KMWE shines a spotlight on craftmanship with the Wall of Fame
At KMWE, everything revolves around precision and innovation, but what we’re truly proud of? That’s our people! We have no less than five Noordhofprijs winners – the ultimate recognition for craftsmanship and innovation. An achievement that’s unique in the Brainport region. Only a few companies can match this. On top of that, these top talents are…
KMWE celebrates 70 years of innovation and growth
On April 23, 1955, our journey began in a small workshop in Eindhoven. With just one milling and one turning machine, we quickly grew into a trusted supplier for companies such as Philips and DAF. Thanks to continuous investments and strategic choices, we have grown into an international high-tech organisation. Read more
KMWE Group welcomes Quadrum Capital as strategic partner and focusses on further growth
KMWE Group, an international supplier and partner for the high-tech equipment and aerospace industry, welcomes Quadrum Capital as strategic partner. Herewith the family-owned business, founded in 1955, sets up for further growth and strengthens its position as supplier for the engineering, production and assembly of complex, high-grade components and systems, in both Europe and Asia.
Securing a sustainable future with our energy-efficient VIX cleanroom expansion
The expansion of our cleanroom at Brainport Industries Campus marks a major step in achieving KMWE Group’s circular economy goals. Thanks to our collaboration with SRBA Group, ABN Cleanroom Technology NV, and PNO Consultants, we are reducing our ecological…
KMWE achieves ISO/ASTM 52920 certification in Additive Manufacturing
We are proud to announce that KMWE is now certified according to the ISO/ASTM 52920This is an important step for our team, confirming our commitment to quality and innovation within Additive Manufacturing (AM). With this certification, we meet the highest standards for industrial production and the creation of high-tech applications. Read more…
Amify is excited to announce our partnership with KMWE
A collaboration designed to accelerate the adoption of advanced additive manufacturing (AM) technologies across critical sectors, including aerospace, high-tech systems, and medical devices. This partnership will strengthen the integration of AM solutions, driving innovation and efficiency in these key industries. Read more
KMWE in de MT500!
Super trots zijn we! We schitteren namelijk als nieuwkomer in de MT500-ranglijst. We hebben een fantastische 10e plek behaald als runner-up in de sector Machine- en Werktuigbouw en scoren hoog op excellente uitvoering (9e positie) en duurzaam ondernemerschap (9e positie). Lees verder
ASML voegt zich bij Brainport Industries Campus: een nieuwe impuls voor high-tech innovatie
ASML heeft aangekondigd zich te willen vestigen op de Brainport Industries Campus (BIC). Dit is geweldig nieuws voor de high-tech sector in Nederland en biedt talloze kansen voor innovatie en samenwerking. Edward Voncken, CEO van KMWE, deelt zijn visie op deze ontwikkeling. Lees verder
KMWE Aerospace markt groei, maar heeft last van capaciteitstekorten in de supply chain, ‘door sancties zijn levertijden titanium opgelopen van 60 naar 90 weken’
Dit jaar is het exact tien jaar geleden dat alle NAVO-landen beloofden in 2024 minimaal 2 procent van het bruto binnenlands product aan hun nationale defensie te spenderen. Aanleiding toen was de Russische annexatie van De Krim en de bezetting van de oostelijke Donbas in Oekraïne. Hoewel een dergelijke investering actueler en urgenter is dan ooit, is opschaling in aerospace…
Tech Event KMWE 2024 | De after movie
Tech event 2024 bij KMWE was groot succes! Bekijk de after movie.