
KUK Wijdeven

Think of coil technology, quality & customer specific and you think Wijdeven. At Wijdeven, this craft has been passed on from generation to generation since 1939. Over the years, Wijdeven has expanded to become market leader in The Netherlands in the transformer and low-voltage coil sectors. As a result of their customers’ technological developments, power supplies and electromagnetic assemblies have now also been added to the product range.

A total of around 50 employees work in the ISO9001-2015 certified branches in Oirschot (NB) and Ter Apel (GR) and around 60 employees in their production facilities in Eastern Europe and Asia.

Wijdeven focuses on knowledge and innovation and has, partly for this reason, an excellent reputation and market position, both nationally and internationally. Customers are particularly in sectors such as climate control, power electronics, semiconductor, machine & equipment, healthcare, transport & traffic.

You can call upon their specialists throughout the entire project, from the initial design sketches to the supply of the series. On the basis of their extensive experience, Wijdeven will work with you and provide advice in order to create a technically and economically optimum product.


Wijdeven is a company that focuses on results, growth and continuity. Knowledge and ability, however, must go hand-in-hand with sustainable business and enjoying one’s work. Within the commercial sphere of inductive technology, Wijdeven would like to be regarded as a professional supplier of products and systems. Wijdeven supports their customer over the complete life-cycle of the products.

Core values

• Mutual trust and respect
• Improvement-oriented
• An agreement is an agreement
• Taking responsibility
• Honesty and reliability
• Team spirit

Transformers & Coils | Power Supplies


When is a micro coil really micro?

March 1, 2025

As an air core coil as well as directly wound on magnetic cores or the coil former required for your application.

Scale: metric (1 = 10 mm) [Picture source: KUK Coils on linkedin.com]

Insulation layer on magnet wires: A common stumbling block for engineers

December 14, 2024

In coil production, the insulation of the wire has an influence on a wide variety of product properties such as application range, service life, costs or coil design. Wire insulation also has an effect on various factors during coil manufacturing, such as scrap or further processing. This article summarises the essential facts about wire insulation – and its effect on coil design – for engineers. Read more

Wire does not always have to be round

November 30, 2024

Flat wire is becoming more and more popular for inductive components, as so-called edgewise windings allow for higher filling ratios. [Picture source: KUK Coils on linkedin.com]

Are you looking for a coil that you can’t find in any standard range?

November 2, 2024

KUK will manufacture your inductive components exactly as requested. To do so, we need to know these specifications from you, among others:

* Installation space
* Electrical values
* Material wire, coil former, tape, magnetic core etc.

Once the initial situation has been clarified, we will work together with you to determine what is feasible. [Picture source: KUK Coils on linkedin.com]

Coil development for and with the customer

October 26, 2024

Coil development is an important process that requires careful planning to achieve the desired performance and reliability. During the feasibility phase, experienced coil manufacturers understand the challenges that may arise. The cooperation with a customer-specific coil manufacturer during the feasibility phase and for sampling is of great importance. Read more

KUK manufactures the smallest sensor coils available in all quantities

October 12, 2024

Are you developing high-end medical applications for electrophysiological treatments or diagnostic applications? KUK manufactures the smallest sensor coils available in all quantities. 100% customer-specific.

* As air core coil or with windings directly on magnetic cores
* Wires down to 0.010 mm / AWG 58
* Minimum (outer!) diameters from 0.3 mm

[Picture source: KUK Coils on linkedin.com]

Edgewise Coils 

September 13, 2024

Als engineer ben je altijd op zoek naar manieren om je ontwerpen efficiënter en compacter te maken. Edgewise Coils kunnen een oplossing bieden.
Laten we denken in mogelijkheden!

Tired of the constant headache of discontinued electronic parts?

August 31, 2024

Imagine the disruption and added costs when a critical component suddenly vanishes from your supply chain. That’s where KUK’s custom coils and chokes come in! We manufacture them in all series sizes, meeting your unique current and inductance requirements. [Picture source: KUK Coils on linkedin.com]

When it comes to high-quality applications, nothing surpasses the effectiveness of specially crafted coils

August 17, 2024

Customized coils guarantee peak performance and productivity, establishing them as essential components for superior applications. These tailor-made coils are meticulously engineered to fulfill the precise requirements of the application, ensuring smooth assimilation and dependable functionality. [Picture source: KUK Coils on linkedin.com]

What are important issues when you want to quickly scale the quantities of coils requested?

July 20, 2024

Scaling the quantities of coils requested can be a complex process that involves several important issues to consider. Some of the critical issues to consider when you want to quickly scale the quantities of coils requested are .. Read more [Picture source: KUK Coils on linkedin.com]

What material can coils be wound from?

December 2, 2023

In coil production, the wire used plays a central role. While copper is undoubtedly the most commonly used conductor material, especially for customer-specific coil projects, it is also worthwhile to test alternative coil wire, depending on the application. Read more

Metric vs. imperial: A look at AWG and mm in coil engineering

September 16, 2023

Both the AWG and metric system (mm) are used in coil design. The choice between them depends on the application, regional and personal preferences of the engineer. Both scales have advantages and disadvantages, and it’s important to be familiar with both and convert between them as needed. Read more

Much more than winding goods – these technologies KUK masters as well

September 2, 2023

Just winding coils is usually not enough, further production steps are necessary until an equipment manufacturer obtains a functional component. KUK Group offers the entire package from coil production to the assembly of a complete motor from a single source. High flexibility and fast turnaround times are the biggest advantages for the customer. Read more

Microspoelen: perfect voor medtech- en sensortoepassingen!

August 26, 2023

De afmetingen van microspoelen zijn vaak moeilijk te bevatten. Hier zie je een vergelijking met een vingertop. Dit zijn enkele honderden windingen met een ultradunne draad. Dit zijn echt nog niet de kleinste spoeltjes!

Automatisering op maat voor klantspecifieke spoelenproductie

August 11, 2023

Bij de KUK Group worden klantspecifieke spoelen en elektronische assemblages grotendeels geproduceerd op in-house ontwikkelde geautomatiseerde systemen. Dit betekent dat wij u een zeer aantrekkelijk spoelen-productieproces kunnen aanbieden op het gebied van kwaliteit en prijs, afgestemd op uw volume en technische specificaties. Lees verder

Ruimtegebrek, maar toch een hoge stroomdichtheid nodig?

July 13, 2023

Onze engineer Yuri Willink heeft een goede tip voor u: orthocyclische spoelen!
Bekijk de video

Edgewise wikkelen – nu ook mét kern

May 27, 2023

Bij het edgewise wikkelen wordt de wikkeling van de spoel loodrecht op de as van de spoel gewikkeld, in tegenstelling tot de meer traditionele axiale wikkelmethode waarbij de wikkeling parallel aan de as wordt geplaatst. Het kiezen voor een edgewise spoel hangt af van de specifieke vereisten en behoeften van de toepassing.

The smallest wound coil in the world

May 20, 2023

The smallest wound coil in the world has an outer diameter of 0.3 mm and this with several 100 turns!

Zelfbindende spoelen van KUK

April 29, 2023

“De door jullie verzonden spoelen … waren zeer indrukwekkend qua kwaliteit. Als onze [andere] leveranciers slechts 50% van de door u geboden kwaliteit zouden leveren, zou mijn leven wat gemakkelijker zijn. Wij beschouwen uw spoelen hier als ‘standaard’ – moeilijk te overtreffen!” Lees verder

This is why modular sourcing with your coil manufacturer makes sense

June 4, 2022

When purchasing electronic components, you can purchase individual parts from separate suppliers. Another variant is so-called Modular Sourcing, in which you hand over the assembly of complete modules to a customer-specific coil manufacturer. This reduces the complexity in your supply chain. Read more

Seven essentials for a succesful coil project in medical technology

April 5, 2022

Engineers are the specialists for the development of highly complex medical devices. Time is short, the product launch is urgent. Consequently, it is important to make rapid progress on core components of a system: Coils, sensors, and electronics. This requires an experienced partner at your side who knows the pitfalls in an open development project. Read more

Solutions for complete assemblies

January 21, 2022

KUK Group not only manufactures coils, but also offers solutions for complete assemblies. The intended application determines which components are necessary. Our expertise also includes global procurement, quality assurance or packaging, to name a few. Read more

Smooth outsourcing for handpiece for eye surgery

January 4, 2022

Sometimes it is quite human reasons that trigger a search for a supplier. At Bürki inno med AG from Widnau (Switzerland), the retirement of an employee prompted the search for a coil supplier with proven medical technology experience. Until then, the developer and manufacturer of microsurgical instruments for ophthalmology had wound its own coils by hand. Within a few months, production was then transferred to KUK Group, the world’s leading manufacturer of customised coils and electronics. “This is an enormous relief for us. The process stability could be improved and the testing effort considerably reduced,” says Martin Bürki, founder and partner of Bürki inno med. KUK produces a wound coil for the medical technology manufacturer, which is cast in the housing. It is used to drive a handpiece for eye surgery. Read more