engineers, PhD’s, VC’s, PE’s, entrepreneurs)


  • Technical universities (4TU)
  • TNO
  • University medical centres
  • Tech accelerators
  • Industry players

Investment range: Typical investments per portfolio company range from € 1 million to € 30 million euro in multiple investment rounds



Nearfield Instruments is well on its way to become a large, global player in the semiconductor industry

July 20, 2024

We are excited to announce that our portfolio company Nearfield Instruments has successfully closed a €135 million Series-C funding round; the 2nd largest capital raise in the semicon fab equipment market in the EU/US in the past 5 years! Read more

We were the first investor in Nearfield Instruments together with Samsung

July 4, 2024

We were the first investor in Nearfield Instruments together with Samsung, and the company is now well on its way to become a large & global player in the semiconductor industry. Nearfield delivers breakthrough metrology solutions that can measure 3D nanostructures during microchip manufacturing. This technology works non-destructively, and is key to improve yield in the manufacturing process of semiconductor chips. Read more

Axelera AI raised Europe’s largest Series B financing round in the fabless semiconductor industry, at $68 million

June 29, 2024

It is Axelera AI’s ambition to become the European NVIDIA. With a $100M business pipeline and strong customer demand, its innovative approach to AI chips is increasingly being validated. Read more

Harm de Vries haalt 500 miljoen op voor investeringen in deeptech: ‘Er is nog veel meer geld nodig’

June 1, 2024

Deeptech-investeerder Innovation Industries heeft maar liefst 500 miljoen opgehaald voor zijn derde fonds, dat zich richt op deeptech-startups en -scaleups in de Benelux en Duitsland. ‘We houden ervan om unieke technologie vroeg bij de hoorns te vatten.’ Lees verder: Lees verder [Bron: mtsprout.nl]

With great pride, we announce the closing of our third Innovation Industries fund at €500M!

May 18, 2024

With this fund, we aim to finance 15-20 deep tech companies in Western Europe. Our goal is to actively contribute to the European deeptech ecosystem, ensuring a harmonious balance between impact and returns. We extend an invitation to all entrepreneurs, companies, financiers, and knowledge institutions engaged in deeptech to collaborate with us in supporting exceptional ventures together. Read more

Innovation Industries is ranked no 1 in the first edition of the Sustainable Development 400 (SD400) for the category ‘Private Equity and Development Funds’

April 20, 2024

The SD400 has been published this year for the first time by MT/Sprout. The research was conducted by Dr. Niels van der Weerdt and Prof. Dr. Henk Volberda of the Amsterdam Centre for Business Innovation (University of Amsterdam). The rankings were compiled based on the responses of 1,553 verified respondents. Together, they provided 3,145 evaluations for 1,628 companies and institutions. Read more

A €100 million fund dedicated to supporting deeptech scale-up companies

March 22, 2024

We are pleased to announce that we’ve successfully raised a €100 million fund dedicated to supporting deeptech scale-up companies! This fund comes in addition to our third deeptech venture capital fund, which is on track to close at €500 million before this summer. Read more [Picture source: Innovation Industries on linkedin.com]

Als start-up doorgroeien vergt miljoenen, het kip-of-eiprobleem met de financiering van scale-ups

March 15, 2024

Genoeg investeerders zijn bereid om geld op tafel te leggen als je ze kunt overtuigen van een goed idee en je businessplan. Als zo’n geinige start-up begint te groeien, zijn er echter heel veel meer investeringen nodig. Want de stap van start-up naar scale-up kost tientallen miljoenen. In het Nederlandse investeringslandschap zit daar een flink gat dat niet eenvoudig te dichten is. Slecht voor de bv Nederland want, zoals Harm de Vries van Innovation Industries het verwoordt: ‘Het heeft weinig zin om de boot tot halverwege te brengen. Hij moet naar de overkant, anders is het weggegooid geld.’ Lees verder [Bron: linkmagazine.nl

Our portfolio company Protealis secured an oversubscribed Series B funding round of €22M!

January 27, 2024

Protealis stands at the forefront of innovation, developing cutting-edge seed solutions for European farmers to address the growing demand for sustainable plant-based proteins. Read more [Picture source: Innovation Industries on LinkedIn.com]

Leadership in sleep diagnostic and monitoring technology

January 20, 2024

Thrilled to announce Onera Health’s impressive achievement – Securing a substantial €30M in Series C financing to bolster its leadership in sleep diagnostic and monitoring technology. Read more [Picture Source: Innovation Industries on linkedin.com]

Long-term value creation through deep tech

December 9, 2023

We invest in emerging technologies that we believe have growth potential, create economic value and deliver societal benefits. We can invest up to €50 million per company over multiple funding rounds. We invest in all stages, from early to growth, to create great future companies. For early stage investments we can start at €2M tickets. Our geographic focus is Europe. Read more

Deep Tech has quietly become mainstream

November 25, 2023

Exciting insights from The Boston Consulting Group: Deep Tech has quietly become mainstream, offering returns that stand toe-to-toe with the best in venture investments. Read more

Microsure secured €38 million to advance its revolutionary microsurgical robot

October 7, 2023

Our portfolio company Microsure secured €38 million to advance its revolutionary microsurgical robot, MUSA-3. Together with Brabantse Ontwikkelings Maatschappij (BOM), TCIM, Eindhoven University of Technology and Venturing Tech we welcome on board the European Innovation Council Fund (EICF), kineo finance and Invest-NL. Read more

Additional funding for Nearfield Instruments

September 19, 2023

The additional funding will enable Nearfield Instruments to accelerate production of their fault-detection solutions. We have been an investor in Nearfield Instruments since its first financing round in 2017, and are excited to support the company in the future. Read more

Goed gevuld fonds Innovation Industries stimuleert deeptech in Oost-Nederland

June 2, 2023

Het Nederlandse deeptech-fonds Innovation Industries heeft begin dit jaar al 200 miljoen euro opgehaald voor hun derde fonds om te investeren in jonge deeptech-bedrijven. De streefgrootte van het fonds is 300 miljoen euro. Eén van de fondsen die hieraan bij heeft gedragen, is Perspectieffonds Gelderland (PFG.) Het is de eerste fonds-in-fondsinvestering van PFG. Harm de Vries van Innovation Industries en Freek Welling, fondsmanager bij PFG, vertellen over de samenwerking, die verder gaat dan samen investeren. Lees verder [Bron: oostnl.nl]

Axelera AI Raises $50M to Democratize Edge AI

May 25, 2023

Axelera AI, the provider of world’s most powerful and advanced solutions for AI at the Edge, announces new investors who have joined their oversubscribed Series A round, bringing the total amount raised to $50 million. In the last several months, CDP Venture Capital, Verve Ventures and Fractionelera have joined the round. The latter consortium of investors was created specifically to fund Axelera AI. Innovation Industries increased its investment in the company becoming the largest investor. Despite the challenging fundraising environment, this underscores the company’s potential and market traction. Read more [Source: axelera.ai]

EFFECT Photonics Secures $40 Million in Additional Funding

March 4, 2023

EFFECT Photonics, a leading developer of highly integrated optical solutions, has secured an additional $40 million in funding from a group of investors led by Invest-NL  and Innovation Industries, along with other existing investors. Read more [Source: effectphotonics.com]

Innovation Industries Start Derde Investeringsfonds Gericht Op Snelgroeiende Technologiebedrijven

February 10, 2023

Met Impact Het nieuwe fonds gaat op zoek naar ongeveer 15 deeptech bedrijven die moeten uitgroeien tot internationale winnaars in hun sectoren. Zogeheten deeptech startups richten zich op het toepassen van geavanceerde technologieën om complexe, maatschappelijke knelpunten op te lossen op het gebied van gezondheidszorg, landbouw, energie en productie. Lees verder

Building a world-class Dutch start-up ecosystem

November 26, 2022

A strategy to both increase the number of start-ups and facilitate their ability to scale can elevate the Netherlands to a global leader in the world of entrepreneurship ecosystems. Read more [Source: mckinsey.com]

Groundbreaking AI computational power

October 29, 2022

Axelera AI is a designer of world’s most efficient and advanced solutions for AI at the edge. The closing of this investment round comes just a few months after the announcement of the Thetis Core testbench chip, which achieved groundbreaking AI computational power. The funding will support the launch and mass production of Axelera AI’s first-generation AI accelerated platform, as well as expansion to the United States and Taiwan. Read more

Phosphoenix is making blind people see

September 24, 2022

We gladly announce our third investment via the Thematic Technology Transfer Medtech fund, in a joint financing round with the FIRST fund managed by BGV (BioGeneration Ventures) and Innovatiefonds Noord-Holland. The new funding will support Phosphoenix (www.phosphoenix.nl), a medical technology spin-off from the Nederlands Herseninstituut. Read more

PHIX is ready for the next phase of growth through additional investments and expansion of facilities

August 12, 2022

To continue to support our customers, PHIX is proud to have secured €3 million in new capital for the short term and €20 million for the long term from the National Growth Fund. In addition, PHIX will occupy a new building to support further industrialization and scaling of photonic chip packaging in large volumes. Read more [Source: phix.com]

Seed investment in Cellcius

June 25, 2022

We’re excited to announce our seed investment in Cellcius! Their heat battery technology makes it possible to store energy in the form of heat and then use it independently of time and place. All of this in a safe , reliable way – using the most common basic raw materials on earth: salt and water. Read more: Read more

Pharrowtech raises €15 million in series a funding to develop world’s first viable wireless alternative for optical fiber

May 14, 2022

Pharrowtech, a leader in the design and development of millimeter wave (mmWave) hardware and software for next-generation wireless applications, today announces the closure of its €15 million Series A funding round to continue developing next-generation 60 GHz wireless RF transceivers and antenna technology. This investment round was led by Innovation Industries, a highly reputed deep tech investor based in the Netherlands, and joined by Seed Round investors imec.xpand, Bloc Ventures, and KBC Focus Fund. Read more [Source: pharrowtech.com]

What makes Deep Tech VC different?

March 31, 2022

The Innovation Industries VC fund invests in deep tech companies with ground-breaking technologies that can address the fundamental challenges of our time. We get a lot of questions around the term deep tech, such as: what makes deep tech investing different? And why does it represent one of the best opportunities for LPs to achieve outsized returns? Read more

57 Best The Netherlands Semiconductor Startups – Impacting The Electronics Industry

March 5, 2022

We are pleased to find many of our portfolio companies to be listed among ‘The Startup Pill’ Best Semiconductor Startups in The Netherlands. Congratulations Aito, Nearfield Instruments B.V., EFFECT Photonics, Axelera AI, Axign BV, Solmates and SMART Photonics.
As Innovation Industries, we help lay the foundations of the Benelux semiconductor ecosystem as a leading Venture Capital investor. Over the past decades, our team has built a portfolio of successful ‘cornerstone’ semiconductor / photonics companies, that will shape the future of European chip production. Read more [Source: startupill.com]