Solving 3D tasks at 2D costs

For mid-range 3D applications, balancing accuracy, cost, and complexity has always been a challenge. But what if you could achieve precise 3D vision without breaking the bank – or overengineering your system? A new function for B&R’s standard 2D vision sensor makes it possible to obtain profiles of moving objects using intelligent triangulation algorithms.

Hands-on: Mastering mechatronics 

What a week! We recently had the pleasure of bringing together a group of experts working closely with B&R mechatronic systems. This training was all about practical application. Over the course of an intensive week, our expert instructors took participants through the mechanics of ACOPOStrak, SuperTrak, and Codian delta robots, covering everything from commissioning and maintenance…

Increase your productivity per m² with adaptive automation solutions

How? Our Adaptive Manufacturing concept makes assembly, filling and packaging processes more flexible and productive without adding costly floorspace – especially critical in cleanroom applications. A new station, a different order of stations, different cycle times: All designed, validated and running in much less time. Discover new ways to reduce the footprint…

Say goodbye to integration challenges

B&R has long relied on the IO-Link communication standard to cover the final stretch from the I/O module to individual sensors and actuators. Control systems such as our X20 can be easily connected to sensors. Read more [Picture source: B&R Industrial Automation on]

Twenty years and still going strong

The X20 System from B&R has been available on the market for twenty years. What would normally mean the end of the lifecycle for many products does not apply here because the system has been further developed over the years. Product Manager Andreas Hager explains why the X20 will remain crucial to the success of machine…

Safety+ makes functional safety more productive

B&R – a division of ABB – introduces Safety+, an innovative open approach to programming safety functions. Developers can now also use the latest software engineering tools and methods for safety applications. An innovative data structure with a digital fingerprint makes the source code freely accessible while also meeting the special requirements of functional safety. In this way, B&R has…

Is jouw productie klaar voor “Batch Size One”? 

In de nieuwste NotebookLM DeepDive over “Adaptive Machines” ontdek je hoe machines steeds slimmer en flexibeler worden om aan de groeiende vraag naar mass customization te voldoen. Van het produceren van kleine batches zonder kostenstijging tot realtime aanpassingen, deze technologie verandert de spelregels. Lees verder [Bron foto: Bas Michielsen op]