Seven essentials for a succesful coil project in medical technology

Engineers are the specialists for the development of highly complex medical devices. Time is short, the product launch is urgent. Consequently, it is important to make rapid progress on core components of a system: Coils, sensors, and electronics. This requires an experienced partner at your side who knows the pitfalls in an open development project.

Solutions for complete assemblies

KUK Group not only manufactures coils, but also offers solutions for complete assemblies. The intended application determines which components are necessary. Our expertise also includes global procurement, quality assurance or packaging, to name a few. Read more

Smooth outsourcing for handpiece for eye surgery

Sometimes it is quite human reasons that trigger a search for a supplier. At Bürki inno med AG from Widnau (Switzerland), the retirement of an employee prompted the search for a coil supplier with proven medical technology experience. Until then, the developer and manufacturer of microsurgical instruments for ophthalmology had wound its own coils…