
Nobleo Technology

autonomous | intelligent | systems

We are an international team of engineers, with one shared mission… to use our technology to make the world a healthier and safer place.

We have harnessed our expertise in the science of controlling motion, combining fundamental and theoretical know-how with practical engineering into effective product development. We employ unique expertise in algorithms for sensing and signal processing, giving our intelligent systems remarkable performance.

Just like the solutions we develop, we are an intelligent, autonomous ‘family’ of thinkers who can work both independently and as part of a larger team. We are not content to sit still. We constantly challenge ourselves to push the boundaries of what is possible – and in the process we actively shape the future of our systems.

We offer this expertise to you. We want your products to run faster, more precisely and more autonomously. We want them to run by themselves.


Nobleo Technology Autonomous Solutions

July 4, 2024

Nobleo’s Autonomous Solutions is a trusted partner to accelerate your path to automation. Watch the video

Nobleo Academy: Empowering Nobleans to Outsmart Tomorrow!

May 25, 2024

The Nobleo Academy provides our engineering professionals with a diverse package of training and education. By maintaining small training groups, we ensure personalized attention and a high-quality learning experience. Read more [Picture source: Nobleo Technology on linkedIn.com]

Nobleo Technology and Nobleo Manufacturing are joining forces in Design House+

May 18, 2024

Introducing Design House+: a new perspective to develop smart ideas into (high) volume production. Explore how we merge design expertise with manufacturing knowledge to ensure quality and unburden you from A to Z. Read more [Picture source: Nobleo Technology on linkedin.com]

Nobleo article on Actuator Matrix Design for Over-Actuated Systems

May 4, 2024

An article on Actuator Matrix Design for Over-Actuated Systems written by our colleagues Frank Sperling, Mathijs Schouten and by Georgo Angelis. Read more

Nobleo brings intelligent deep learning solutions to MEKOPP

April 20, 2024

Founded in 2011, Nobleo Technology has since grown to over 75 employees and offers expertise on the development of mechatronics design solutions, autonomous robotics and machine learning algorithms for high-tech applications. The latter brought them to the MEKOPP project, where they are responsible for the software that detects wafer defects on photonic wafers (PICs) with a step-and-scan microscope. The tool can process a 20-megapixel image in 100 milliseconds, targeting a throughput rate of 10 wafers per second (4 inch). The microscope generates PIC images with an image resolution of 0.3 mm and/or 0.1 mm. Read more [Source: hightechnl.nl]

Engineering is a team sport

March 29, 2024

Nobleo Technology’s Bram Odrosslij starred in the Carrière Magazine of Technische Universiteit Eindhoven of March 2024. Read more

A mechatronics powerhouse 

January 13, 2024

You may be a start-up, SME, or a multinational leading the way in extraordinarily innovative industries (e.g. semiconductor manufacturing and printing). It doesn’t matter – we’ll develop high-precision, high-performance motion solution modules for you! Read more [Picture source: nobleo-technology.nl]

How we help Big Ass Battery

January 6, 2024

As an engineering house, our development team regularly comes across problems for which a solution is not obvious. Building a software platform for a battery storage system is not simply stacking standardized building blocks on top of each other. The software intervenes deeply in the entire system. In addition, battery packs must be balanced properly to be used efficiently. Read more

Nobleo receives award from Besi

December 16, 2023

At Nobleo Technology we always strive to go that extra mile, to go above and beyond to meet up on our customer requirements in the semiconductor industry. As we are a Designhouse+ we cover the complete process, from prototypes to establishing production at volume suppliers. Find out how this valuable collaboration turned into a success! Read more

Nobleo Technology – Our brand story – Let’s outsmart tomorrow

December 2, 2023

We are an international team of engineers, thinkers, and doers, here to create a positive social impact by developing innovative technical solutions. We help drive your business in diverse ways throughout 3 key areas in engineering. Autonomous Solutions, Intelligent Embedded Solutions and High Tech Systems. Find out who we are and what we do.

A smart ‘breathalyzer’ to help (young) patients with chronic lung conditions

November 25, 2023

Nobleo has collaborated with the research department of Emma Children’s Hospital in Amsterdam to develop a home breath monitoring device that could significantly improve the well-being of youngsters with lung diseases like ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) or cystic fibrosis. Read more

Max van Lith (Nobleo Technology) receives Ir. A. Davidson Award 2023

November 17, 2023

During the 22nd edition of the Precision Fair, held in Den Bosch (NL), the Ir. A. Davidson Award 2023 was presented to Max van Lith, mechatronics engineer at Nobleo Technology in Eindhoven (NL). He received the prize for his role as a lead mechanical engineer who sets out the guidelines for mechanical and system designs in a systematic and analytical manner. “Max is truly an emerging talent, a knowledge provider and source of information for his colleagues. Even with limited information and requirements, Max always manages to get possible design directions down on paper.” Read more [Source: dspe.nl]

Developing the software controller for large Energy Storage Systems

September 30, 2023

The Dutch government strives for a more sustainable energy supply system, capable of integrating new energy sources, to reduce the load on the electricity grid and to support CO2 reduction. By storing energy in batteries at times of abundant energy production, such as the production of renewable energy sources, and using this stored energy when demand is high, the electricity grid is relieved. Read more

Autonomous agriculture, the future of farming

September 23, 2023

Nobleo Technology is thrilled to congratulate AgXeed with this exciting new chapter. We look forward to continuing our close collaboration with AgXeed as strategic development partner. Read more

Predictive maintenance for bearing inspection

August 11, 2023

Nobleo developed algorithms for predictive maintenance of bearings. The main task was to perform impulse detection, its properties, its periodicity in the acceleration signal and separate the sources of different impulses. The main challenges were the noise level, sensor placement, different transfer functions, unknown machine condition (meta-data), insufficient labelled data. Read more

Wearable device for contraction tracking

July 28, 2023

Nobleo Intelligent Solutions developed a mechanical sensor solution for the tracking of labor contractions. The interval between contractions is used as a decision criterion whether or not a pregnant lady should be provided with clinical support (e.g. go to the hospital to give birth). Read more

Reflectance sensor development for medical device

June 30, 2023

Nobleo Intelligent Solutions has integrated a sensor into a wearable device to assess the level of pigmentation and redness of the skin. The sensor was developed for the purpose of preventing sunburn by assessing the skin properties before and after being exposed to sun light. Read more

Electromagnetic freezing of food products

June 14, 2023

Nobleo explored the feasibility of using electromagnetic freezing of food products.  The technology might be able to reduce energy consumption and reduction of drip losses. Read more

Teaming up to create the world’s smartest battery

June 2, 2023

Big Ass Battery‘s stated goal is crystal clear: to create the smartest battery in the world. With Nobleo’s help, the company is well on its way in achieving this ambition. Read more

Next-generation controller unit for climate and feeding automation systems

March 31, 2023

Fancom and Nobleo teamed up to develop a next-generation controller unit for climate and feeding automation systems used in pig, poultry and mushroom farming. Read more

Model-based engineering for product platforms, i.e. a family of products

March 25, 2023

Nobleo is a strong believer in model-based engineering, not only for one of a kind prototypes but also when it comes to product platforms, i.e. a family of products. The latter is challenging and requires special attention since the designer intends to reuse models or parts of models. Read more

For engineers who are looking for a broader view, this is more than just a job

March 3, 2023

Nobleo Technology’s Rick Voogt starred in the Carrière Magazine of Technische Universiteit Eindhoven of March 2023. In the article he shares his experience about working at Nobleo Technology and why he chooses to work here. Read the article

QR Code Navigation by Nobleo

February 11, 2023

Demonstration of navigation by an autonomous robot based on localisation with QR codes. The QR codes on the robot and the wall are captured by an external camera, on the left of the image. Our software can localise the QR code with cm accuraccy and up to 50m away. Watch the video

Mobile Robot Navigation in ROS2 [WHITEPAPER]

January 20, 2023

Nobleo Technology’s ROS experts, together with Eindhoven University of Technology have investigated a number of AMR and AGV navigation schemes. In this whitepaper a comprehensive overview of four methods/algorithms is presented and assessed with respect to performance, robustness, accuracy and computational burden. Download the whitepaper

Five ways in which Nobleo is currently helping Thermo Fisher Scientific

January 14, 2023

Currently five Nobleo engineers are working on-site at the Thermo Fisher Scientific R&D and manufacturing plant in Eindhoven’s Brainport. All are working on projects involving electron microscopes. But what exactly is their contribution? Read more

Whitepaper: Towards automatic skin cancer detection

January 6, 2023

For dermatology start-up View Derma we developed a mole inspection camera (multispectral imaging solution). This camera takes multispectral images of skin lesions (10 different wavelengths) that are then classified as malignant or benign. Read more

Dispensing solution for cosmetic products

November 19, 2022

Nobleo developed a dispensing solution for the manufacturing of on-demand cosmetic products. The main challenge was to develop a machine that can do dispensing with an accuracy of <5 mg without using high-tech dispensing technology (for example ink-jetting). Read more

autonomous mobile robot (amr)

September 16, 2022

Mooi artikel van onze collega César López in Mechatronica&Machinebouw over het ontwikkelen van een ‘autonomous mobile robot (amr)’, die geschikt is voor logistieke operaties in ziekenhuizen. Lees verder

Reducing time-to-field

June 3, 2022

Nobleo Technology was selected by AgXeed to develop the autonomy software for AgBot, a fully autonomous tractor for sustainable agriculture. Besides developing the software, we had to make sure the Agbots are able to successfully complete the tasks that they receive from a cloud portal. Nobleo Technology created a digital twin of the AgBot to facilitate testing, which demonstrated that virtual testing saves development time and costs. Read more

Autonomous Street Sweeper EIT project

April 2, 2022

Cleaning streets is essential for well-being in cities. Similarly, cleaning industrial floors is important for productivity in industrial buildings. These tasks are performed using industrial sweepers, which require precise maneuvering, especially when they need to clean close to objects and in a dynamic environment with moving objects and people. Read more

Robots on the move – interactie met de echte wereld

January 21, 2022

De meeste robots zijn momenteel te vinden in de industrie, als ondersteuning bij herhalende taken, zoals de geautomatiseerde productie van auto’s. Maar binnen afzienbare tijd moet de robot ook zijn weg weten te vinden in een minder gestructureerde omgeving om te kunnen werken in de zorg of bij de opsporing van giftige stoffen. TUE-promovendus Wouter Houtman onderzocht de interactie van robots met hun omgeving en ontwikkelde algoritmes om hen beter in ‘de echte wereld’ te laten bewegen. Lees verder

Sensor systems are key enablers for smart machines

January 4, 2022

There is a continuous need to increase the functionality of machines and robots for manufacturing and inspection tasks. Underlaying driver is the need to reduce the amount of human involvement in the execution of these tasks. Examples of such machines are chip lithography machines, pick and place machines, but also Automated Guided Vehicles executing a variety of tasks in indoor and outdoor applications. Read more

Nobleo Technology neemt Ruvu Robotics over

December 15, 2021

Het Eindhovense Nobleo Technology neemt per 1 januari 2022 Ruvu Robotics over, specialist in mobiele robotica uit Best. Het ingenieursbureau geeft hiermee verder invulling aan haar nationale en internationale groeiambitie. Lees verder

Nobleo’s debut at ROSCON 2021

December 2, 2021

Nobleo develops high quality robotics solutions based on the open-source software stack ROS. We made our debut at ROSCON 2021 with our high-performance navigation module for industrial mobile robots. Read more and watch the video

Nobleo’s definition for Artificial Intelligence

November 19, 2021

Thanks to Moore’s law, these days human mankind has access to powerful computing platforms. This enabled massive innovation in the field of Artificial Intelligence in past years. It is about collection and -storage of huge amounts of data, and the related processing of that data with trained algorithms into information. That information on its turn is used to create intelligent machines or processes in use by humans. Read more 

Harm Schepens is featured in Mikroniek

Noblean Harm Schepens is featured in Mikroniek’s 5th issue with his thesis on extending ADAT2 equipment lifetime. You can read the full article here.

Ultrasound image analysis

November 10, 2021

Nobleo developed an algorithm for the segmentation of structures in ultrasound image video streams. Ultrasound imaging is typically known from echography for unborn babies. Due to the low cost, small size, and non-invasiveness, it is commonly used for many other diagnoses, such as measuring bladder volume, cardiac inspections, analysis of blood flows in arteries and veins or diagnostics of muscle fractures. Read more

Digital twin of a building

November 4, 2021

More and more buildings and infrastructures like airports nowadays have a digital twin in which all real estate assets can be monitored virtually. Read more

Multispectral imaging fort the inspection of skin and food

October 30, 2021

Nobleo developed a custom multispectral camera prototype for the assessment of pigmented lesions in the human skin. Prior to the development an extensive patent screening and IP landscaping has been done for the particular application. Read more

Zelfrijdende tractoren

June 30, 2021

Samen met opdrachtgever Agxeed ontwikkelde Nobleo Technology een zelfrijdende tractor. Deze onbemande tractor levert niet alleen een kostenbesparing op; hij rijdt ook preciezer dan een reguliere tractor, die niet gestuurd wordt door diverse optische sensoren en twee GPS-ontvangers. Read more [Bron: technischweekblad.nl]

AgXeed en Nobleo scoren met autonomie in landbouw

June 26, 2021

Nobleo Technology is gespecialiseerd in autonomie, intelligentie en mechatronische systemen. Het heeft in de afgelopen jaren de Nobleo Autonomie Core (NAC) ontwikkeld, waarmee bedrijven hun producten volledig autonoom kunnen laten rijden of varen. Met deze software voor autonomie is de autonome tractor van AgXeed in staat zelfstandig een volledige akker te bewerken. Lees verder  [Bron: computable.nl]

Robot Sara: de altijd geduldige extra handjes in de langdurige zorg

June 19, 2021

In diverse sectoren is de robot het stadium van experiment al lang voorbij. Sterker nog, toepassingen van kunstmatige intelligentie (AI) krijgen bij gebruikers steeds vaker de voorkeur boven een menselijke oplossing. Soms is snelheid daarbij doorslaggevend, in andere gevallen gaat het vooral om nauwkeurigheid of simpelweg om het opheffen van ‘dom’ werk. Maar op plekken waar grote creativiteit of die typische menselijke compassie een rol spelen, is de invoer van AI en robotica veel minder vanzelfsprekend. Lees verder [Bron: innovationorigins.com]

Op weg naar een autonomere SARA

May 1, 2021

Learning Control for Self Optimized Operation of Machines 

April 3, 2021

The demo shows auto-configuration of complex machines that execute repetitive tasks. This way an operator does not need to manually optimise the operation of the machine for each new task. Short learning cycles allow the machine to produce at high quality from the beginning of each assignment. Watch the video [Source: Flanders Make on YouTube]

Getting grip on your development process

November 18, 2020

At Nobleo Technology we execute our projects according to both V-model and Agile model. It is important to decide at the start of the project which type of approach is the best fit for the project. Based on the Cynefin framework you could say that projects that are well specified, well understood and well scoped, where best- and good-practice can be applied, are the best fit for the V-model. For more complex projects with more uncertainties, less constraints and more variables it is better to use an Agile approach. Read more

Standardized AGV solution for existing electrical pallet trucks

October 1, 2020

Nobleo Technology developed a standardized AGV solution for existing electrical pallet trucks. This upgrade kit can easily be installed to autonomize your warehouse. The upgrade kit is based on ROS, combined with the “Nobleo Autonomy Core”. Watch the video [Source: Nobleo Technology on LinkedIn]

Direct drive or Indirect? That’s the question

September 5, 2020

What if it is possible to create an indirect-drive actuator with the benefits of a direct drive? Typical struggles in actuator selection are to balance upsides, such as high force, with the downsides of additional mass, volume and availability. Adding a transmission has its own downsides, such as friction, backlash and hysteresis. But what if a gear ratio can be created with the aid of flexure mechanics, eliminating all these downsides? Read more

The new normal: automating the dirty, dull and dangerous work

May 30, 2020

In a fast-changing world where automating human work was already emerging, COVID-19 further accelerates change and automation due to social distancing and it creates economic challenges by interrupting everyday life. Working with more distance from each other will be the new normal and machines will have to work together with humans for them to keep them safe, but also keep them in business. Read more

Skin screening for early skin cancer detection

May 8, 2020

Service providers in the healthcare industry are adopting technical solutions to remotely assess patients. Nobleo Technology has developed a multi-spectral camera to take high-quality images of the skin to facilitate remote assessment of pigmented lesions. Read more

Care-Robot SARA

May 2, 2020

SARA Robotics is a start-up in Care-Robots for the elderly, powered by Bright Cape. SARA has been developed to support care-workers, who are under enormous work pressure over the last months. Especially in these difficult circumstances SARA is of great support for the elderly and the care workers. Read more

The Forklift Warehouse Management System

March 31, 2020

Nobleo Project B.V and Brightcape B.V. work together to develop a “standardized” AGV solution for electrical pallet trucks: “The Forklift Warehouse Management System”. Using navigation based on relative displacement, the AGV can move autonomously in a warehouse without the need of additional physical infrastructure in the warehouse.  Read more

Turning batches into continuous flow

February 5, 2020

One of Europe’s largest beer brewers recently invited seven engineering consultancies to pitch for a robot system. The brewer wanted a robotic packaging line feeder to place folded boxes into a box erection system. Nobleo Technology was chosen, not because it suggested the smartest, most cost-effective, most reliable robot, we won the pitch because we proposed turning a stack of flat boxes into a continuous flow of flat boxes. Read more