Solar Cell applications
The use of light-diffusing samples such as patterned cover glasses used in solar cells and textured/coated glasses used in buildings and greenhouses is increasing.
For the Glass Industry the photovoltaic market offers great potential.At the beginning of this century, the glass industry has launched new types of patterned glazing specially dedicated to photovoltaic applications.The ability to…
TAMS – Total Absolute Measurement System
TAMS – The Most Versatile Tool for UV/Vis/NIR Spectroscopy. Read more
Optical measurements according to standards
In our lab and cleanroom we have a range of spectrophotometers, spectrophotometer accessories, custom made measurement setups and solutions to measure the optical properties of all kind of materials under different circumstances (cryogenic temperatures, very high temperatures, vacuum, different angles of incidence etc.) Read more
Optical Characterization glazing
We determine Visible light, solar properties and thermal radiation properties of a double glazing unit determined according to EN, ISO and NFRC standards. Read more
Scatter measurements (BRDF/BTDF) on commercial spectrophotometers now possible from UV to IR with different tools
Picture source: Serge Timmermans on
Calibration of reference materials
OMT Solutions offers calibration services for optical components. Our reference mirrors for the solar wavelength range (250-2500 nm) and the infrared range (range 2.5µm – 50 µm) are worldwide used by different R&D companies and institutes. Read more
This year we developed and delivered the first IR TAMS accessories.Reflectance and Transmittance measurements at different angles of incidence in the IR region when combined with a Perkinelmer FTIR instrument [Source and picture: Serge Timmermans on]