Tecnotion is the global authority on linear motor technology. We are the world’s only unbundled manufacturer of linear motors. A former part of Philips, we specialize solely in the development and production of linear motors. Because of this, our expertise, customer service and product quality are unmatched.
Linear motors can be used in a wide range of production processes and are especially useful for the semiconductor, electronics, lcd, automotive and robotics industries, as well as providing solutions for printing and cutting various materials with pinpoint accuracy.
We have a global presence, with production plants in The Netherlands and China and local representation around the world. This ensures short delivery times and high quality support, wherever you are located.
When you do business with Tecnotion, you will have a team of highly skilled sales and application engineers at your disposal. They will help you from your initial prototype all the way to the application of our products and beyond.
Whatever your needs are, you can count on Tecnotion as a solid, reliable partner.
Please have a look at our Iron Core & Ironless Linear Motor Series brochure.
Torque motors are permanent-magnet direct drive motors that rotate along an axis. They can be used wherever a rotary movement is required and offer numerous advantages over conventional servo drives.
Our torque motors as shown in the below pictures are extremely compact, provide an extremely stiff drive train, eliminate the need for time-consuming mounting procedures, are virtually maintenance free and can be integrated directly into the machine structure, while the spacious open inner diameter enables wire and cable feedthrough. To top things off the entire series comes with completely sealed stators and integrated temperature protection and measurement sensors.
Our Philosophy
At Tecnotion we recognize that each application of our linear motors is a unique case with specific requirements and demands. When you’re doing business with Tecnotion you have a highly skilled team of sales engineers at your disposal. Our team will help and support you throughout the entire process, from initial concept right to the application of our products and beyond.
We strive to continuously improve our organization by remaining focused on our customer’s needs. We can assist you with our extensive knowledge and high degree of specialization. The better we understand your company with its objectives and difficulties, the better we are able to provide an optimal solution.
By focusing our manpower on research, development and manufacturing of the finest linear drive systems on the market, we ensure you have a flexible, reliable partner that can collaborate with you on a high level in all standard or tailor-made solutions.
Furthermore we are dedicated towards achieving and maintaining the highest quality standards possible, of which our ISO 9001 certification can attest.
Worldwide Logistics
By operating from both The Netherlands and China and with excellent service level agreements with transport companies across the globe our products can be delivered to you quickly and safely, wherever you are situated.
This prestigious ranking highlights the most successful manufacturing companies in the Netherlands. We are also proud to congratulate several customers who are in this top 100! Read more
With only 160 mm outer diameter the QTR High-stack torque motors are the solution for higher torque if your application does not allow a larger diameter. QTR high-stack motors are excellent for many semiconductor applications, such as wafer handling and translational movement. The motors ensure accurate rotation and safe transport to the next station. Read more
Tailored for maximum efficiency, these motors feature innovative short coils optimize stroke lengths for enhanced system performance. Discover more about the TD Series and its benefits.
This webinar was packed with valuable insights on how Tecnotion can enhance your system’s performance, significantly reduce energy consumption, effectively utilize space, decrease operational costs, and minimize downtime. Watch now
Looking for a deep dive into the world of ironless motor technology? Our latest edition of the Ironless motor manual has you covered! Packed with in-depth insights, detailed specifications, and practical installation guidelines, Whether you are designing for semiconductors, precision machinery, or robotics, this manual is your resource for installing our ironless motors in your application. Read more [Picture source: Tecnotion on linkedin.com]
Improve dynamics and force density and eliminate the gearbox in your Robot application, with direct drive motors. Within a wide variety of industries, robotic manipulators can improve productivity, accuracy, and reliability. Direct drive motors are ideal to advance the robot performance. Read more
High precision in semiconductor industry applications. The main parameter that characterizes motion in the semiconductor industry is high precision, be it front- or back-end. Regardless of the application; lithography, metrology and inspection, wafer handling, and die-attach, all require the stage to have high accuracy and repeatability with ever-growing throughput requirements, resulting in an optimized cost per unit and best system ROI. Direct drive motors make these requirements possible. Whether atmospheric or vacuum environment, Tecnotion linear and rotary motors can meet these needs. Read more
Whether you need high speeds for the spindle, precision for tool positioning, or high stall torque for the workpiece, our QTL torque motors and large iron core linear motors deliver unmatched performance. Read more
We are pleased to announce that Tecnotion is growing its presence in the Benelux. We welcome Eltrex Motion as our new partner, covering Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg. Read more
Good thermal management of applications is essential as it improves motor performance and lowers energy loss. The thermal resistance (Rth) is a key parameter in thermal management, and this white paper will focus on this parameter and how it can be optimized to reach the maximum performance of the direct drive motor. Read more
Tecnotion vacuum rated ironless linear motors are optimized in various ways to perform in very strict vacuum conditions to prevent unwanted chemical reactions, contaminations or influences due to magnetic stray fields on the process. Improvements are realized in the areas of outgassing, heat extraction and force generation. Read more
Tecnotion’s G2 vacuum ironless motors move masses with a certain velocity and acceleration. The heavier the mass or the faster the movement, the more work the motors have to deliver. This effort results in more generated heat, which needs to be dissipated to prevent the motors from overheating. Read more
In case the standard motor series are not sufficient for your application, it is also possible to have these motors customized in a variety of ways. Customization can range from simple modifications, like a different connector, to fully tailor-made motors designed from scratch. Read more [Bron foto: Tecnotion on LinkedIn.com]
Used in many industrial and (high-tech) fabrication applications, linear motors are an invaluable part of the fastest and most efficient processes. But how do linear motors work? This video explains the basic electrical principle of linear motion.
Different motor types are used to provide rotary motion within industrial applications. Each application has different requirements for speed, torque and accuracy, as well as its constraints in build-in volume and budget. This page briefly introduces different types of motors and their performance in positioning/indexing applications. Please watch our webinar recording to find out more in-depth information. Read more
A perfect vacuum is an environment without any matter of gas in it. In industrial applications, a vacuum environment is considered to have a pressure much lower than the atmospheric pressure and is therefore formally only a partial vacuum. In the semiconductor market, vacuum systems are used at various manufacturing stages to reduce impurities and prevent contamination. Performing processes in a vacuum allows for higher-quality treatment. So when do you need the vacuum-enclosed design from the G2 vacuum linear motors for your application? Read more
At Tecnotion, we specialize in pushing the boundaries of motor optimization, ensuring that your appliations not only meet but exceed expectations. We have the capability to customize iron core magnet plates by adding additional force to the existing motors, all without the need for any design modifications. This tailored approach delivers a substantial boost in motor force, guarantees higher acceleration and improved efficiency! Read more
Our simulation tool lets you input application data, instantly generates detailed reports and performance graphs, and even allows to save scenarios for future use, all with a single click. Say goodbye to manual calculations and hello to efficiency! Read more
Linear motion can be achieved by using different types of drive systems. Depending on the requirements of the application different drive systems can be beneficial for your machine. Belt drive, rack & pinion, ball screw and linear motors are often considered as four common linear drive systems. This page briefly introduces each of these systems, please watch our webinar and videos if you are interested to discover the advantages and considerations of each of these systems, and make a best choice for your applications. Read more
Generation 2 vacuum ironless linear motor series is designed with the unique challenges of vacuum applications in mind and based on years of collaboration with high-end semiconductor manufacturers. The portfolio is suitable for even the strictest vacuum requirements with a large force range. Read more
Tecnotion direct drive motors are seamlessly integrated into a wide variety of applications, such as semiconductors, machine tooling, robotics, display applications and printing industry. As an independent supplier of linear- and torque motors we offer specialized motor technology to place in your motion solutions. We direct drive your motion technology. Read more
The new generation delta robots have one thing in common. Their design replaces the familiar servo motors with gearbox, opting for direct drive torque motors instead. Together with Tecnotion, Brom mechatronics designed and build the first delta robot production line to place flower bulbs into pots. The build-in frameless torque motors play an important role to increase productivity and reduce costs. Read more
In de voorbije maanden is bij Tecnotion, gespecialiseerd in het produceren en customizen van hightech direct drive-motoren, de implementatie gestart van de Togetr Digital Factory-module. Directe aanleiding voor deze stap is de strategische visie binnen Tecnotion om operational excellence te bereiken, gecombineerd met de sterke quality first-ambitie binnen het Almelose bedrijf. Tecnotion zit in een groeiversnelling met een uitbreiding van zijn productiefaciliteiten en een bijpassende groei van het personeelsbestand. Het factory automation-traject dat vorig jaar is ingezet, moet invulling geven aan de wens om zowel in omvang te groeien als ook kwaliteit en efficiency een boost te geven. Lees verder [Bron: linkmagazine.nl]
Binnenkort beslist Tecnotion, gespecialiseerd in het produceren en customizen vanhightech direct drive motoren, over een nieuwe productielocatie in Oost-Europa. Hiermee wil het bedrijf invulling geven aan zijn strategie ‘lokaal verkopen, lokaal produceren’ en tevens klaar zijn voor de verwachte groei in toonaangevende markten. Het nieuwe hoofdkantoor in Nederland, dat in Q2 2024 in gebruik wordt genomen, levert hier ook een belangrijke bijdrage aan. Lees verder [Bron: linkmagazine.nl]
The new generation of delta robots have one thing in common. Direct drive torque motors replace the well-known servo motors with gearbox. Brom Mechatronics worked together with Tecnotion on their newest innovative design. They used Tecnotion torque motors for the automation line to plant bulb flowers in pots. The torque motors play an important role in increasing productivity and reducing costs, resulting in a better ROI for the customer. Watch the video
Tecnotion’s vacuum ironless linear motors can be placed in a high vacuum as a whole. We created this manual, to help you with the installation of the vacuum linear motor within your high-end application. It will give insight into what aspects to consider for the design.
If you need further assistance, our support team can help you along the way with exact specifications and performance details. Download the manual here.
Temperature monitoring and protection – whitepaper Not all the energy put into a linear motor can be converted into movement. The excess energy is mostly dissipated through flux losses in the coil windings, in the form of heat. The more force you want the motor to produce, the more energy you need to supply, and the more heat is generated. Proper heat transfer is essential. Find out in this white paper about the three ways to protect your linear motors from overheating! Read more
And how does it affect the selection of a torque motor in your application? The moment of inertia is a key concept in understanding the rotational behavior of objects. Check out our white paper with an explanation of this topic.
Cogging force is a phenomenon caused by the attraction of the iron lamination stack of the motor to the permanent magnets. The direction of this force is either the same or opposite to the moving direction. By moving the motor over the magnet track the cogging effect can be noticed, the motor has a preferred position above the track and will move towards a permanent magnet. Read more
Generation 2 vacuum ironless linear motor series is designed with the unique challenges of vacuum applications in mind and based on years of collaboration with high-end semiconductor manufacturers. The portfolio is suitable for even the strictest vacuum requirements with a large force range. Read more
When designing an application the expected amount of friction is an important specification to consider. Friction directly dictates how much force a motor must overcome to reach the desired motion parameters like acceleration. Friction is defined as the force that is opposite in direction to the speed that is generated by the motor. Knowing how much friction the motor will encounter at what stage in the movement profile is therefore paramount. Read more
The new generation of delta robots have one thing in common. Direct drive torque motors replace the well-known servo motors with gearbox. Brom Mechatronics worked together with Tecnotion on their newest innovative design. They used Tecnotion torque motors for the automation line to plant bulb flowers in pots. The torque motors play an important role in increasing productivity and reducing costs, resulting in a better ROI for the customer. Watch the video
Techniek is overal en voor iedereen! In onze rubriek medewerker uitgelicht interviewen we collega’s van onze 12 hightech bedrijven. Hoe werkt het precies in de techniek en wat is er zo leuk? Deze week interviewen we Rika. Zij werkt als Industrial improvement engineer bij Tecnotion. Waarom zij voor techniek koos lees je hier [Bron: ontdekhightech.nl]
Do you know the difference between linear motors, rack and pinion, timing belts and ball screws in linear motion? It is critical to understand functionality and intelligence of drive systems in linear motion. In this video, it shows the differences between different drive systems, their pros and cons so as to choose the perfect one for your application. Watch the video
The new generation of delta robots have one thing in common. Direct drive torque motors replace the well-known servo motors with gearbox. Brom Mechatronics worked together with Tecnotion on their newest innovative design. They used Tecnotion torque motors for the automation line to plant bulb flowers in pots. The torque motors play an important role in increasing productivity and reducing costs, resulting in a better ROI for the customer. Watch the video
Linear motors are the best fit in digital cutting applications with a high force density and more accurate control. The high force density provides best-in-class acceleration and top speed to increase throughput and the accuracy improves cutting quality. Read more