TMC TALKS: #2 Sustainability

De podcastserie waarin we op zoek gaan naar de innovaties in de wereld van morgen. Welke lokale oplossingen hebben we voor globale uitdagingen? Hoe zien deze er technisch gezien uit? Wat is de impact daarvan op mens en maatschappij? We bespreken deze…

Innovation Award winning Miguel develops software for sports cars

As a Consulting Senior Software Engineer at TMC, based in Belgium, Miguel Dewaele has been deeply involved in the development of dual-clutch transmission systems. “This uses two separate clutches, one for odd and one for even gears. As a driver, you can switch faster between gears, which is especially beneficial in sports cars, like the Corvette…

TMC TALKS: #1 Rebelleren kun je leren!

TMC TALKS: De podcastserie waarin we op zoek gaan naar de innovaties die de wereld van morgen maken. Welke lokale oplossingen hebben we voor globale uitdagingen? Hoe zien deze er technisch gezien uit? En wat is de impact daarvan…

A Traineeship at TMC is the ideal step to discover where you want to go

Ivo Stevens is following the Manufacturing Support & Supply Chain traineeship together with four other trainees. This three-year program offers him a great combination between theory and practice. “An inspiring path full of new insights that helps you to further develop yourself,” says Ivo. But what is it really like to be a trainee at TMC?…

I am on an adventure that combines working and traveling

South-African mechanical engineer Stefan Bisschoff (27) had planned to go backpacking and hiking after his graduation in 2019. The COVID-pandemic forced him onto a different path. A path that held him in South-Africa first, and eventually led him to the Netherlands. Not just for traveling, but for working too. ‘Staying in one place for a while feels even better than…

Partnership with Formula Electric Belgium

We are partnering up with Formula Electric Belgium. This student team builds an electric race car each year. This year, they are building a car that drive autonomously as well as with a driver. Discover everything about the partnership in

TMC and employeneurship: ‘We put the engineers first

TMC employeneurs dedicate themselves to customer projects, ranging from new research and development to existing projects. The projects are often for big-name players across myriad industries, including aeronautics, automotive, construction, life sciences and energy. “We always say that we play in the Champions League,” says Naima Hamdaoui, Talent Acquisition Manager at TMC. Read more [Source:]