
Sioux Technologies

We bring high-tech to life

Sioux Technologies has all the expertise in-house to contribute to the success of high-tech products and production systems. Sioux’s strength lies in its unique combination of high-quality competencies in software, mathware, mechatronics, electronics and assembly. With more than 700 engineers, Sioux supports or acts as the R&D department of leading high-tech companies. Sioux likes to take responsibility: from thinking along in the concept phase to supplying series production. Together with its customers, Sioux wants to add value and build innovative solutions that can contribute to a society that is smarter, safer, healthier, more pleasant and sustainable.

Challenging high-tech projects

Working at Sioux, means working together with a team of driven, smart and fun colleagues on high-tech solutions that make a difference. You will contribute to the development and construction of complex products, often on the verge of what is technologically possible. At Sioux, you will work on a project for a big multinational in the region or for a promising start-up tackling the next breakthrough technology.

Working on your development

Our employees are our strength. Based on that belief, we find it very important to guide you optimally in your development. At Sioux we will keep you focused; we will constantly challenge you to learn and take the next steps. Therefore, we work with a generous personal development budget to keep your technological knowledge up-to-date and work on your personal skills. Your current competencies and ambitions will determine the direction of your future career path and the level achieved.

Creating meaningful innovations together

Sioux wants to contribute to a safe, healthy, smart, more pleasant and sustainable world through technological innovation. We aim for growth for our employees, our company and our customers. We create success and add value by learning, sharing, interacting, having fun and working on innovative solutions based on transparency and trust. Ask our employees at our Seats to Meet events what they think about working at Sioux.


Printed solar panels make buildings more colourful and sustainable

July 13, 2024

Sioux Technologies is contributing as a technical partner in the OPZuid grant project ‘Circular Multicoloured Facade PV Factory/ Circulaire Multicolor Gevel PV-Fabriek’ to the development of sustainable, safe and multicoloured solar panels in building facades. Led by Brabant-based Kameleon Solar, the parties involved are committed to making the total production line of coloured, building-integrated solar panels more future-proof. thus accelerating the energy transition. Read more

Driving the future: Sioux supports URE’s autonomous racing ambitions

June 29, 2024

This week, Sioux had the pleasure of collaborating with the University Racing Eindhoven (URE) team for an engineering design review on their software and electronics systems. This review is a crucial step in Formula Student competitions, where teams effectively ‘defend’ their designs to a panel of experts. Read more [Picture source: Sioux Technologies on linkedin.com]

Diversifying for growth beyond the Chip Boom

June 15, 2024

Sioux Technologies is riding the wave of the chip industry boom. We’re doubling our workforce dedicated to supporting ASML’s incredible growth. But here at Sioux, we believe in playing the long game. Read more [Picture source: Sioux Technologies on linkedin.com]

World-record chip placement

May 25, 2024

Sioux Technologies has a long-standing partnership with ITEC, developing and producing its record-breaking machines. ITEC’s wire bonders can place a mind-blowing 90,000 chips per hour with 5-micron accuracy. Read more [Picture source: Sioux Technologies on linkedin.com]

The high-tech industry needs better maintenance strategies to stay competitive

May 18, 2024

In a world facing an increasing shortage of technical staff, considerable costs due to downtime and excessive waste due to ineffective maintenance, improved maintenance strategies can help Dutch high-tech stay ahead of the global competition. Unfortunately, collaboration between OEMs and their customers is lacking. Yet, both parties would greatly benefit from better maintenance by sharing asset data. Read more

Build a rocket, code a train: Sioux Tech Labs fuel employee innovation

May 11, 2024

Hans Odenthal, department manager at Sioux with a tenure of ‘a hundred years’ (his words, not ours), has an enduring love for technology. Hans loves technical fiddling. This passion extends beyond his work hours, as he is an enthusiastic member of a Sioux hobby group that builds software for a fully automated LEGO train set. ‘Within Sioux, we call this kind of useful hobby group Tech Labs; we see it as learning for fun. Tech Labs remind us why our profession is so much fun AND they strengthen the bond between colleagues. Sioux also reaps the benefits of this. That’s why as an employer we arrange the space, pay for the supplies and treat ourselves to food for thought. Read more

New Managing Director for Sioux Assembly

May 4, 2024

We are proud to announce that Mart Lommers will be the new Managing Director of Sioux Assembly as of May 1, 2024. He takes over the reins from Rene van Wijk, who will assume the role of CEO of Sioux Technologies in Europe from January 1, 2025. Read more

Hans Odenthal van Sioux: ‘We stimuleren medewerkers om het budget op te maken’

April 20, 2024

In de rubriek Secundair geluk spreken we met organisaties die personeel met bijzondere arbeidsvoorwaarden weten te boeien en aan zich weten te binden. In deze aflevering: Hans Odenthal van Sioux: „Dat klinkt heel zakelijk, maar uiteindelijk moet bij ons ook de schoorsteen blijven roken.” Lees verder [Bron: businesswise.nl]

MBO intern surprises Sioux with self-designed printed circuit board

March 30, 2024

The first thing Salaheddine Gattaa (20) asked, when he started his internship at Sioux’s assembly plant last August, was whether his assignment could be altered. ‘I really wanted to learn more about electronics and hoped I would get the chance here, because at school you only learn a little about everything,’ he explains. Sioux’s team could appreciate his ambition and adapted his assignment. A few months later, the third-year Summa Technology and Engineering student surprised everyone with a self-designed circuit board. ‘Not every MBO student can do this,’ underlines mechanic Sebastiaan Hovens (49). Lees verder

New CEO for Sioux Technologies in Europe

March 22, 2024

Rene van Wijk (in the centre of the photo) will be appointed as Sioux Technologies’ new CEO in Europe effective Jan. 1, 2025. He will succeed Leon Giesen (on the rightside of the photo), who will step down as CEO on the same date. Erik van Rijswijk (on the left of the photo), COO and co-founder of Sioux, will also leave his position as a member of the European Management Board. Both will remain involved with Sioux in the role of Executive Advisors. Read more [Picture source: Sioux Technologies on linkedin.com]

Behind the scenes at Sioux Technologies

February 3, 2024

Want to know what it is like to work at Sioux Technologies? Take a quick look behind the scenes. Watch the video

Ron Willems: ‘Artificial intelligence is niet te stoppen dus ga er slim mee om’

January 20, 2024

Zo’n 35 jaar loopt hij inmiddels mee in de hightech wereld. ‘Ik heb een heel groot deel van het computertijdperk meegemaakt’, zegt Ron Willems (managing director Development & Engineering Sioux Technologies). Hij begon ooit zelf als programmeur van eerste embedded software. ‘Inmiddels zijn we aanbeland bij clouds, grote datasets, zelflerende algoritmes en artificial intelligence.’ Vooral in dat laatste verwacht Willems veel ontwikkelingen. ‘Yuval Harari voorspelt in zijn boek Sapiens dat op termijn niet meer de mens maar computers en algoritmes de leidende organismes in de wereld gaan zijn. Dat is niet per se mijn mening, maar feit is wel dat AI nu al dingen kan die voor mensen onhaalbaar zijn. Lees verder [Bron: linkmagazine.nl]

The bond between high-tech and medicine saves lives

December 9, 2023

A new era is upon us in medicine. But when will that future actually become a reality? Bob van Gemen: ‘We are currently making impressive technological leaps in medtech, using intelligent software with advanced mathematics and precise robotics, among other things. However, the validation and market adoption of innovations is and will remain a long-term process.’ Read more

AM-Flow on working with Sioux: ‘We feel like a kid in a candy shop’

November 24, 2023

AM-Flow automates production processes of 3D printing factories from the moment the printers have done their job. In doing so, the company aims to conquer the global additive manufacturing industry. In this, it gets a push from Sioux Technologies as investor and development partner. Stefan Rink, CEO of AM-Flow: ‘We are of the same technical family, our cooperation is a celebration of familiarity. Read more

From Eindhoven to Singapore…

November 11, 2023

At Sioux, you get the chance to work together with smart colleagues from different disciplines: such as mechatronics, mathware, software, mechanics, electronics and assembly. It is precisely this combination of expertise that allows us to work on the most challenging projects for (inter)national customers. Read more and watch the video

The zoo as a good learning school

November 3, 2023

That you don’t always need to have a technical background to work at Sioux Technologies is quite understandable. But the fact that even caring for great apes can be useful work experience is something Warehouse Employee Joost Peeters has to explain. ‘Monkeys are just like people. By observing them for hours, I have become good in understanding body language and group dynamics.’ Read more

Xyall’s new tabletop tissue dissection system released

September 2, 2023

Xyall’s Tissector tabletop system provides a fully automated molecular pathology workflow. Sioux Technologies helped Xyall develop their new tabletop system with a team of mechatronics, mechanics, electronics, software, and mathware engineers. Together they delivered a state-of-the-art system, using unique technologies in image registration, digital pathology, robotics and workflow optimization software. Xyall is on a mission to optimize molecular diagnostic test results for cancer patients by delivering technologies that enable accurate and efficient selection of tumor samples. 

Jettine tipped off her father for a job at Sioux

July 28, 2023

Fathers and sons who both work for Sioux are more common – Corporate Recruiter Jettine van Dongen knows there are at least five sets walking around. But fathers and daughters? That only happened once before, besides Jettine and her father Ad. Also special: it was Jettine who held the door open for her father – not the other way around. ‘I noticed he was missing things in his work and was sure he would find them at Sioux,’ she says. Thanks to her job tip, Ad made a career switch at age 59. Read more

Sioux opens office in Magdeburg

July 15, 2023

Leon Giesen, CEO Sioux Technologies Europe, is looking forward to this great adventure: ‘We are proud to be among the first to establish ourselves in the high-tech environment of Sachsen-Anhalt. In the coming years we are going to build something beautiful in which we are already grateful for the excellent cooperation with the federal government and higher education institutions in the region.’ Read more

Edge AI improves safety of mothers and newborns

June 14, 2023

Mothers can monitor the heart rate and contraction activity of themselves and their unborn child in the safety of their home, with the Nemo Remote. As R&D and production partner of Nemo Healthcare, Sioux supported them in realizing this non-invasive electrophysiological fetal monitoring. The Edge AI knowledge of Sioux played an important role in this. Read more and watch the video

ITEC and Sioux are revolutionizing the RFID industry

May 20, 2023

ITEC’s wire- and die-bonders do their job at an incredible speed. They can place up to 90,000 chips per hour on a substrate, which is by far the world record. Perhaps even more impressive, is that this is done with an accuracy of five micrometres. Sioux Technologies has been working with ITEC since 2008, contributing to the development and prototyping of this high-tech equipment. Meanwhile, the next step in this partnership has been taken; Sioux is responsible for the construction of the Tagliner. Read more

Going the extra mile for the world around us

May 13, 2023

Sioux develops and makes high-value technology, for example for the treatment of cancer, life sciences research, sustainable logistics and electric vehicles. ‘Why not also use the knowledge and experience of our incredibly smart people to make a positive impact in our community?’ With that question from Sioux, some employees set up the Sioux Social Impact Programme. Read more

OTFLOW and Sioux join forces to reduce food waste

April 14, 2023

The quality of fresh fruit and other refrigerated cargo regularly deteriorates during transport. Rotterdam startup OTFLOW developed a simple solution. However, the underlying knowledge is complex. Anne Eggels, mathware designer at Sioux Technologies, explains how value is added with a simulation model for air circulation. Read more

High-tech UX keeps you ahead of the competition

April 8, 2023

Where technology in itself was once distinctive enough, optimal user experience (UX) is increasingly determining the success of high-tech companies. Ben van Riemsdijk, manager UX at Sioux Technologies: ‘Products that are perfectly tailored to the workflow of end users pay off and sell better. However, designing and building them is a niche job. Read more

The secret to creating real value

March 3, 2023

Daphne de Jong is a rising star in the world of big US tech companies. On her CV are sounding names, employers such as Amazon Prime Air, Google’s Waymo, SpaceX and Rivian. She was included in Forbes 30 under 30 five years ago, is a board member at United Nations Women, an alpinist and in the race to become an astronaut at the European Space Agency. Erik van Rijswijk, co-founder and COO of Sioux Technologies, talked to her about pushing boundaries, passion, and the secret to creating real value. Read more

Medical innovation will help thousands of heart patients

February 20, 2023

Sioux Technologies, Wellinq and Echopoint Medical Ltd. are launching a revolutionary technology to detect heart disease: iKOr. This medical diagnostic device uses glass fibres and laser light to map blood flow very accurately in the tiny blood vessels around the heart. Traditional angiograms focus on the large coronary arteries where small details are not clearly visible. Read more

Sioux bouwt voor ITEC Equipment razendsnelle rfid-tagmachine

February 16, 2023

Het inleren blijkt heel vlot te zijn gegaan. ‘De eerste heeft ITEC Equipment gebouwd terwijl de mensen van Sioux hebben meegekeken, de tweede hebben we samen met hen gebouwd en de derde heeft Sioux gebouwd en hebben wij meegekeken’, schetst Mark Vogels. Lees verder [Bron: linkmagazine.nl]

Application of state-of-the-art testing

January 20, 2023

Achieving the highest possible quality of intelligent software requires testing in all development cycles. This describes the challenging work area of Sioux Technologies’ testing team. Read more

Integration of state-of-the-art application software

December 23, 2022

Sioux Technologies creates advanced application software for the high-tech industry, closely aligned with increasingly complex equipment and applications, for example for operating equipment, image and data analysis, process flow and information insight. The focus is on user-friendliness, quality, speed of innovation and cost efficiency. Read more


December 17, 2022

VDL, Sioux, AAE, KMWE, and BESI, all large high-tech companies that are considering transferring – or have already transferred – part of their assembly, production, R&D, or sales to Vietnam. Sioux founder Hans Duisters went the furthest in this: “We have been building hard in recent years on the Sino-Dutch business park in Suzhou, near Shanghai. Next year that should be able to go into operation. We are certainly capable of doing something like that in Binh Duong, Ho Chi Minh City or Hanoi as well.” Read more [Bron: innovationorigins.com]

Sioux into space

November 26, 2022

A piece of Sioux’s technology was launched into space with the SubOrbital Express 3 for scientific purposes. Sioux Technologies’ biological research lab is part of a total of 12 experiments which went into space with the rocket. Edwin Langerak, project manager at Sioux, tells more about the road to the launch and Sioux’s expertise within this particular branch of the high-tech industry. Read more

Sioux mathware accelerates innovation

October 26, 2022

The large mathware department of Sioux Technologies gives a kickstart to high-tech innovation by applying the latest scientific insights in the field of data science & machine learning, image analysis and advanced optimization algorithms. High-tech machines and advanced software applications must work ever faster, smarter, more accurately, and more autonomously. This requires technological breakthroughs that make the impossible…possible. The creative and result-oriented application of advanced mathematical knowledge, techniques and tools makes all the difference. Read more

Lijkt het gras groener bij de buren? Dan is het vast kunstgras.

September 15, 2022

Voor een arbeidsmarkt die al jaren verlegen zit om menskracht, werken project manager Tatiana Ungureanu en managing director Hans Michels van Sioux Technologies opvallend lang bij dezelfde werkgever: respectievelijk tien en dertig jaar. Dat ze elke maand wel een paar uitnodigingen krijgen om te komen praten over een andere baan, doet hen niets. ‘Ik kan bij Sioux al mijn dromen waarmaken.’ Lees verder

Sioux expands its activities in Delft

September 1, 2022

Sioux Technologies has moved into a new office in Delft. This larger office on Delftechpark 53, just steps away from TU Delft, enables Sioux to better serve both clients and the labor market in the Metropolitan Region Rotterdam Den Haag. Read more

Trends in Digital Twins

August 25, 2022

Today, predicting maintenance for your machine in a timely manner is essential to avoid downtime and to better plan production. Many technical solutions for predictive maintenance already exist. However, there are still many technical challenges in this area that can be solved by academics and the high-tech industry. Read more

Ultra-X technology recognized as one of the best microscopy innovations in the world

August 12, 2022

We are very proud that the Ultra-X technology was voted one of the best microscopy innovations in the 2022 Microscopy Today Innovation Awards. This price is the acknowledgment of years of hard work and teamwork of Nestor Zaluzec and the development teams at Sioux Technologies and Thermo Fisher Scientific. Read more

Disciplines Sioux Technologies en Masévon werken met modelgedreven softwareontwikkeling beter samen

July 22, 2022

Als software in een mechatronisch project meteen met de andere disciplines om tafel wil, moet het met hen kunnen communiceren. Softwarecode is voor die collega-disciplines – mechanica, elektronica en regeltechniek – een black box, dus zal het op een hoger abstractieniveau moeten gebeuren. Modelgedreven softwareontwikkeling, of MDD (model-driven development), biedt uitkomst. Sioux Technologies heeft daarvoor zelf tools gebouwd en blijft die in klantprojecten doorontwikkelen, zoals recent met Masévon. ‘We hebben nog nooit zo snel een machine opgebouwd.’ Lees verder [Bron: Linkmagazine.nl]

Hoe SIOUX zorgt voor leiderschap

July 9, 2022

Soms zeggen plaatjes meer dan duizend woorden. Dat geldt ook voor de aanpak van Sioux Technologies Assembly. Operations Manager Mart Lommers communiceert kraakhelder zijn visie met alle medewerkers via de animatievideo Leadership on a submarine’ van David Marquet. Hij geeft zijn mensen controle en daarmee creëert hij leiders. Hoe werkt dat op de produktievloer? Lees verder

Driven by curiosity

June 23, 2022

Oksana Manyuhina started at Sioux Technologies as senior mathware engineer four years ago. The Ukrainian left an impressive academic career behind, which she has not regretted for a moment. ‘Real people, the real world and solving real problems. That is what it is all about here.’ Read more

25 jaar Sioux Technologies: ‘In het spel van medewerkers aantrekken en behouden is een eigen identiteit cruciaal’

June 4, 2022

Sioux Technologies werd ruim 25 jaar geleden opgericht als specialist in technische software. Daar kwamen later elektronica en wiskunde bij. Nu is het het grootste onafhankelijke technische systeemhuis van de Benelux, met ook competenties als mechatronica, optica, systeemengineering, prototyping, en assemblage. De hightech klant kan er terecht van concept tot serieproductie. Op de hoofdlocatie gebeurt dat nu allemaal op één eigen campus met zeven gebouwen in Eindhoven-Noord. Bloedgroepen zijn niet belangrijk. ‘Het gaat erom dat techneuten samen heel mooie dingen bouwen.’ Lees verder [Bron: linkmagazine.nl]

Sioux accelerates commercialization of Xyall’s tumor dissection solution with capital investment

June 3, 2022

Medtech innovator Xyall attracts €6M Series B funding to further expand its molecular pathology solutions and make them available to the market on a larger scale. The funding comes from existing investors such as the Brabant Development Agency (BOM) and Sioux Technologies, a consortium led by Health Investment Partners (HIP) and several private investors. Read more

Sioux Technologies presents a medical revolution

April 27, 2022

Sioux Technologies joined forces with Xyall, a leading MedTech innovator in molecular pathology, to create a high-tech solution for automating tissue dissection, for molecular diagnostics. Watch the video

Software and mathware are changing the world

March 22, 2022

What does it take to be successful in the global and dynamic power play of the tech industry? Who better to ask this question than Risto Siilasmaa. He directed the miracle of Nokia, which went down dramatically in the violence of the smartphone industry but rose again as a global player in network infrastructure. Read more

Sioux Technologies & Thermo Fisher develop record breaking X-ray detector

March 2, 2022

The top of a technological roadmap.’ This is how Ruud Krijnen, system architect at Thermo Fisher Scientific, characterizes the Ultra-X. The maximum speed and sensitivity of a detection system for the company’s latest generation transmission electron microscope has been achieved. Read more

25+ years: Dreaming Thinking Doing

February 10, 2022

Sioux Technologies exists 25 years. During this time, an impressive international system house has emerged. The drive of founders Hans Duisters and Erik van Rijswijk remains unchanged: Sioux brings high-tech to life to make the world a little better. ‘We regularly make the seemingly impossible possible. Our innovative strength is enormous, but our people are the ones that make it all happen. Cooperation, also with customers, is the soul of Sioux.’ Read more

Sioux builds second multidisciplinary system house in China

February 4, 2022

Pioneering is in our blood. With this attitude, Sioux Technologies started building a multidisciplinary system house in China a few years ago. The Chinese high-tech industry is growing at a rapid pace and Sioux in Suzhou now employs around 100 people working for Western and Chinese customers. Slowly a second Sioux is emerging in which all competences are united. Time for an update from Thomas van Schijndel, managing director Sioux Asia. Read more

Sioux Technologies Hot-or-Not: The Next Generation workshop

December 3, 2021

The Sioux Hot-or-Not: The Next Generation workshop is the way to make the next generation excited by showing what is possible with technology. During the workshop, children experienced how they can make their own futuristic Star Wars robot move and become smarter. Children from the age of 7 learned how to program with Lego Boost and children from the age of 10 focused with Lego Spike on the art of programming. Watch the video

Sioux delivers 50th machine to JIACO Instruments

November 25, 2021

JIACO Instruments developed the first effective decapsulation machine in the world. JIACO has teamed up with Sioux Technologies for the assembly processes to meet the ever-growing demand of their customers. Now, the delivery of the 50th MIP machine (Microwave Included Plasma) is a fact! Sioux celebrated this achievement together with JIACO Instruments. Read more

Meet our NPI Engineer: Jeroen Eggermont

October 28, 2021

Jeroen Eggermont works as an NPI Engineer at Sioux Technologies. He oversees the entire industrial and developmental process of a new product. At Sioux he can really have an impact on the engineering process and the implementation. Read more

Smart algorithms of Sioux will unlock rich collection of press photos

October 13, 2021

Press photographers often take several photos of an event. Usually only one of them appears in the newspaper. Nowadays, both the newspaper and the original photo series of the press photographer can often be found in digitized form. But searching through these sources and making connections between them is still manual work. Researchers are now exploring the possibilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to connect these collections and to better unlock the wealth of press photo archives. This will make it easier to find out the full story of a single press photo. Sioux’s mathware solutions play a key role in making this possible. Read more

Nederlandse Tech-reus Sioux Technologies vestigt zich in Apeldoorn

July 31, 2021

Sioux Technologies heeft sinds juni dit jaar een nieuwe vestiging in Apeldoorn. Vanuit deze vestiging wil Sioux samen met haar klanten waarde toevoegen en bouwen aan innovatieve oplossingen die een bijdrage leveren aan een maatschappij die slimmer, veiliger, gezonder, plezieriger en duurzamer is. Ook wil Sioux technisch personeel uit Oost-Nederland aan zich verbinden. Lees verder [Bron: oostnl]

Sioux develops world’s first automated high throughput tissue dissector for Xyall

July 23, 2021

Xyall launches its Tissector High Throughput (HT) system for greater precision diagnostics. Sioux Technologies helped this medical start-up realize this world’s first automated high throughput tissue dissector, as a technology partner. Read more

The Future of System Engineering

June 26, 2021

The complexity of technical systems is increasing, and relatively small design decisions taken in separate disciplines (like e.g. Electronics or Mechanics) can have a significant impact on the total performance of the system. System Engineers have difficulty understanding the extent of this interminglement. Fortunately, machine learning techniques can help them to grasp the increasing complexity of system engineering. Watch the video

Schiphol en Sioux pionieren met zelfrijdende volautomatische passagiersbruggen

June 19, 2021

Schiphol wil de meest duurzame en kwalitatief hoogwaardige luchthaven in de wereld worden. De slogan ‘We are innovators’ verraadt daarbij het pad dat het bewandelt. Technologische en procesmatige vernieuwing staan centraal in het realiseren van dit doel. Samen lanceerden ze een wereldprimeur. De luchthaven nam een volautomatische dubbeluitgevoerde passagiersbrug in gebruik. Het intelligente hart van deze technologie is de Automated Docking Add-on Module (ADAM), een ontwikkeling van Sioux Technologies. Lees verder

King’s Day Eindhoven 2021- Whether a Wall- How it’s made

April 30, 2021

Tech company Sioux Technologies, singer Chagall and choreographer David Middendorp (Another Kind of Blue) treated the King and the Netherlands to a unique performance on King’s Day 2021 in Eindhoven. Artificial intelligence enabled live interaction between one singer, two dancers and twelve drones. Curious to find out how? Watch the making of video (in Dutch only)

Techniek, zang en dans zorgen voor spectaculaire afsluiting van Koningsdag Eindhoven

April 29, 2021

Om dit te realiseren, heeft Sioux Technologies meer dan duizend uur aan specialistische software, mathware- en elektronicakennis in dit project gestopt. ‘Met behulp van slimme algoritmes worden alle bewegingen van Chagall geregistreerd en de baan van de drones voorspeld en bepaald’, legt Leon Giesen, CEO Sioux Technologies Europa uit. ‘In deze show zit de laatste kennis op het gebied van Artificiële Intelligentie vanuit de meest geavanceerde hightechbranches verwerkt. Vanaf dit prachtige podium laten we de mogelijkheden hiervan aan heel Nederland en de koning zien.’ Lees verder

Servitization (Technologies & Trends)

April 17, 2021

Watch the video

Sioux delivers spectacular closing on King’s Day Eindhoven

April 3, 2021

Sioux Technologies will end the event with an artistic show in which man and technology will merge with the help of Artificial Intelligence. Read more

Sioux’s mathematics contributes to a clean Amsterdam

March 26, 2021

Amsterdam takes a significant leap forward in the efficiency of its waste collection. A consortium of 3 companies, including Sioux Technologies, has developed a dynamic solution for this. Amsterdam wants to reduce the driving movement of garbage trucks through the city and prevent overcrowded waste containers. This will allow them to improve their service towards residents, reduce costs and operate in a more sustainable manner. Read more

Clean and intelligent transport has the future

March 4, 2021

The automotive industry is at a historic crossroads. Combustion of fossil fuels is making way for electric power. Cars are becoming driving information systems. Smart mobility is emerging as a business model. As a result of this, the market is being reshuffled, also for manufacturers of transport vehicles for people and goods. Established parties need to reinvent themselves; opportunities arise for innovative players. Sioux Technologies operates in the eye of this storm, supporting them with the required innovative strength. Read more

Strategic partnership between Sioux Technologies and PAC

February 17, 2021

PAC is a global manufacturer of laboratory and process analysis equipment. The company focuses on the development of solutions for gas chromatography, elementary analysis and the determination of physical properties of hydrocarbons. With these products, they mainly serve the downstream oil and gas industry, including refineries, petrochemical and gas processing plants. Read more

Sioux Technologies DotNet Zuid Supermodels 2021

February 13, 2021

Investing in next generation medical imaging

January 7, 2021

The introduction of digital technologies, like 3D printing, robotics and nanotechnology, heralds a new future for medical care. One of the companies shaping this revolution is the Swiss firm SamanTree Medical. They developed the Histolog® Scanner, which allows surgeons to identify cancer tissue in real time and are preparing its commercial roll-out now. ‘In all of this, we have found an indispensable partner in Sioux’, explains CTO Etienne Shaffer. Read more

Digital twinning is winning

December 24, 2020

The pressure is constantly on in the high-tech industry. Increasingly complex technology needs to find its way to the market at an ever-increasing rate. ‘Working with a Digital Twin can be highly valuable here,’ explains Robert Hendriksen, Senior Software Architect at Sioux Technologies. Read more

AI tool for future AGV’s

December 8, 2020

Sioux Technologies supports automotive company MooVita Pte Ltd in Singapore with the development of an AI tool for their future AGV’s. Read more

Sioux Technologies and Tribus Movitas – Building a bus for the future

November 18, 2020

Tribus Movitas is a unique modular Electric city bus. The story tells how Tribus and Sioux Technologies contribute to a more sustainable world by developing a new modular electrical bus and all challenge that come with such a project.

The European I-MECH Smart Mechatronic Solutions

November 5, 2020

The European I-MECH Smart Mechatronic Solutions, with Sioux Technologies as its lead company, focuses on strengthening the competitiveness of the European industry through the design and implementation of improved mechatronic smart systems. The consortium just released a brief overview of their results. Read more [Source: cordis.europa]

Nazli Inci wint Sioux-GBO Young Talent Award

October 24, 2020

Sioux Technologies en GBO stimuleren art, tech & fun met de uitreiking van de Manifestations Young Talent Award tijdens de Dutch Design Week 2020. Nazli Inci werd met haar ontwerp Speed Queen, woensdag 21 oktober tot de winnaar gekroond. Runner up is Adinda de Kousemaeker met haar werk Biophilia. Lees verder

Sioux scales up production capacities with new assembly hall

September 24, 2020

Sioux Technologies has expanded its technical campus on the Esp business park with a new 5000m2 assembly hall. With almost a doubling of the cleanroom and a complete cleaning line, the system house significantly increases its production capacities. Read more

Sioux Technologies presents the Hot-or-Not: The Future of System Engineering

August 8, 2020

On July 1st, Sioux Technologies hosted the Hot-or-Not event on the Future of System Engineering. The role of system engineers in high-tech machine building will change fundamentally in the coming decades. The future belongs to Artificial Intelligence. In our daily life, AI is already common practice and it will become part of our work routine as well. Read more and watch the video

Sioux and nemo healthcare develop a breakthrough in medical techology

July 21, 2020

Decades of stagnation in cardiotocographic innovation came to an end when Nemo Healthcare launched a non-invasive portable system for monitoring the unborn child during pregnancy and childbirth. This milestone was preceded by more than a decade of fundamental research. The Nemo Fetal Monitoring System (NFMS) itself was developed in just two and a half years. ‘Collaboration with Sioux Technologies was crucial’, says Will Ickenroth, VP Business Development at Nemo Healthcare. Read more

sioux endorses lightyear with a new investment

July 4, 2020

The Sioux Tech Fund, together with BOM Brabant Ventures, has made a new investment in Lightyear’s solar cell technology. The investment is an endorsement by two established companies that acknowledge Lightyear’s added economic value for Brabant and to the regional network of partners, suppliers, and educational institutions. Read more

Innovatieve technologie ‘voorspelt’ volle afvalcontainers

July 1, 2020

Sioux Technologies, Total Waste Systems en 21south (STA) starten een samenwerking met de gemeente Amsterdam om afval op een ‘dynamische’ wijze in te zamelen.  Met technologie gericht op vulgraadsensoren, voertuigtelematica, voorspellingsfunctionaliteiten, navigatiesystemen én personeel- en voertuigplanning wordt de afvalinzameling in Amsterdam steeds efficiënter en milieuvriendelijker uitgevoerd. Lees verder [Bron: 21south]

Sioux in Eindhoven blijft investeren maar krijgt in najaar coronapijn

May 18, 2020

EINDHOVEN – De resultaten van Sioux hebben nog niet te lijden onder de coronacrisis, maar in de rest van het jaar kan dat volgens het bedrijf veranderen. De 9 miljoen aan investeringen in China, Duitsland en Eindhoven blijven doorgaan. Lees verder [Bron: ed]

Role of system architect in strengthening Brainport ecosystem increasingly decisive

May 14, 2020

The products and subsystems developed by a few large first tiers in the Brainport ecosystem for their end customers are becoming more and more complex – and the time to market needs to be shortened more and more. As a result, multidisciplinary development teams have started to work smarter, almost holistically, with the system architect in one of the leading roles. ‘Without very strong and experienced system architects, you have no business in the high-tech playing field.’ Read more [Source Linkmagazine]

Mathware for software and hardware

May 8, 2020

Mathware is the result of the creative and pragmatic application of mathematics as technology. With Mathware, Sioux supports clients in solving technological issues. We offer a very high level of competence with a low entry threshold in the unique combination of applied mathematics, mathematical physics, data science, statistics and operations research. Lees verder

Eindhovense Sioux doneert 40.000 mondkapjes

March 26, 2020

Het Eindhovense technologiebedrijf Sioux doneert 40.000 mondkapjes aan Brabantse ziekenhuizen. [Bron: studio040nl]

Sioux Holodeck als virtuele interdisciplinaire ontwikkeltool

March 7, 2020

De komende decennia verandert de rol van software-ingenieurs in de hightech-machinebouw fundamenteel. Hetzelfde geldt voor onze collega’s in de mechanica en elektronica. De toekomst is aan holistic system engineering in een virtuele 3D-omgeving waarbij AI steeds meer taken voor zijn rekening neemt. Voor wie denkt dat het zijn tijd wel zal duren: die nieuwe werkelijkheid is nu al aangebroken. Lees verder


February 11, 2020

Sioux whitepaper on model-based design for real-time embedded mechatronic systems using a ‘fail fast, fail forward’ approach. Read more

Say Yes to the Quest

January 18, 2020

Technology, people & fun at work. Four teams work on high-tech projects to solve technological challenges. Real people in their native environment. Every day they contribute to a safe, healthy and sustainable world through technological innovation. Watch the video

Sioux invests in Xyall’s automatic tumor dissection solution

January 12, 2020

High-tech company Sioux Technologies invests heavily in medical innovations. After an earlier investment in the precision tissue scan of SamanTree Medical in 2019, the Eindhoven-based tech company is now putting money and knowledge into medical start-up Xyall. This Dutch start-up focuses on the automation of tumor dissection processes. Read more

Hans Duisters wins Entrepeneur of the Year Award 2019 in Nuenen

January 7, 2020

Hans Duisters received the Nuenen Entrepreneur Award on Monday evening. The jury was unanimous that the founder and boss of the Eindhoven-based tech company Sioux had to become the entrepreneur of the year.