Centre of Excellence – Digital Twin technology

Smart, reliable software solutions are a prerequisite for continued excellence. Crucial to reducing the time-to-market and staying ahead of the competition. To deliver exactly the agreed quantities that meet all set standards and defined (quality) criteria. ICT presents the Centre of Excellence where…

Industry 4.0 benchmark rapport

Wat speelt er binnen de Nederlandse industrie en zijn Nederlandse bedrijven klaar voor de volgende stap?

In dit rapport leest u o.a. meer over:

Integratie van IT & OT Optimale assetmanagement Impact van Industry 4.0


New role for software in the ACES vehicle

The automotive industry is in the midst of the largest transformation ever experienced by this market. This is mainly driven by the trend that vehicles are becoming Autonomous, Connected, Electric and Shared (ACES). Software is driving most of the…

Cyber security in IT & OT

Op dinsdag 30 maart jl. organiseerden wij een webinar over cyber security in IT & OT. Hierin deelden Christiaan Woldendorp (ICT Group), Henk van Ee (Saxion Hogeschool), Onno Wierbos (NS) en Martijn Kooij (Raster Industrial Automation) hun kennis en ervaring aan de hand…