
Pezy Group

We create brands, products & equipment

Pezy Group is a hands-on innovation agency with offices in the Netherlands (Eindhoven, Houten, Groningen) and Singapore.

We help customers to accelerate innovation by working together in multidisciplinary teams and deliver state-of-the-art innovations from strategy to scale up.


Our large group of professionals are the beating heart of our company and represent a wide variety of expertise and competencies.

We love our work and share the ambition to be the very best at what we do: creating meaningful and well-designed brands, products and equipment.


Our core strength is our multidisciplinary practical approach in solving innovation challenges. We create powerful innovations by integrating competence:

  • Innovation Strategy & Design
  • Development & Engineering
  • Prototyping & Demonstrators
  • Small Series Production
  • Modelling & Simulation
  • Industrialization & Sourcing



June 8, 2024

In het PEZY Protolab ontwikkelen we de eerste tastbare versies van een product. Zodra de basics getest zijn, kunnen we gebruikmaken van onze eigen PEZY Plastics Factory, waar we de beschikking hebben over een complete toolshop met 3D-printers, matrijzenmakerij, spuitgietmachines en diverse test- en afwerkingstools. Lees verder

PEZY in het nieuws in Duitsland

May 4, 2024

In dit Duitse artikel komt Henco Pezij aan het woord over onze innovatieve aanpak in productontwikkeling en het versnellen van de marktintroductie met behulp van onze PEZY Plastics Factory. Het artikel behandelt onze samenwerking met bedrijven zoals Fraunhofer IZM aan circulaire kunststofoplossingen en slimme, duurzame producten. Lees verder

Venture Partner voor Neolook

March 2, 2024

In nauwe samenwerking tussen Neolook Solutions en Pezy Group hebben wij een innovatief apparaat ontworpen voor Neonatale Intensive Care zorg. Dit wordt ook gebruikt bij Máxima MC (MMC) in Eindhoven en Veldhoven. Het recente bezoek van Koning Willem-Alexander benadrukte de impact van onze gezamenlijke inspanningen in zorginnovatie. Lees verder [Bron foto: Royal House of the Netherlands op linkedin.com]

Opening van ons nieuwe pand in Groningen

January 20, 2024

Hartelijk dank aan iedereen die aanwezig was en heeft bijgedragen aan de gezelligheid! Speciale dank aan Thijs voor de inspirerende presentatie over circulair design. [Bron foto: Pezy Group op linkedin.com]

The Hable One

January 13, 2024

Proudly, we share the success of the Hable One, an innovative remote for the visually impaired. Recently awarded the prestigious Braillepluim, it’s embraced by over 5000 users, including Stevie Wonder, as a valuable accessibility tool. Read more [Picture source: Pezy Group on linkedin.com]

Smart productontwikkeling

October 7, 2023

Digitale ontwikkelingen maken nieuwe waardevolle innovaties mogelijk, voor zakelijk of thuisgebruik. Door onze jarenlange ervaring in fysieke productontwikkeling te integreren met onze kennis van elektronica, firmware, IoT en UX, zorgen wij ervoor dat we grip hebben op de totale scope van het project. Zo houden wij alle aspecten en disciplines in de juiste balans.

Bekijk nu ook onze reader over Smart Products!

Healthtech Product Development

September 9, 2023

Productontwikkeling voor gezondheidsproducten kan overweldigend zijn door de uitdagende regelgeving. Bij Pezy Group weten ze hoe je moeten werken met veiligheidsnormen en voorschriften zoals de MDR, ISO13485 en meer. Lees verder

At Pezy Group we know what it takes to create complex plastic products

August 26, 2023

The foundation of every product originates from its design. We use the latest insights to design an attractive, cost effective and producible product and validate these in our pilot factory where we can test actual production. Read more

Circulaire productontwikkeling

February 11, 2023

Door meer gerecyclede en hernieuwbare materialen te gebruiken als grondstof voor nieuwe producten, creëren we een circulair product in een circulair economisch model. Om dit succesvol te realiseren zijn alle spelers binnen de kunststof waardeketen nodig. Pezy Group helpt bedrijven om het traditionele ’take-make-waste’ ontwerpproces te doorbreken.​ Lees verder en bekijk de video

De beste ondersteunende interfaces en applicaties

October 29, 2022

Hable is actief in de toegankelijkheidsbranche. De start-up is opgericht door twee studenten van de TU Eindhoven en heeft vijf medewerkers in dienst. De visie van het bedrijf is om smartphones volledig toegankelijk te maken voor blinden. Dit doen ze door een nieuw type product op de markt te brengen: de Hable One. Dit is een slim toetsenbord dat mensen met een visuele beperking de mogelijkheid biedt om dezelfde voordelen van smartphones als ieder ander volledig te benutten. Lees verder

Ontwikkelen van proefmatrijzen

September 29, 2022

In de afgelopen periode heeft Pezy Group doormiddel van subsidie ondersteuning gekregen vanuit Samenwerkingsverband Noord-Nederland (SNN). Daarmee hebben we ruimte gekregen voor de ontwikkeling van twee proefmatrijzen om de kwaliteit van gerecycled plastic grades te kunnen testen op verschillende aspecten zoals functionaliteit, hechting en op visueel vlak. Daarmee krijgt Pezy Group, en daarmee onze klanten, inzicht in de mogelijke toepassingen waarin deze grades kunnen worden ingezet en welke randvoorwaarden gelden. Lees verder

Metal to Plastics

September 10, 2022

This white paper discusses a cost reduction strategy that uses material conversions to improve products without compromising their basic function; with an emphasis on metal to plastic.

10.000 days of co-creating

September 1, 2022

Today, the 30th of August 2022, Pezy Group celebrates ten thousand days of accelerating innovations. We want to share this exciting event with our network! Thanks to everyone who has been involved during our journey. Read more

Canon Production Printing

February 24, 2022

The product that we will discuss, is one of the top quality model carriages of Canon Production Printing that’s based on inkjet technology. The carriage contains 9 ink cartridges which move with high speed and high accuracy over the to be printed material. Due to increased demands on cost savings, speed, and accuracy, the existing metal solution was in need of improvement. Read more

Circular product development

December 8, 2021

PolyCE is a European Commission funded project that has taken up the challenge of creating a more sustainable life cycle of e-plastic materials. Pezy Group was part of the PolyCE consortium. It consisted of 20 expert organizations working together to significantly reduce the use of virgin plastics and improve the use of recycled plastics in new electronics applications. The experts of the PolyCE consortium share the latest circular guidelines and insights.

Download the PolyCE reader on circular guidelines now.

Key insights on product innovation

November 4, 2021

Organizations that develop their own products are innovating more and more. Although pressure is being created by the emergence of rapid scale-ups and changing customer needs, Pezy Group sees plenty of opportunities in the field of product innovation for these organizations. Read more

Hable One: a story about the development of a visionary product

September 25, 2021

Both founders of Hable are motivated by helping others. Ayushman Talwar grew up in the Indian city of New Delhi. There, he supported his blind grandfather navigate everyday life. When he became an engineering student he decided to participate in a hackathon. Motivated by his ambition to help his grandfather he tried to develop a braille keyboard. The first prototype didn’t work properly, but he decided not to give up. Years later, when he continued his studies as an Industrial Design student at the University of Eindhoven, the Netherlands, he continued on this project. Read more

How to improve your design process by using Modelflow® simulation software

May 29, 2021

Pezy Group has a small Moldflow® team that can run simulations to check the manufacturability of plastic parts. In this article, we give an introduction about how Moldflow® can be a useful tool in the development process. Read more

Innovative microsensortechnology

April 24, 2021

INGU’s Pipers® solution, innovative micro sensor technology and advanced data analytics, provide condition-critical data to optimize pipeline integrity programs. Free floating Pipers® keep operators in oil, gas, and water on top of wall condition, deposits and leaks in all pipelines, regardless of location, condition, materials or configuration, free of downtime and with a self-serve model. Read more about the development and collaboration with Pezy Group Read more

Supporting customers in the transition to a more sustainable product portfolio

April 23, 2021

Our colleagues Joop Onnekink, Jan-Paul van der Voet and Thijs Feenstra tell you all about the PolyCE project: what it entails, Pezy’s contribution to it, how we are going to implement the guidelines ourselves and how we will be able to support our customers in the transition to a more sustainable product portfolio. Read more

Circular guidelines for the use of recycled plastics

April 17, 2021

The experts of the PolyCE consortium share the latest guidelines on the use of recycled plastics. Download

The 5 milestones in smart product development

April 3, 2021

Pezy Group has more than 10 years of experience in developing smart devices with expert knowledge in electronics, firmware, IoT, design, and UX. We gathered the five most important milestones for you to work towards a successful product launch. Download our free reader and learn more!

Circular Product Design at Pezy Group | Engineering firm & product developer

February 20, 2021

As Pezy Group we help our clients contribute to the circular economy with the use of recycled plastics. Our circular product developer Thijs Feenstra explains in the movie below why circular product design is crucial nowadays. Watch the video

Creating moulds faster and more effective in the Pezy Group Toolshop

January 30, 2021

One year ago, the Okuma GENOS M560-VE made its entrance in our toolshop in Groningen. With this highly advanced milling machine it is possible to make quick moulds even faster and more effective! Read more

Hoe kun je CAD het meest effectief inzetten?

November 18, 2020

Computer-aided-design (CAD) heeft in de afgelopen decennia voor een versnelling gezorgd in productontwikkeling. Ontwerpen in 3 dimensies is nu veelal de norm maar de technische mogelijkheden gaan in de nabije toekomst nog verder. Met wat slimme trucs kunnen we echter nu al een stap maken in slimmer CAD gebruik met als gevolg een betere kwaliteit en snellere doorlooptijd. Lees verder

Clay, access without keys

October 16, 2020

Clay, now Salto KS, was one of the first in the market to install electronically controlled doors wirelessly and provide access without keys. Access to buildings or spaces with limited access, but also homes can be managed remotely. Pezy Group designed and produced all the hardware for this digitally driven innovation. In this way, we ensured that Clay could enter the market with the first product within 8 months. Read more

Your idea into small series?

September 25, 2020

We develop blow molded bottles from 3D printed moulds within 2 weeks. By using fast prototyping technologies we produce high-quality samples of innovative bottle designs.

Do you want to know more about the use of 3D printed moulds for blow molding bottles? With our services in small series production, functional packaging design and our knowhow on recycled and circular plastics we will help you tackle your challenge! Watch the video via LinkedIn

Braster self-examination device

August 25, 2020

Braster is a listed Polish scale-up that developed an innovative device which enables women to easily and comfortably self-screen their breast periodically. Read more

Smart products ask for a clever approach!

August 13, 2020

Our electronic experts share their five most important milestones towards a successful connected and IoT product launch. Download the smart product reader

Philips Living Color

August 1, 2020

A blast from the past is the Philips Living Color, a great product that can be found in many households and is still available. We are proud to have worked on this product. A challenging project in which we have learned a lot, applied our plastic expertise and developed a unique PET production technology. Read more

Connected Product Development: Smart fluid measurement system

July 21, 2020

Testing your propositions quickly by building early connected demonstrators can dramatically shorten your lead time. Have a look at the smart fluid measurement system that we developed for our client. A real-life concept study on how to improve the workflow of the medical staff and the measurement reliability. Watch the video

Circulaire productontwikkeling

July 18, 2020

Door meer gerecyclede en hernieuwbare materialen in te zetten als grondstof voor nieuwe producten creëren we een circulair product in een circulair economisch model. Om dit succesvol te kunnen realiseren zijn alle spelers binnen de waardeketen van kunststoffen nodig. Pezy Group helpt bedrijven om het traditionele ‘take-make-waste’ ontwerpproces te doorbreken. Lees verder

ISBM Blow Moulding Prototyping & Small Series

May 8, 2020

At Pezy Group, we offer innovation services from strategy & design to small series production and sourcing. By using our in-house tool shop with blow moulding equipment, feasibility is guaranteed throughout the entire development process and quick iteration steps ensure a fast and reliable time-to-market. Read more and watch the video

Fighting COVID-19 together

March 28, 2020

This week we have worked out a solution to transform a Decathlon Subea mask into a facial mask using off the shelf 3M filters. All details on the idea can be found on the fact sheet via the link below. Please contact us if you think you can help us realize it or forward it to your connections that might have an interest in using the idea or contact that can supply 3M filters or Decathlon masks. Read more