Sync Biosystems secures €2.5M to validate technology with international end users

The international δypha Consortium has received a European Innovation Council Transition grant of 2.5 million euros for bringing Sync Biosystems’ technology from pilot to product. Industrial and research leaders, integral members of the consortium, participate as end users: Charles River Laboratories, Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology and Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital. With dedicated showcases, they will demonstrate how the technology…

TNO and Demcon provide the world’s largest telescope with sharp vision

Technology developer and producer Demcon shipped the first Laser Projection System together with TNO last week. Its destination is the European Southern Observatory (ESO), where TNO and ESO will test the system. In total, Demcon company Focal and TNO will build nine systems for ESO’s Very Large Telescope and Extremely Large Telescope in Chile. The systems project ‘laser…

Demcon supports research on preventing cervical cancer

Cervical cancer is generally preventable, provided that the disease is detected at an early stage. Although screening programs can prevent 92% of deaths, participation in these programs in the Netherlands is low, ranging between 50-60%. For women with a migrant background, this percentage is even lower, namely between 30-40%. For many women, participating in screening seems to be a (too)…

First grant from the Einstein Telescope R&D scheme for high-tech companies

A consortium of Demcon kryoz, Cooll and the University of Twente will develop an advanced cooling system for the Einstein Telescope. This enormous observatory will measure gravitational waves, which Albert Einstein predicted more than 100 years ago. It may be housed beneath the hilly landscape of the Dutch-Belgian-German border area. Read more

Universiteit Maastricht en Demcon slaan handen ineen voor ReGEN Biomedica

Technologie-ontwikkelaar en -producent Demcon is technologiepartner en medeaandeelhouder geworden van ReGEN Biomedical, dat is voortgekomen uit de Universiteit Maastricht. ReGEN Biomedical ontwikkelt in Maastricht technologie voor het kweken van biologische weefsels voor regeneratieve geneeskunde en farmaceutische screening. De onderneming maakt deel uit van de RegMed XB pilotfabriek; de nationale infrastructuur die de gehele keten van ontwikkeling…

Synthetic data for food sorting

There are multiple Demcon innovations where synthetic data plays a key role. The results of the ‘Synthetic data for food sorting’ project are something we will all have to deal with sooner or later. At least, if you like green beans or strawberries. After all, how can you filter out bad green beans and strawberries during the production process?

How does a needle placement robot work?

The starting point for developing the needle placement robot was to retain the current workflow as closely as possible, and only to automate the steps critical for the speed and result (‘first time right’) of the procedure. The critical step is determining the angle at which the needle enters the body. Read more

Ingenious and ergonomic design of steerable guidewires

Guidewires have been used for ages to perform image-guided procedures in the circulatory system, such as angioplasty, catheter insertion, stent placement and brain surgery. They require precise intravascular steerability for accessing difficult-to-reach anatomical locations and limiting damage inside the body. We developed an…

Autonomous water-pipe inspection robot

Guaranteeing drinking water quality and preventing water spillage requires good management of the huge pipeline networks. Commissioned by the drinking water companies, recently united in the company SubMerge, we have developed a prototype inspection robot. It can navigate autonomously through water pipes to collect the necessary up-to-date data, for replacing risk-driven maintenance by far more efficient…