
Nijdra Group

At Nijdra, we manufacture first-class precision mechanical components and mechatronic modules every day. In doing so, we take care of the (bio)medical, analytical, optical and pharmaceutical industries as well as the semiconductor sector worldwide.

We don’t have a product catalogue; we make what the customer needs. From the smallest parts at the heart of machines that matter, to fully assembled table-top models. Where precision is often literally vital. It is done in our state-of-the-art factories: turning, milling and grinding. With micron-level precision. Precision. To the max!

But there is more! Our proud family business has been operating for three generations. That extensive experience in the high-tech industry means we can add value from development to final product. Co-engineering, production, assembly…, as the customer pleases. We value long-term relationships; intensive cooperation guarantees the best quality.

  • Co-engineering
    • As co-engineers, we think along with you at an early design stage: ‘Early supplier involvement’. We use all our knowledge and experience to find the most optimal solution for the manufacturability and reproducibility of your parts and/or assemblies.
  • Production
    • From prototyping to series of precision mechanical parts, we produce everything in highly automated and robotized machine factories (low volume, high complexity, low costs).
  • Assembly
    • We take care of the complete assembly and testing of mechatronic to complete (table model) machines for OEM customers. This way we take all chain concerns off your hands; you can keep full focus on your own services and core business.

More than 60% of our turnover is generated through exporting products.

Nijdra Group is ISO 9001, ISO 13485 and ISO 14001 certified. Our organization is strong in the 24/7 unmanned production through our robotized 5-axis machines and through to the high degree of automation. With these “complete in-house production” solutions, we can produce (small) series cost-effectively in a short time.

We are also strong, through our longstanding experience in the high-tech industry (since 1947), in supporting our customers with cost price reductions, solutions for new and existing machines and devices. With our experiences of international supply chain management (worldwide sourcing), we can offer our customers the best (price) solutions for their projects.

In addition to supplying parts and assemblies / modules, we supply fully assembled tabletop machines directly to the end customers of our customers, active in the biomedical and pharmaceutical industry, including validation and final test.


Nijdra Group and 5C-Tech: A Successful Partnership Moves to the Next Phase

March 14, 2025

Nijdra Group is proud to share our collaboration with 5C-Tech GmbH, an innovative player in the field of automated welding. Together, we have worked on the co-engineering, production, and assembly of the welding units, an advanced device that sets a new standard in precision and efficiency. This project demonstrates how our expertise and flexibility can deliver fast, high-quality results. Read more [Picture source: Nijdra Group on linkedin.com]

As part of its 50th anniversary celebrations, Nijdra Group published a special magazine

December 14, 2024

As part of its 50th anniversary celebrations, Nijdra Group published a special magazine which Saskia van Dijk-Nije presented during the reception and party at the end of November. Saskia explained: “Our magazine contains many extraordinary stories from our clients, suppliers and employees. It gives unique insight into the relationships we have built over the years. We are delighted to share this opportunity to reflect on our achievements over the past 50 years, and look forward to the future of our business.” Please let your contact person know if you’d like to receive a copy. [Picture source: Nijdra Group on linkedin.com]

Nijdra Group 2024 movie

November 22, 2024

At Nijdra, we manufacture first-class precision mechanical components and mechatronic modules every day. In doing so, we take care of the (bio)medical, analytical, optical and pharmaceutical industries as well as the semiconductor sector worldwide. Watch the video

Making the world a better place

November 9, 2024

We help make the world a better place. How? Because Nijdra mainly works for medical, biomedical, analytical, optical and pharmaceutical companies, all sectors where precision is literally vitally important. Co-engineering, turning, milling, and grinding up to 0.001 mm precision, and assembling – it all happens in our ultra-modern factories. Read more

50 jaar jong

November 2, 2024

Mooi nieuws! Nijdra Groep bestaat 50 jaar. In november 1974 zette Johan Nije de conventionele metaaldraaierij van zijn vader op eigen titel voort. ‘Nijdra’ doopte hij zijn bedrijf. Een samenvoeging van familienaam Nije en het woord ‘draaierij’. En het is tot op de dag van vandaag een succes. Nijdra draait letterlijk én figuurlijk mee in de top als het gaat om fijnmechanische componenten en compleet geassembleerde mechatronische modules. We hebben een ‘klinkende’ naam in de biomedische, analytische, optische en farmaceutische industrie én in de semiconsector. Lees verder

NIJDRA Group – full-service organisatie voor de hightechindustrie

October 19, 2024

Nijdra Group is een zelfstandig (familiebedrijf), full-service organisatie (>100 fte) in Noord-Holland gespecialiseerd in co-engineering, verspaning, slijpen en assemblage van fijnmechanische onderdelen en mechatronische modules en complete benchtop machines voor diverse hightechindustrieën. Lees verder [Bron: sciencelink.net]

Nijdra Group: precision to the max

October 5, 2024

Nijdra Group is gevestigd in Middenbeemster en maakt eersteklas fijnmechanische componenten en mechatronische modules. Daarmee ontzorgen zij wereldwijd met name de (bio)medische, analytische, optische en farmaceutische industrie én de semiconsector. Lees verder

Nijdra Group celebrates 50th anniversary

August 22, 2024

Anyone driving around the business park in Middenbeemster, about 30 minutes’ drive north of Amsterdam, will automatically pass Nijdra Group’s head office. The name is familiar to many in the region. But what is Nijdra, what do they actually do and what do they stand for? Only a handful of people know the answers to these questions. A good reason to pop in and ask. In November, the family-owned company with more than one hundred employees will be celebrating its 50th anniversary. Read more