TMC to accelerate growth with strategic backing from Apheon and MML

We are pleased to announce our continued partnership with Apheon as our lead investor and partner investor MML. Apheon has reaffirmed its commitment to TMC by reinvesting with additional capital raised through an Apheon-controlled vehicle, ensuring long-term strategic alignment. Together, Apheon and MML will provide the capital and expertise to support TMC’s ambitious plans for strategic…

TMC lanceert specialistisch intellectual property team om Europese start-ups te ondersteunen

Hightech consultancybedrijf TMC breidt zijn dienstverlening uit met een nieuw, gespecialiseerd team gericht op intellectueel eigendom (IP) en octrooien. TMC helpt start-ups en scale-ups om hun technologische innovaties beter te beschermen en zo de bedrijfswaarde te vergroten. Het team van hightech engineers dat is opgeleid tot IP-specialist beschikt over diepgaande kennis in verschillende hightech disciplines, waaronder nanotechnologie, (micro-)elektronica, medische technologie…


Leiderschap in de techniek In deze achtste aflevering gaan we in op leiderschap in de techniek. Wat is dat eigenlijk, leiderschap? En wat vraagt het van je om aansturing te geven in een technische omgeving? We bespreken het met…

Introduction into TMC Technology East Netherlands

Hey Engineer! As technicians we view the world as a malleable place, but did you know you can engineer your career as well? Get to know TMC Technology East Netherlands through this video and together we build your ideal career….

International opportunities at TMC’s offices

Diverse perspectives and expertise that come with an international team is something that we highly value. If you’re looking to expand your career and experience life in a new country, TMC might just be the perfect place for you. Read more