FANUC cobot geleverd voor ons CoLab in ’s-Hertogenbosch!

Vandaag hebben we een FANUC cobot mogen verwelkomen in ons CoLab in ‘s-Hertogenbosch. Deze wordt de komende dagen door onze technische productspecialisten Jasper Merkus en Steffan Leeijen geïnstalleerd, zodat hij klaar is om gebruikt te worden voor diverse applicatietesten en demonstraties. Lees verder [Bron foto: SCHUNK Nederland op]

From journalism to tech: Firuzan’s inspiring career switch

Switching from a linguistic profession as a journalist to the beta world of technology: for software engineer Firuzan de Groof it felt like a logical choice. ‘I chose journalism because I wanted to address and solve social problems. I still have that motivation, only now I am committed to a different platform. Our future is increasingly…

Our updated Product Catalogue

PM’s full range of precision linear motion products is presented to you in our updated Product Catalogue: Precision Linear Bearings and Slides. Additionally, Product Flyers and Product Overviews in various languages are available for download.

Tooling family for precision production and die&mold

More and more customers in this market segment have started to realize the advantages of pallet systems and automation. The System 3R solutions to reduce set-up times and to increase production capacity are well appreciated by these customers, improving their competitiveness. A quick expansion in this market is expected. Read more