100 AI-Powered Engineering Use Cases
Explore how artificial intelligence is redefining the engineering landscape across 100 powerful use cases. Discover how these real-world applications are not only solving complex engineering challenges but are also setting new standards for the future. Read more
So You’ve Identified Your First Engineering Use Case for AI – What Next?
Artificial intelligence (AI) in engineering is delivering hugely positive results. Low- and no-code tools are democratizing AI capabilities that were once solely the domain of specialist data scientists. However, not everyone in engineering is reaping the benefits just yet. Getting productive with the new wave of accessible AI tools is easy. Engineers tell us their toughest AI challenges lie elsewhere.
Altair® FlightStream™ to improve engine performance in a fraction of the time compared to traditional methods
Altair, a global leader in computational intelligence, will work together with Auburn University’s Samuel Ginn College of Engineering on a $1.25 million AFWERX Phase II STTR contract. The two organizations will develop analytical models for cyclonic flows, construct computational models, and study the stability of different vortex engines to address the challenges facing public and private sector aerospace organizations. Read more…
Making Sense of Data Science Terms
Ever find yourself scratching your head over data science terms? You’re not alone! Terms like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning get tossed around all the time, and they’re often used interchangeably, even though they’re not the same. These two concepts are the core of modern data science, and as businesses adopt these technologies, it helps to understand the basics….
Altair Signs Collaboration Agreement with the European Space Agency
“ESA is a reference point for anyone working in the space sector in Europe and across the world, constantly working with its local agencies to foster innovation throughout its programs. For Altair, partnering with ESA represents the coming together of two pioneers in the aerospace industry,” said Pietro Cervellera, senior vice president of aerospace and defense, Altair. “We are…
Achieve First-Time Right PCB Designs with Powerful, Free Verification
Make smarter PCB design decisions early to enhance product quality—at no cost. Tackle design challenges with accurate review, analysis, verification, and early manufacturing assessment. Altair® PollEx™ for ECAD offers free access to essential verification tools for all. Read more and watch the video
Siemens neemt industriële software-leverancier Altair over
Siemens neemt voor 10,6 miljard dollar Altair Engineering over, een Amerikaanse leverancier van software voor industriële simulatie en analyse. Het Duitse industriële conglomeraat is het vooral om de ai-kennis van Altair te doen. Altair brengt behalve kennis van simulatie en ai ook capaciteiten op gebied van high performance computing en data-science in, die aansluiten op de Siemens Xcelerator.
“First-Time Right” PCB Design – Altair Solutions Accelerate Tailored Electronic Design at Psicontrol
Using Altair’s solutions, Psicontrol nearly halved the development time of a complex HMI product and achieved their goal of creating a first-time right design for their customers. Ensuring the flawless functionality of the control unit’s processor and memory, Altair’s tools helped the company test and validate the new system before any prototype was built
Altair kondigt wereldwijde studentenwedstrijd 2024-2025 aan
Altair introduceert de Global Student Contest 2024-2025. Deze staat open voor studenten die hun technische en ontwerptalent willen laten zien om kans te maken op erkenning en geldprijzen. De wedstrijd, met circa $ 30.000 aan geldprijzen, zal laten zien hoe studenten Altair-software gebruiken om innovaties te creëren op het gebied van robotica en mechatronica.Meer informatie over de wedstrijd, inclusief de criteria…
Altair and Technical University of Munich Discover Breakthrough in Quantum Computing for Computational Fluid Dynamics
The breakthrough, published in the journal Computer Physics Communications, presents runnable code for quantum computers and quantum simulators and represents a significant contribution to the field of applied quantum computing. Read more