Explore new paths towards an environmentally friendly energy transition
Our mass flow controllers for ammonia gas are being used in research to explore new paths towards an environmentally friendly energy transition. Ammonia is often referred to as a key component in hydrogen transportation, but it has great potential to become an energy carrier of the future itself. The challenge is posed by the technically demanding combustion process. Apart from…
Project of Gas Monitoring Module for Breath Analysis
In 2021, a project was launched between the University of Twente and Bronkhorst to explore the possibilities of using thermal flow sensors for both flow and composition measurement of gas mixtures. This collaboration is expected to yield a demonstrator of a gas monitoring module for respiratory devices, which could be used for personalized therapy for patients with respiratory and lung…
Bronkhorst supports young professionals
Throughout the years, Bronkhorst has supported various student teams with flow instruments. It is great to observe the evolution of these student teams into young professional tech companies. An example is Team FAST, a student team from Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands. Read more
Explaining our MASS-STREAM product range, thermal inline mass flow meters and controllers for gas
Our MASS-STREAM uses a thermal Inline measuring principle, using a straight through bore design and a Constant Temperature Anemometry (CTA technology). It does not use a bypass sensor which makes it potentially less…
Meet our Bronkhorst Instruments team in Leonhardsbuch, Germany
Watch the video [Source video: Bronkhorst on youtube.com]
Flow metering in green hydrogen production
During the replay of this webinar Peter and Jerry give you everything you need to know about flow metering in green hydrogen production. Enjoy! Watch the video
Bronkhorst, the low-flow specialists
For over four decades, Bronkhorst High-Tech has led the way in flow measurement and control for gases and liquids. We are the innovative low-flow specialists. Bronkhorst® instruments meet the highest standards in precision and reliability, even at the lowest flows. Commitment to sustainability…
How does a thermal mass flow sensor work for liquids?
A thermal mass flow sensor uses the thermal properties of liquids to measure their mass flow rate. To this end, as can be seen in the figure, heat is introduced into the streaming liquid by a heater, and the (temperature) sensor measures how much heat is absorbed by the liquid. In these thermal mass flow meters…
Bronkhorst FlowSuite
Bronkhorst FlowSuite is a software application for monitoring and configuration purposes on Bronkhorst digital instruments. It gives a good insight into the dynamic behaviour and features and allows you to adjust the controller, alarm, counter and other settings. Bronkhorst FlowSuite is developed for easy configuration and control of Bronkhorst® products. Read more
What Matters in Meters
In this episode of our podcast series ‘What matters in Meters’, Adam Mumford talks to one of our product managers, Ron Tietge, about Mass Flow Meters & Controllers. Ron will explain the basics, as in ‘What…