

From the initial idea to aftersales, from the control system to the drive shaft. In future, you will need to successfully handle more extensive tasks in ever shorter times frames. So it’s good to know that you have a partner at your side who can make many of these tasks easy. This is our top priority and the focus of our action is: you!

With our motivated and committed approach, we work together with you to create the best possible solution and set your ideas in motion – regardless of whether you are looking to optimise an existing machine or develop a new one.

As a global specialist in Motion Centric Automation, we offer you products, drive solutions, complete automation systems, engineering services and tools from a single source.

We are one of the few providers in the market who are alongside you for the entire development process of your machine – from initial ideas to aftersales, from the control system all the way to the drive shaft.

Learn about our wide range of skills and discover everything you need to know about one of the leading drive and automation specialists in the field of machine engineering.


A qualified Lenze team of approx. 50 employees in the centre of the Netherlands offers a wide range of support to customers. Our sales and application engineers have a great deal of know-how and are very well equipped to develop the best concepts for the industrial supply chain. With a large industry in consumer goods, intralogistics in factory automation, the Dutch crew is focussed and trained to create the most productive, reliable and easy to use machine concepts. Together with our customers we develop new solutions – sharing know-how is vital to get to the point.

Our approved training centre is also a source for market driven and successful new machines and applications.


Standardization of motion control solutions

January 2, 2025

PAYPER is one of the leading manufacturers of complete bagging lines in the world, developing customized projects that include dosing, weighing, palletizing and final pallet protection. For 10 years, PAYPER has relied on Lenze’s centralized motion control solutions on its machines using c-series controllers in combination with i550, i950 and i700 drives. PAYPER has also used Lenze’s ready-made technology functions, reducing development and commissioning times drastically. Read more

Cyber security – Getting started with the Cyber Resilience Act

December 14, 2024

As companies strive to enhance their digital presence and improve operational efficiency, the threat of cyber attacks looms large. Here, Lenze explains how machine builders can embrace new technology whilst implementing robust cybersecurity measures. Watch the video [Source: DPA TV on youtube.com]

Converting and printing: 75 years of experience in the finishing and processing of paper, film and foil

December 7, 2024

As one of the leading automation and drives specialists with extensive sector know-how and a worldwide network of experts in the converting and printing industry, we will work with you closely to find the very best solution. Whether you want to improve your existing equipment or develop a new machine, we set your ideas in motion with dedication and enthusiasm. In line with your individual requirements and ideas, we support you in all aspects of your projects, cooperate with you in their implementation and also help you to implement your overall innovative concepts. Read more [Picture from video by Lenze on linkedin.com]

Cyber Security

November 9, 2024

Hackers are increasingly targeting machines and systems and causing production downtimes. Consequently, security is gaining importance in automation and becoming more of a focus for machine builders and operators of production facilities – out of self-interest and with a view to legal requirements. Read more

Motor Drive System IE5/IE7 – Innovative, synchronous & easy to use motor with high energy efficiency

November 1, 2024

Can you imagine an innovative, synchronous and easy to use motor with a high energy efficiency? We at Lenze could imagine and present here the new Motor Drive System IE5/IE7. The new generation of motors is “in sync” with the current and future challenges of many industries and offers many advantages. Read more and watch the video

The motor driven roller from Lenze

October 26, 2024

Intralogistics solutions in warehouses, airports or distribution centers benefit from the endless possibilities that our new motor driven roller offers for your conveyor design. Watch the video

Engineered together – Lenze and PAYPER

October 19, 2024

PAYPER is one of the leading manufacturers of complete bagging lines in the world, developing customized projects that include dosing, weighing, palletizing and final pallet protection. With 51 years of experience, 5,000 installed projects and an engineering team of 50 people, PAYPER’s expertise is trusted in the bulk solids packaging industry. Its global presence and wide network of agents have enabled it to develop projects in more than 80 countries. A team of 170 people covers all phases of the project: from the design of the machinery to the maintenance and management of production and service with its PULSAR digital solution. For 10 years, PAYPER has relied on Lenze’s centralized motion control solutions on its machines using Lenze controllers in combination with its drives and ready-made technology functions. Watch the video

We Make Automation a Winning Strategy for Roberto and Maurizio

October 5, 2024

As a full-service provider of innovative automation solutions, we support our customers in building the best machines and systems. Using state-of-the-art Lenze technology, we help Roberto Bonini and Maurizio Belluomini, CEO and CTO of N.E. Engineering, in decentralizing their conveyor technology, thereby saving time and resources. Watch the video

Engineered together – Innovation in rotary printing

September 20, 2024

DMS Dilmenler, the leader exporter of Turkish textile finishing machinery with over 40 years of experience, and the Austrian mechatronics engineering specialist MBK Maschinenbau Kufstein Gmbh, established a partnership in 2015 to design and develop a rotary printer concept with its innovative technology introduced to the market under the name of Phoinix Rotary 4.0. Watch the video

Meet Robin, Engineering Manager for a machine building company! – NUPANO

September 7, 2024

Robin believes the key to success lies in leveraging the innovation potential of information technology at machine and plant level. He is thinking about adding innovative digital solutions to his excellent machines. Because in the future, differentiation from competition will mainly be achieved through digital services, which will be just as valuable as the machine itself. Find out how he should approach this challenge for his series machines!

Jointly developed – Lenze and Bonarea

August 24, 2024

bonArea food group has a 248.000 m² (61 acres) in Guissona (Spain) that brings together industrial and logistics activities. Lenze has collaborated in the design and sizing of all the drives, looking for shorter execution and commissioning times, improvements in the energy efficiency and lifetime extension for mechanical components. Watch the video

Your partner for metalworking

August 17, 2024

In metalworking, sustainability, CO2 neutrality, safety and intelligent systems are more than just buzzwords – they are the path to maximum efficiency and quality. At Lenze, we understand the demanding requirements placed on manufacturers of metalworking machinery and offer customized, holistic automation solutions to meet the challenges of this dynamic industry. Read more

The winning formular: g + m + i !

May 11, 2024

The whole is more than the sum of the parts! This also applies to Lenze’s drive combination of gearboxes, motors and inverters if you need a robust and reliable, or a dynamic yet positionally accurate solution. Watch the video

The motor driven roller from Lenze

February 10, 2024

Increase plant reliability with IO-Link master

November 10, 2023

For transparent production, it is no longer enough to know that the pressure sensor on a bottling line, for example, could fail. It is more important to know exactly when the pressure valve will fail in order to intervene preventively and avoid unplanned downtimes. Direct access to the drives via IO-Link provides high-quality data, which can be sent to the cloud as a standardized MQTT telegram via the Lenze DriveData Hub software. They serve as the basis for IIoT services such as asset management, with condition monitoring or predictive maintenance, and ensure trouble-free machine operation. Watch the video

Smart instead of big: Use the right data for your processes

October 28, 2023

We know the trends in mechanical engineering and work with you to design solutions to future-proof your production. Use our solutions and products in all phases of the machine lifecycle and shape the digital transformation together with us using asset management, condition monitoring, OEE and much more. Watch the video

The Lenze control portfolio – scalability at the highest level

October 7, 2023

Lenze controllers enable modularity, the linking of IT and OT, and offer custom-fit computing power that effortlessly handles even demanding motion control in complex machines. The new c430 controller completes the control portfolio – from compact to complex control applications. Andreas Werner, Product Manager at Lenze, presents the controller portfolio and provides insights into the various application areas and functionalities. Watch the video

From spinning to finishing – Lenze makes textile machines more efficient

September 9, 2023

“Digital solutions help our customers improve their total cost of ownership while implementing new business models. By combining operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT) and using the digital twin across the entire machine lifecycle, they become more efficient, save engineering time, reduce energy consumption and conserve resources,” explains Falk Vespermann, Global Segment Manager Textile at Lenze. Read more

We set the pace in automation

July 22, 2023

Digital transformation, reduction of CO2 emissions and shortage of skilled workers are currently the most urgent challenges for companies and society. Automation can provide the right answers. As pacesetter in automation, Lenze is making a significant contribution to tackle these challenges. Watch the video

Lenze is taking drive performance to the next level with the i750 servo inverter

June 2, 2023

High-performance drive solutions are crucial for efficient and automated production processes. In order to optimally equip tomorrow’s machines for demanding motion tasks, Lenze is expanding its portfolio with a new servo inverter: The i750 cabinet for motion control applications, in combination with modern Lenze controller, solves almost all automation tasks for dynamic multi-axis applications. Read more

The central and decentral inverter-series from Lenze

March 9, 2023

Available are the control cabinet device i-series cabinet or the new decentralized variant of the i-series motec. In combination with gears g500 and motors m550, the latter forms a highly energy-efficient package. This is ensured by its integrated regenerative unit. In addition, the inverter serves more and more as a sensor, collecting and standardizing data and sending it to higher-level IIoT services. Watch the video

i-series motec: the new decentralized frequency inverter generation

March 4, 2023

A wide range of functions are integrated in the i-series motec. Integrated, scalable safety functions, integrated positioning technology or the IO-Link master functionality – the decentralized inverter comes with all of this. Read more

NUPANO: Open Automation Platform from Lenze

December 8, 2022

Lenze’s open automation platform creates new perspectives for modern software technology and digitalization in mechanical engineering. It simplifies the implementation of digital business models at machine level and is tailored to the requirements of mechanical engineering. The decisive advantage: With NUPANO, the complexity of software in series machine construction becomes manageable and core competencies are protected. Watch the video

Our contribution to sustainability: With automation to a better future for all

November 19, 2022

With a share of 30 percent, industry is a major energy consumer in Germany. The potential for savings is enormous. As a pacesetter in automation and enabler for greater sustainability, we help machine builders and operators waste much less energy and material. How do we do that? With the digital twin and machine data. Watch the video

Jubilerend Lenze lanceert open automatiseringsplatform NUPANO

October 21, 2022

Lenze bestaat 75 jaar. Dat vierde het bedrijf onlangs met ruim 300 klanten, een groep toeleveranciers, zakenpartners en een geselecteerde groep journalisten van de vakmedia. Tijdens de Lenze Executive Convention werd iedereen bijgepraat over digitalisering, supply chain, duurzaamheid en werden de financiële jaarcijfers bekend gemaakt. Als klap op de vuurpijl introduceerde het bedrijf NUPANO, een open automatiseringsplatform dat machines (OT) koppelt met de IT-laag. “Dat is de toekomst,” aldus CEO Christian Wendler. Lees verder [Bron: aandrijftechniek.nl]

The 1 millionth i500 frequency inverter was produced in September 2022

October 13, 2022

It is always reliable, saves energy and forms an optimum overall package with Lenze gearboxes and motors. It is used for feeding any kind of material, in cutting units, testing systems – to name just a few applications. In fact, its range of applications in machine automation is as diverse as its requirements, and its compact size and scalable functions make it extremely popular.​ Read more

Asset performance through asset management

July 16, 2022

If a machine reports a trouble, there is only one goal: to rectify the problem
as quickly as possible and get the machine back into operation.
For this use case, Lenze shows new possibilities: Our asset management in combination with machine status and fault management reduces downtimes through speedy troubleshooting. Our digital platform builds on existing standards, is supplemented with relevant information, and is enhanced by ticket management. A genuine Lenze solution that can be easily integrated. Read more

Nieuwe Lenze decentrale frequentieomvormers voor energie-efficiënte productie

June 9, 2022

Toenemende eisen aan energie-efficiëntie en transparantie van installaties stellen de industrie voor steeds nieuwe uitdagingen. Lenze introduceerde daarom op de Hannover Messe 2022 met de nieuwe decentrale frequentieomvormers uit de i-serie motec een intelligente, kosten- en energie-efficiënte oplossing. Belangrijkste toepassingen voor de nieuwe omvormers zijn te vinden in de intralogistiek, de automobielindustrie en de productie van consumentengoederen. Lees verder [Bron: at-aandrijftechniek.nl]

i-series motec

May 27, 2022

The new decentralized frequency inverter generation. Read more

Lenze breidt applicatieteam verder uit om te voorzien in toenemende vraag naar automatisering en digitalisering

May 7, 2022

Al meer dan 10 jaar wordt er binnen de industrie gesproken over  digitalisering en meer automatisering. Daarom heeft Lenze – dat dit jaar het 75-jarig jubileum viert – zich de afgelopen twee decennia  gericht op de ontwikkeling van een innovatief software- en hardwareportfolio en heeft het geïnvesteerd in applicatiekennis binnen de organisatie en is de applicatie-afdeling fors uitgebreid. Lees verder [Bron: linkmagazine.nl]

Minimize machine downtime and optimize throughput times​

April 22, 2022

Availability, performance and quality are the factors that determine OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness). In order to evaluate the performance and availability of machines within a production process, the operator must be able to access the relevant data from components and machines. Read more

Jubilerend Lenze zet vol in op innovaties in digitaal engineeren

April 12, 2022

Dit jaar viert machineautomatiseerder Lenze zijn 75-jarig bestaan. Met mechatronics in het DNA ontwikkelde het bedrijf, met het hoofdkantoor in het Duitse Hamelen (bij Hannover), nog twee andere strategische onderdelen: automation systems en een innovatieve digitale divisie. Lees verder [Bron: linkmagazine.nl]

Lenze Service Portal​

March 16, 2022

With its integrated software solutions, the Lenze Service Portal offers a solution for the fast and simple optimisation of maintenance processes and thus for reducing costs.​ A key building block here is the structuring and centralized management of “knowledge” regarding the installed base of devices. Read more

Software engineering modules help you build modular machines

January 21, 2022

With Lenze FAST, our ready-to-use software engineering modules, you can build on an existing but flexible and easily expandable basic framework for the machine application. In the concept phase, the FAST architecture helps you quickly arrive at your own robust and expandable solutions. And: Due to the large toolbox and the extensive FAST services, e.g. for visualization, user or recipe handling, the amount of code that has to be generated by the user is reduced enormously. Read more and watch the video

Digital energetic twin – Project planning of the energy supply of a machine

January 12, 2022

Artificial intelligence, digital platforms, digital twin and Work 4.0: We are experts in these areas. We are pioneers in the digital transformation of business and working life. This video demonstrates how the digital twin is created and can be enriched in machine and plant development to enable an individual energy assessment of an energy supply. The video reveals how suppliers can make their solutions available as a “digital twin” and how simulation models can be integrated there in order to be able to calculate the energy requirements of a complex machine. Watch the video

Bijna 75-jarig Lenze introduceert oem-portal

December 24, 2021

Het 50-jarig jubileum kon door de corona-perikelen niet gevierd worden. Marc Vissers hoopt van harte dat er in oktober volgend jaar wel een gelegenheid zal zijn om klanten, pers en andere relaties uit te nodigen voor festiviteiten in Hameln (bij Hannover) waar het hoofdkantoor van Lenze gevestigd is. Want dan bestaat Lenze SE 75 jaar. Lees verder [Bron: linkmagazine.nl]

From simulation to virtual commissioning

July 24, 2021

The vision of Industry 4.0 is closely linked to the digital twin. However, since the degree of standardisation of the individual development tools is currently still low, there are still considerable gaps in the consistency, says Lenze. “In the field of simulation, some of these can now be closed. As a result, digital engineering already offers significant efficiency gains today.” Read more  [Source: machinebuilding.net]

Energy-efficient drive solutions for industry and the environment

July 3, 2021

Sustainability and climate protection already play an increasingly important role in the private sphere. In industry, too, the importance is increasing: In order to reconcile climate targets with a growing and prosperity-oriented society, increasing energy efficiency in industry is a key lever for reducing energy requirements and limiting global warming. Drive systems are responsible for about 70% of the electricity demand in industry. This makes them the biggest lever for increasing energy efficiency and reducing energy demand. Read more 

Data uit systemen slimmer te benutten zijn het goud van de toekomst

June 26, 2021

Het gaat niet meer om het merk x, y, z of Lenze qua besturing. Machineautomatiseerders moeten een systeem leveren dat open is, geschikt om data mee te verzamelen en – met behulp van algoritmes – ook iets met die data te doen. Dat stelt Eric van den Broek, managing director van Lenze EMEA West (Benelux en Verenigd Koninkrijk) in Den Bosch. Daarom is in het besturingsplatform dat Lenze levert ‘de wereld vertegenwoordigd qua IT en OT’. Lees verder [Bron: linkmagazine]

Lenze accompanies you on the way to the Smart Factory

May 15, 2021

HANNOVER MESSE will become a top digital event in 2021. We have the right solutions and new highlights to meet the challenges of digital transformation in mechanical engineering. Watch the video

Lenze i950 servo inverter: How to optimize and evaluate the drive behavior?

May 4, 2021

This tutorial shows how to optimize and evaluate the drive behavior of the Lenze i950 servo inverter by using the EASY Starter. Watch the video

New generation servo inverters i700 and i950 by Lenze are increasingly in use worldwide

May 1, 2021

It is all the more important that they can be repaired directly on site by trained personnel. Recently team India completed the comprehensive training, Corona-compliant via online training workshops – video-supported and with remote access to the inspection and test equipment.

“The new online training offensive enables our locations outside Europe to carry out repairs on site – a gain in speed and momentum for our customers,” says Andreas Funke, Head of Service Operations.

Energy-efficient drive design with tools from Lenze

April 17, 2021

Saving energy is an increasingly important topic for industry. By July 1, 2021, legal minimum requirements must be met and ErP-compliant electric motors must be used accordingly. Using tool-supported drive design, we show how the motion control can be further optimized in order to reduce the energy requirement beyond the legally required minimum requirements. Watch the video

Webinar IO Link

January 23, 2021

In dit webinar, opgenomen voor de FHI IO Link dag 2020 , hebben Bihl & Wiedemann en Lenze het over slimme drives integreren in een logistiek systeem, waarbij IO link wordt gebruikt voor verdere digitalisering en datascience inzetten.

Lenze´s Condition Monitoring Concept wins Global Label Award for Innovation 2020 

September 18, 2020

The Award for Innovation (for companies with more than 300 employees) went jointly to Lenze SE and Paper Converting Machine Company. Lenze SE was recognized for its use of data already available in a press servo drive to provide Smart Condition Monitoring instead of adding extra sensors. Read more [Source: labelsandlabeling]

Frank Maier CTO Lenze: Data alleen heeft slechts een lage waarde

August 5, 2020

Hoe Lenze machinefabrikanten ondersteunt bij het verhogen van de prestaties van hun machines? Bij het vroegtijdig voorkomen én het opsporen van problemen in de machine en bij toegang op afstand, welke mogelijkheden de IoT Gateway x500 en de bijbehorende dataservice X4Remote bieden voor de connectivity naar de Cloud … Interview met Frank Maier. Lees verder [Bron: linkmagazine]

Condition Monitoring

July 16, 2020

When the drive becomes a sensor: We are illustrating how smart Condition Monitoring can be realised that provides extensive information about the “state of health” of machines and plants without the need for any additional, costly sensor technology. Read more and watch the video

Lenze Webcast | Digital Challenge

June 19, 2020

The digital transformation: Long known, ​ but do you act accordingly? What are the decisive preconditions for the effective use of this enormous potential? And: What are the consequences for machine manufacturers? This talk will focus on the most important success factors and pragmatic steps for decision makers in mechanical engineering. Watch the video

Lenze helpt OEM’ers te voldoen aan Ecodesign richtlijn

May 22, 2020

Aangezien de nieuwe, aangescherpte richtlijn inzake ecologisch ontwerp in de zomer van 2021 in heel Europa van kracht wordt, moet de energie-efficiëntie van asynchrone standaardmotoren van Lenze, met name die ontworpen zijn voor continu gebruik, verder worden verbeterd. Om de overgang tot een succes te maken, is Lenze begonnen met het verzamelen van eenvoudig te begrijpen basisinformatie en een complete checklist voor OEM’ers en machineoperators. Lees verder [Bron: linkmagazine]

Lenze Inside – het geautomatiseerde logistiek centrum

May 21, 2020

Je gaat naar de supermarkt, koopt melk, eieren, brood en alles wat je nodig hebt. De schappen zijn altijd goed gevuld en de keuze is reuze! Maar achter de volle schappen ligt een enorme logistieke inspanning: Geautomatiseerde logistieke centra spelen een vitale rol in de bevoorrading van de supermarkten met voedings- en niet-voedingsproducten voor ons dagelijks leven. Wij ondersteunen de soepele werking van het nieuwe magazijn met onze individuele automatiseringsoplossingen voor onze klant Witron. Lees verder [Bron: WITRON Group op LinkedIN]

Plug & Produce for the Smart Factory

May 14, 2020

Self-managing production lines are here! In the flexible production of the future, machine modules will not only be coupled automatically, they will coordinate themselves as part of a production line, communicate and interact in the production process. With the Plug & Produce concept, Lenze presents the path into this future. Download whitepaper

We have the answers to your questions about the new Energy Efficiency Regulation

May 8, 2020

The Ecodesign Directive – also known as the ErP Directive – imposes new minimum efficiency levels for electric motors and reduces the previous exceptions. If you sell machines with electric motors within Europe, they must meet the higher energy efficiency requirements from July 1, 2021. This represents an opportunity to optimize the energy balance of your machine. We are ready and waiting to make implementation as easy as possible for you. Read more

Real-time condition monitoring needs no extra sensors

January 17, 2020

Lenze has developed algorithms for various applications and says it can help engineers to turn their knowledge of machines into #ConditionMonitoring models that will improve machine performance. Read more [Source: drivesncontrols]