
maxon Benelux

Our background in developing our well-known DC motors and our carefully accumulated expertise in drive technology, make maxon the one-stop-shop for mechatronic drive systems. From design and engineering, to production, testing and support.

Maxon is ‘driven by precision’, worldwide and across many high-tech sectors. We are a knowledge partner in development, where different types of drives form a crucial contribution to the measure of success. The best ideas are the result of collaborations, mutual inspiration and challenging each other in pursuit of a higher goal. Maxon brings expertise, know-how and experience to co-creation and co-development; we generate solutions, make connections and support the development of new approaches.

Maxon has worldwide representation in over 40 countries, where more than 3000 employees ensure the provision of services within easy reach of our customers. Our drive systems are produced at nine maxon locations: Switzerland (2x), France, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, China, South Korea and United States. Competence centres, specialising in specific areas such as robotics and integrated drive systems, take care of the development of the in-depth expertise in the fields our partners demand.

Motor Design

• Dimensions & Tolerances (modules shoebox size: um, urad, temperature design constraints in complex geometry, volume, weight, in narrow shape tolerances)
• Simulation temp, magnet, UL, FEM analysis, temp. measurements
• MATLAB-Simulink (bandwidth control, motor simulation maxmot linear, modes & shapes analysis)
• CAD (2D & 3D solidworks, PTC)
• MATLAB Qualification Process Development
• National Instruments Labview (product qualifications)
• Automated Poka-Yoke Qualification Tooling Design (dimensional, functional, freq. response, optical etc.)
• Magnet Measurement, Qualification and Optimization (climate chamber -40 +150 oC, humidity control)
• Temperature Testing
• Lifetime Testing, Particle Measurement, Run-in Qualification (qualification, shock, temperature)


• Low Volume (lot-size 50)
• High Mix (product)
• High Complexity (low tolerances)
• High Quality Rating (automotive level with SRS, Ship to Line, VMOI)
• Cleanroom (ISO 7 100m2, ISO 6 100 m2, ISO 5 crossflow)
• Surface Design: coating technologies, shear testing glue, adhesives
• Gluing optics, magnets, dose control – from spot to filler – (Loctite, Stoch Weld, Glasbeans, Fillerbond)
• High Voltage Testing (Megger), LCR measurement
• Measurement optical, interferometry (submicron level), autocollimator (linearity control)
• Supply agreements, customer portals EDI, re-ins and outs, complex logistics
• Building with lux, temperature and humidity stability


Aandrijfsystemen voor de robotica

October 12, 2024

Robots assembleren apparaten, onderzoeken de ruimte en voeren operaties uit op mensen. Voor bewegingen en gedragingen die dicht in de buurt komen van menselijke vaardigheden, hebben ze krachtige en zeer nauwkeurige aandrijvingen nodig. maxon ontwikkelt en maakt aangepaste componenten voor autonome mobiele en industriële robots, zoals humanoïden, viervoeters, landbouwrobots, collaboratieve robots en servicerobots. Lees verder

Wanneer het op de microliter aankomt

September 7, 2024

De medische technologie vraagt om apparaten die vitale geneesmiddelen exact kunnen doseren. Compacte en betrouwbare motoren van maxon in combinatie met stille overbrengingen en encoders zorgen bij pompen en systemen voor de dosering van geneesmiddelen voor absolute precisie. Lees verder

De grondstof van digitalisering

August 10, 2024

Industriële installaties in de halfgeleiderindustrie werken met cyclustijden van één seconde en minder. Hoge dynamiek en precisie zijn daarom cruciaal voor succes. We ontwikkelen en produceren kant-en-klare aandrijfsystemen voor maximale prestaties bij de productie van wafers en microchips. Lees verder [Bron foto: maxon benelux op linkedin.com]

ExRobotics: Businesscase autonome inspecties makkelijk te maken

July 4, 2024

Inmiddels heeft ExRobotics over de hele wereld 85 robots verkocht, 40 van de eerste generatie ExR-1 en 45 van de ExR-2. Op enkele onderdelen na is het hele apparaat in eigen huis ontwikkeld, zegt De Waard. ‘Zoals de camera, de LiDAR-sensor voor plaatsbepaling en het ontwijken van objecten, de NVIDIA Xavier-computer en de aan-uitknop.’ Maxon levert de motorreductoren voor de robots. De Waard: ‘Sterker nog, toen we begonnen hebben we de ExR-1 ontworpen om de motoren van maxon heen. Lees verder [Bron: linkmagazine.nl]

Aandrijfsystemen voor de lucht- en ruimtevaart

May 18, 2024

Al meer dan 20 jaar beweegt de technologie van maxon de Marsrovers op de rode planeet. Ook in een modern langeafstandsvliegtuig bevinden zich honderden aandrijfsystemen. Terug hier op aarde ontwikkelt maxon samen met haar klanten de juiste aandrijfoplossing bestaande uit afzonderlijke componenten of geavanceerde technische systemen voor passagiersvliegtuigen, helikopters, ruimtevaartuigen en zelfs onbemande luchtvaartuigen. Lees verder

Aandrijfoplossingen voor de medische technologie

April 13, 2024

De vooruitgang in de medische technologie gaat razendsnel. Instrumenten worden kleiner en nauwkeuriger, robots ondersteunen chirurgen bij operaties en ultramoderne prothesen maken natuurlijke bewegingen mogelijk. Aandrijvingen van maxon maken nieuwe, betere technologieën mogelijk, die mensen op de hele wereld meer kwaliteit van leven bezorgen. Lees verder

In een voorstadium betrokken zijn bij bijzondere aandrijfvraagstukken

March 15, 2024

Bij maxon worden we extra enthousiast als we al in een voorstadium betrokken zijn bij bijzondere aandrijfvraagstukken. Want heeft u een vraag daar waar een standaard oplossing niet voldoet? Dan ontwikkelen we die oplossing graag samen met u. Ons R&D team neemt u mee vanaf het formuleren van de eisen en wensen tot en met de start van de productie. Lees verder [Bron: maxonbenelux op linkedin.com]

Tailor-made Excellence: maxon – Van idee tot serieproductie

February 17, 2024

In een wereld die gedreven wordt door innovatie, onderscheiden onze op maat gemaakte oplossingen zich door te voldoen aan de hoogste technische normen en verwachtingen te overtreffen. Of het nu gaat om een baanbrekend idee of de verfijning van een bestaand concept, maxon zet visies om in realiteit. Onze toewijding strekt zich uit van conceptontwikkeling tot serieproductie, alles onder één dak. Met precisie-engineering en een toewijding aan kwaliteit brengen we oplossingen op maat tot leven, waarbij we in elke fase optimale prestaties en betrouwbaarheid leveren. Lees verder [Bron: maxon op linkedin.com]

Embrace the Future: Out with the Old, In with the New!

February 3, 2024

A side-by-side comparison of our maxon benelux motors reveals a game-changing transformation. Our new motors are not only smaller but also remarkably more powerful. This isn’t just an upgrade; it’s a revolution in efficiency and innovation! Read more [Picture source: RoboTeam Twente on LinkedIn.com]

Uiterste precisie voor ’s werelds grootste containertankers

January 20, 2024

Net zoals autonoom rijdende voertuigen op de weg deel gaan uitmaken van ons dagelijks leven, wordt er ook op zee op grote schaal gewerkt aan de ontwikkeling van maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS). Samsung Heavy Industries, een van de top 3 scheepsbouwers in de wereld, demonstreerde onlangs offshore een technologie waarmee twee verschillende schepen die in verschillende richtingen varen elkaar kunnen detecteren en een botsing automatisch kunnen vermijden. Lees verder [Picture source: maxon benelux on linkedin.com]

maxon product news 2023 – better controllers, sterilizalbe gears, strong industrial drives

December 2, 2023

Lynn Braunschweig, Project Manager at maxon, presents the new ESCON2 Module 60/30 servo controller with CAN bus interface and I/O commanding, the GPX HP sterilizable gearheads in sizes 16 and 22 mm, the new through shaft optical encoder TSX RIO with a resolution of 524 288 CPT and finally a new combination of an IDX 56 industrial drive with the GB12 right angle gearhead from Parvalux and ENX 22 EMT absolute encoder. Watch the video

Build your own robot

November 11, 2023

Build you own robot with maxon products and services. Watch the video

Drive system for wafer processing

October 21, 2023

In the semiconductor industry, cleanliness and precision are absolutely critical. Swiss vacuum specialist VAT therefore partnered up with maxon to develop a drive system for wafer processing. Read more

maxon’s portfolio voor UAV-aandrijvingen

October 14, 2023

maxon’s portfolio voor UAV-aandrijvingen heeft een behoorlijke upgrade gekregen. Lees verder

Ready for a game of chess

September 9, 2023

Alex Petrovic has overcome kinematic singularity with his chess robot with the help of maxon motors and control systems. Thanks to dual-scara kinematics, the arm can quickly switch between interactions on two chess boards. Read more and watch the video

Beter boeren op basis van datasturing én slimme technieken

September 2, 2023

De relatie met maxon ontstond circa drie jaren geleden, toen het engineeringsteam van Piglets Treatment System op zoek ging naar een passende motor voor de Health Injector. “Al gauw bleek dat maxon de beste oplossing voor onze techniek kon leveren”, vertelt Claessens. Deze oplossing werd gevonden in de standaard (‘off the shelf’) maxon EC flat motor, die in slechts een aantal maanden en exact naar wens van de klant is geoptimaliseerd. Lees verder

Logistics robots in the ready-to-wear fashion

July 22, 2023

The story began in 2019. Faced with rapid growth in its e-commerce business, C-Log was looking for a way to keep up and to get its rising costs under control. “The logistical costs of e-commerce are four times higher than those of in-store sales. The challenge was to break that four-to-one ratio for our customer brands,”, explained Benoît Garçon, CEO of C-Log. A request for proposals was sent out, with the Beaumanoir Group thinking of purchasing robots seen during earlier visits to other countries. Read more

Autonome sleeprobots versnellen materiaalverwerking

July 15, 2023

Met beweging in verschillende richtingen en het slim koppelen aan vrijwel elke magazijnwagen in minder dan 20 seconden maken deze nieuwe robots materiaalverwerking sneller en veiliger. Lees verder

The maxon Keynote 2023 – Trends in Drive Technology

July 8, 2023

We dive into three truly exciting and innovative topics that showcase the diversity and versatility of our company’s high-precision motors. Electric Vehicles, Lab Automation and Robotics, all areas in which maxon is making an incredible impact. Watch the video

maxon Encoder Portfolio

June 30, 2023

maxon Student Award

June 13, 2023

Na een ‘voorronde’ met pitches die beoordeeld werd door de jury, kreeg een drietal teams de mogelijkheid hun team te pitchen voor het publiek van de Eat & Meet. Wat maakt hun team zo bijzonder, welke technische snufjes zitten er in hun boot, robot, auto of raket en ook: wat heeft maxon daarin betekend? University Racing EindhovenRoboTeam Twente en TU Delft Hydro Motion Team hielden alledrie een erg interessante presentatie. Na een stemming door het publiek, is het RoboTeam Twente er met de allereerste maxon Student Award vandoor gegaan waarmee ze niet alleen de bokaal, maar ook een upgrade van het sponsorpakket voor het volgende jaar winnen. Van harte gefeliciteerd!

Challenges in Drone Technology

June 10, 2023

Drone technology continues to advance depending on specific applications. For this article, we’ll be looking at compact drones used in a variety of applications that need continuous and autonomous inspection of chimneys, shafts, and tanks. Read more

Autonomous field worker

April 29, 2023

At the ETH Zurich, a robot has been developed to mechanically destroy the weeds growing between crops. “Rowesys” is conveniently started via remote control – and makes herbicides unnecessary. Read more

Marsmissies zonder maxon aandrijfsystemen? Ondenkbaar!

April 8, 2023

Meer dan 100 elektromotoren van maxon zijn gebruikt op de ‘Rode Planeet’ en hebben kosmische straling, stofstormen en temperatuurschommelingen doorstaan. Er zijn al diverse precisieaandrijvingen naar Mars gevlogen, waaronder met NASA’s Perseverance rover. Lees meer

Lineaire terugkoppeling brengt de illusie van haptische feedback naar het allerhoogste niveau

March 9, 2023

Studenten van de opleiding tandheelkunde kunnen hun behandelingen eenvoudig, veelvuldig en veilig oefenen op de simodont dental trainer. deze VR-trainingssimulator geeft zeer accurate én realistische force feedback op diverse tandheelkundige behandelingen die studenten onder de knie moeten krijgen. Lees verder

Enchanted Tools zorgt met Mirokaï voor een revolutie in robotica

March 3, 2023

Hoe kunnen we robots in de nabije toekomst volwaardig deel laten uitmaken van ons dagelijks leven? Dat is de uitdaging die de Franse start-up Enchanted Tools aangaat. Dit bedrijf, opgericht door Jérôme Monceaux (mede-ontwikkelaar van de robots Pepper en Nao), onthulde onlangs Miroki, het prototype van een NIEUWE GENERATIE PRACHTIGE EN NUTTIGE MENSELIJKE ROBOTS. Lees verder

Why is the maxon Group developing programmable master controllers?

February 25, 2023

maxon has been developing and producing drive components and mechatronic systems for decades. However, the system business is becoming increasingly important and more complex. Programmable MACS controllers are thus an essential component for these system solutions. The master controller (MACS) can be used in a variety of ways. Practical examples include autonomous repetitive processing of travel profiles, as well as complex synchronized multi-axis movements and complete kinematics modules for Scara or Delta robotics applications. Read more

When to choose a 4pole DC motor

February 10, 2023

Selecting a DC micromotor for use in applications from aerospace through to downhole drilling inspection, a 4pole motor has advantages. A 4pole design is stronger than a 2pole equivalent but can also fit within the same space and weight envelope. Greg Dutfield of maxon UK explains. Read more

MiniMACS6 stabilizes the Furuta pendulum

February 3, 2023

A classic problem in engineering is the rotational inverted pendulum. It is used to demonstrate and examine movement patterns and control algorithms in control and electrical engineering as well as in mechanical engineering. These help to control robots and other machines. Read more and watch the video

Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing Aircraft

November 4, 2022

The goal of one company is in the building of a single-person, remotely piloted electric aircraft with the goal of making air taxis affordable and eco-conscious. Read more

The maxon Keynote 2022 – Trends in Drive Technology

October 29, 2022

Maxon is driven by the desire to find the perfect result for each market need. In this Keynote, our experts show the impressive drives that move drones and robots, as well as the app that helps users make the most of the BIKEDRIVE AIR. And more. Watch the video

The Motion Behind Robotics Cultivator Systems

October 21, 2022

It takes a high-tech vision system, machine learning technology and the right motors to produce this weeding robotics system for commercial vegetable cultivating. Read more

Vlieg lang en veilig met maxon UAV aandrijfsytemen 

Bij maxon ontwikkelen we diverse aandrijfsystemen voor de UAV en drone markt. Volledig gecertificeerd en de hoogste kwaliteit producten. Van standaard oplossingen tot custom made toepassingen. Lees er meer over op onze speciale UAV website [EN] of neem contact met ons op.

Diamanten jubileum

September 28, 2022

Met ons 60-jarig bestaan vieren we een zogenaamd diamanten jubileum. Een jubileum dat volgt op het gouden jubileum. Een mijlpaal die slechts weinigen weten te bereiken. Ook is het een interessant bruggetje naar hoe het materiaal in de industrie gebruikt wordt. Zo gebruiken we bij maxon bijvoorbeeld synthetische diamanten voor gereedschap. Lees meer over deze zeldzame, kostbare en eeuwige stof in ons jubileum magazine.

Drive technologies and systems for the semiconductor industry

August 25, 2022

Vanuit onze vestiging in Enschede hebben we inmiddels zo’n 20 jaar ervaring in de ontwikkeling en productie van high precision drive systems voor de semicon industrie. Een industrie waar de ontwikkelingen elkaar snel opvolgen en waar de lat steeds hoger wordt gelegd. Benieuwd wat wij hierin reeds betekend hebben en kunnen betekenen? Bekijk dan onze splinternieuwe brochure.

The will to excel unites Mathias Flückiger and maxon

July 30, 2022

You dream also of perfection? It’s hidden between those thousandths of every second. See, how Mountain Bike Pro Racer Mathias Flückiger and maxon chasing the same dream. Watch the video

Medical Exoskeleton for Rehabilitation

June 18, 2022

The goal achieved was to provide an intelligent, data-driven treatment therapy for dealing with neurological and musculoskeletal movement impairments. Read more

Highlights in nieuwe maxon productcatalogus

May 14, 2022

Traditiegetrouw presenteert aandrijfspecialist maxon deze lente de productcatalogus 2022/2023. Het 592-pagina-tellende boekwerk zit boordevol interessante en nieuwe producten. Een van de highlights daaruit zijn de stralingsbestendige GAMA-encoders. Lees verder

Maxon-bestuurslid Bianca Braun audit vestiging in Nederland: ‘dé semiconspecialist’

May 5, 2022

Bianca Braun, lid van de raad van bestuur en hoofd interne audits bij aandrijfspecialist maxon, bezoekt om de vier jaar alle bijna dertig vestigingen in de wereld. Eind maart was ze bij maxon benelux in Enschede. Een week lang gingen zij en haar team het gesprek aan met medewerkers en klanten. Lees verder [Bron: linkmagazine.nl]

The bionic glove

March 25, 2022

People usually wear gloves for warmth or protection. There are gloves with other purposes, however, such as restoring mobility to the wearer’s fingers. This is the idea behind a mechatronic orthosis called the exomotion® hand one. The exomotion® hand one is worn like a glove and consists of custom-fitted exo-finger mechanics, a supporting forearm splint, a sensor, a control unit, and four miniature drives that provide the power to open or close the wearer’s fingers. Read more

Maxon’s medical business unit

March 16, 2022

maxon’s medical business unit specializes in developing and producing drive systems for a variety of medical applications. In close partnership with our customers, we develop the perfect drive system based on a modular standard solution or create a fully customized solution tailored to the customer’s specifications. Watch the video

MODULAR Lightweight Robots and Cobots

March 12, 2022

See maxon’s robotic motion kit for Light Weight Robots (LWR) including master controller, positioning controller and robotic joint. Watch the video

Maxon overziet nu de keten (en heeft daardoor weinig leverproblemen)

February 24, 2022

Aandrijfspecialist maxon heeft afgelopen jaren veel tijd gestoken in het efficiënt inrichten van zijn eigen bedrijfsprocessen en het meer grip krijgen op de complete keten. Dat werpt nu zijn vruchten af. Lees verder [Bron: linkmagazine.nl]

Robots in the vineyard

January 21, 2022

In France’s Bordeaux region, robots ensure that the wine is organically good. They autonomously eliminate grass and weeds between the vines, making pesticides unnecessary. To enable the robots to navigate the hilly terrain, the developers took some cues from Mars rovers. Read more

Robotic companion

January 12, 2022

Remote offshore installations, dusty mines, dirty sewers: environments made by people for people. Yet operating them is dangerous. The solution? The robotic dog from ANYbotics, which can carry out inspections autonomously. We went to Zurich to visit one of the biggest robotics teams in Europe. Read more

A lightweight exoskeleton that works like an e-bike for the legs

January 7, 2022

Zurich-based startup MyoSwiss has developed a lightweight exoskeleton that works like an e-bike for the legs. It assists the wearer’s movements with electronic reinforcement. Read more

maxon adds dynamism to robotic drives

November 19, 2021

maxon presents a new frameless BLDC motor with matching encoder that really comes into its own in dynamic applications. At the same time, we are also presenting a new series of ECX flat motors for a wide range of robotics applications. This heralds the arrival on the market of several solutions for design engineers grappling with tight spaces. Read more

A new mechatronic Innovation and Production Center in France

November 4, 2021

The new maxon site in Beynost (15 minutes from Lyon) required a €10m investment of the maxon Group’s own funds, and is located at the heart of a center of excellence for mechatronics. Read more

Training robots revolutionize therapy

September 30, 2021

When two Swiss robotics engineers developed a new computer-controlled leg press, they were thinking of athletes as their main target audience. Then it turned out that their Soft Robotic Training was surprisingly effective in the rehabilitation therapy of injuries and other physical conditions. Read more

Drone powered by solar energy

August 25, 2021

XSun designs and manufactures a drone that is both energy-independent and can make its own decisions, for fully-automated missions. The company needed reliable, high-performance sub-assemblies to design it’s SolarXOne. This is why the start-up approached maxon for the propulsion system. Read more

The 4th industrial revolution

August 5, 2021

The world has gone through 3 industrial revolutions since 1760, and now we are on the verge of the 4th industrial revolution, Industry 4.0, also known as digital manufacturing. Let’s find out what these changes will mean for business and the workforce. Read more

A compact drive system for AGVs

July 9, 2021

The maxon wheel drive system (MW) is a modular, highly integrated, and compact drive system. The standard configuration consists of the motor, gearhead, and encoder, and can be individually supplemented with brake, controller, and wheel as desired. Read more

Trends in Drive Technology

June 26, 2021

maxon’s precision drive systems are not only present on Mars but everywhere on Earth. To understand the different markets and our customer’s needs, the maxon Group has established four Business Units for Aerospace, Industrial Automation, Medical, and Mobility Solutions. Watch the video

Autonomous field worker

May 12, 2021

At the ETH Zurich, a robot has been developed to mechanically destroy the weeds growing between crops. “Rowesys” is conveniently started via remote control – and makes herbicides unnecessary. Read more

Breathing inspiration into medical technology

April 16, 2021

Project Inspiration is an initiative of TU Delft which donates ventilators to lower-income countries. The ventilator is designed such that countries can decide themselves whether to order or to (partially) replicate the machine. The goal of Project Inspiration is to help countries with their shortage of breathing equipment and to provide basic healthcare worldwide. Read more

AGV’s : The solution in logistics?

April 7, 2021

AGVs (automated guided vehicles) are essential tools in the current commercial and industrial transformation. But what challenges do they need to address? Read more

maxon presenteert een multi-ascontroller voor zeer dynamische positioneringstaken

March 13, 2021

Met de MiniMACS6-AMP-4/50/10 lanceert de aandrijfspecialist maxon de volgende generatie van zijn motion controllers. De besturing wordt toegepast op plaatsen waar PLC-oplossingen te duur zijn of wanneer de klant hoge eisen stelt. Lees verder

First helicopter on Mars!

March 10, 2021


For the first time, a helicopter will take off from the surface of Mars. Aerospace engineer Matt Keennon explains how this impossible mission became a reality. Read more

Dual Loop Control: No more Gear Backlash!

February 18, 2021

Can loads be positioned dynamically, with high precision and no oscillation, despite mechanical backlash and elastic components? Yes — using an intelligent system. Read more

When all other materials fail

January 30, 2021

All over the world, maxon is renowned for its high-precision drives. But not many people know that the company has its own injection molding department for ceramics and metals. It not only produces ceramic spindles, but also special parts for watchmakers and the music industry. Read more

In search of signs of life on Mars

January 20, 2021

Mars once had liquid water and an atmosphere—was there life too? To answer this fundamental question, NASA sends the Perseverance rover, a robot of unparalleled complexity. Read more

maxon introduces a multi-axis controller for highly dynamic positioning tasks

November 18, 2020

maxon is launching the next generation of Motion Controllers with its MiniMACS6-AMP-4/50/10. The controller is ideal for use in applications where PLC solutions may be too expensive or cannot meet customer-specific requirements. Read more

Agile collaborative robot

November 7, 2020

Collaborative robots (cobots) are robotic arms that can be manipulated directly by human users to allow the teaching of tasks without having to use complex programming interfaces. Commercially available cobots are based on serial architectures. They use actuators with large reduction ratios and they are therefore not mechanically backdrivable. Force/torque sensors provide the reactions to the forces applied by human users on the robot. As a consequence, such robots cannot match human agility, which makes their use rather unnatural in human-guided tasks. Read more

How to design an exoskeleton

October 29, 2020

An exoskeleton must be lightweight, compact, powerful, reliable, and easy to use – what could be easier? Many developers around the world dabble in this discipline with different degrees of success. Christian Bermes, head of the VariLeg enhanced team explains what it all comes down to. Read more

Drive technology for agriculture 4.0

October 24, 2020

The agricultural sector is undergoing significant changes and is modernising. Reducing difficult working conditions, optimising working time, developing the energy self-sufficiency of farms, increasing productivity, using fewer pesticides… To take the strain off farmers, many robots are being developed to automate tasks. What specific technical characteristics should agricultural machinery manufacturers take into account to assist farmers? Read more

maxon develops ultra-efficient UAV drive with startup Flybotix

October 8, 2020

maxon has collaborated with drone startup Flybotix to develop performance-optimized brushless DC motors for a new kind of inspection drone. With the know-how gained from this and other projects, maxon is making inroads into the new UAV market, where the reliability and quality of components are becoming more important. Read more

Uncovering the secrets of Mars

October 2, 2020

Our fascination with Mars is stronger than ever. At this very moment, yet another robot called Perseverance is on its way to uncover the secrets of Mars. The mission will also involve the first helicopter flight in space. Read more

maxon and ANYbotics enter into a strategic partnership

September 18, 2020

Drive specialist maxon, renowned for its Mars motors, is joining forces with the robotics startup ANYbotics and will in future supply the drive systems of the autonomous ANYmal inspection robot. The robot will soon be marketed in large quantities. This cooperation will also benefit maxon, since ANYbotics provides important robotics know-how and is currently the most successful young company in this field. Read more

A wasp shows the way

August 28, 2020

What do wasps have to do with brain surgery?  At first glance, not a whole lot. However, one species serves as the model for an innovative brain surgery needle that is being developed by a team of researchers from England. Read more

Circulatory Support without Surgery for Heart Failure Patients

August 13, 2020

Chronic heart failure patients draw hope from a new technology. A team of life science entrepreneurs in Houston, Texas has developed the first catheter-deployed circulatory assist device intended for long-term use. Read more

maxon aandrijvingen vliegen naar de rode planeet met NASA’s Rover Perseverance

July 18, 2020

NASA stuurt binnen enkele weken zijn vijfde rover naar Mars. Deze gaat bodemmonsters verzamelen die later op aarde worden geanalyseerd. De rover beschikt ook over een helikopter die voor het eerst vluchten op de rode planeet zal uitvoeren. De precisiemotoren van maxon vervullen hierbij meerdere taken die van doorslaggevend belang zijn voor de missie. Lees verder

Effectiveness and accuracy of eye surgeries majorly improved

July 8, 2020

Preceyes B.V. built a operation robot that improves precision of eye operations by a factor of 10 to 20 compared with the human hand! Read more

Nieuwe mini-aandrijvingen voor medische robots en systemen met meerdere assen

July 4, 2020

maxon breidt het assortiment van configureerbare aandrijvingen in het voorjaar van 2020 opnieuw uit – onder andere met DC-motoren met borstels, overbrengingen en encoders uit de ECX-serie. En ook bij de positioneerbesturingen hebben wij nieuws uit het microsegment. Lees verder

Robotic training proved to be effective in rehabilitation

July 2, 2020

When two Swiss robotics engineers developed a new computer-controlled leg press, they were thinking of athletes as their main target audience. Then it turned out that their Soft Robotic Training was surprisingly effective in the rehabilitation therapy of injuries and other physical conditions. Read more

What is the battery technology of the future?

June 16, 2020

Read how Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) explains all about their reseach and about our latest developments regarding batteries. Read more

Reliability is everything

May 26, 2020

Medical technology is a key market for maxon. Many of our drives are used in insulin pumps. What exactly do our motors do in these devices? To find out, we went to visit Ypsomed, a leading manufacturer of insulin pumps. Read more

Water jet technology for better wound healing

May 20, 2020

All over the world, people suffer from chronic wounds due to diabetes and other causes. A new micro water jet technology promises improved treatment. A powerful flat motor provides the necessary water pressure. Read more

Differences between AGV and AMR

May 13, 2020

Until recently, AGVs (automated guided vehicles) were the only option for automating internal transport tasks. Today, a more sophisticated technology is competing with them: AMR (autonomous mobile robots). Although both AGVs and AMRs allow materials to be moved from point A to point B, the comparison ends there. Read more

Digitization needs to pay off

May 6, 2020

Industry 4.0 has been a hot topic at maxon since the drive specialist introduced configurable drives. Now we’re continuing to drive digitization – but not at all costs. Read more

Challenges for the packaging industry

April 17, 2020

Under the pressure of environmental concerns, the packaging industry is reorganising. Changing lifestyles and rising raw materials prices have completed this movement. The stakes are high, given that this sector, dominated by food processing, is expected to be worth several hundred billion dollars in the coming years. What challenges will the packaging industry have to face in the next 10 years to remain competitive? Especially in the technologies it uses. Here are some answers. Read more

A wide variety of high-performance drives

April 9, 2020

maxon, high precision drive specialist, launches high-torque product innovations this Spring. These include higher performance flat motors, drives with higher torque output, and new additions to the GPX gearbox family. Read more

Robots in the vineyard

March 13, 2020

In France’s Bordeaux region, robots ensure that the wine is organically good. They autonomously eliminate grass and weeds between the vines, making pesticides unnecessary. To enable the robots to navigate the hilly terrain, the developers took some cues from Mars rovers. Read more

Amputee bonds with son thanks to 3D printed hand

February 6, 2020

maxon, worked with Open Bionics to design and produce the actuator for the fingers in the Hero Arm. Each digit uses a maxon DCX 12 L motor. The actuator consists of a DC motor driving a customised gearbox and lead screw and nut, developed for the speed of each user.

Hub drives – the next step for modular robots

February 3, 2020

We catch up with Philip Norman, from Ross Robotics, who has made his modular robots even more modular. Read more

Maxon vliegt naar de zon

January 28, 2020

De Europese Ruimtevaartorganisatie ESA gaat naar de zon. Daarvoor wordt volgende maand de met tien instrumenten uitgeruste ruimtesonde Solar Orbiter gelanceerd. De wetenschappers hopen door de missie – die meerdere jaren gaat duren – meer over de zon te weten te komen, bijvoorbeeld over zonnewind en de complexe dynamieken die voor de zonne-uitbarstingen verantwoordelijk zijn. Meer info

Motors for hand held tools

January 16, 2020

Nog sterker, nog kleiner

January 9, 2020

De IDX-aandrijving combineert in een zeer compacte vorm een krachtige borstelloze EC-i-motor en een EPOS4-positioneerbesturing, en kan indien gewenst worden aangevuld met een planetaire overbrenging van maxon. Lees verder