DemcAir ventilation systems get renewed purpose in Ukraine

The DemcAir was based on the unique ventilation technology developed by Demcon macawi respiratory systems for use with every patient, from premature infants to adults. The separate ventilation modules had been in production at Demcon for many years for supply to foreign respiratory system manufacturers. Now, for the first time, Demcon developed a complete ventilation system…

Advancing smart multi-sensing systems for the screening of cultivation processes in bioreactors

We’re continuously engaged in a diverse array of national and international projects, often supported by governmental institutions such as the European Union. These collaborations serve as dynamic hubs of innovation, driving international partnerships and technological advancements. One such initiative we’re proud to contribute to is the LIBRA Project EU, a project focused on advancing smart multi-sensing…

vibration isolation for nanometer measurement device

In this article, we present the model-based design steps for a high-performance vibration isolation system to support a metrology frame. During the design phase, several improvements were shown to increase the vibration isolation performance. The design requirements for the individual spring and damper components have been derived from the relatively simple model. To conclude, the realisation…

Reaching high accuracy with off the shelf components!

We would like to give you an in-depth look at a machine we have developed and how we approached its development. The machine assembles a chip into a baseplate resulting in an IVD cartridge. To execute this assembly process, we use off-the-shelf components combined with a vision system developed by Demcon focal. The vision assisted assembly module is then placed…

Nieuwe propositie Demcon data driven solutions heeft veelbelovend jaar achter de rug

Data en data analytics, elk bedrijf wil er iets mee en velen zien het als een gouden oplossing. Demcon data driven solutions, een nieuwe tak binnen Demcon die sinds 1 januari 2023 actief is, ontwikkelt algoritmiek voor bedrijven op basis van gekochte, beschikbare óf – en daarin onderscheidt het zich – synthetische data, plus het hele systeem eromheen. In alle gevallen…

Sync Biosystems secures €2.5M to validate technology with international end users

The international δypha Consortium has received a European Innovation Council Transition grant of 2.5 million euros for bringing Sync Biosystems’ technology from pilot to product. Industrial and research leaders, integral members of the consortium, participate as end users: Charles River Laboratories, Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology and Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital. With dedicated showcases, they will demonstrate how the technology…

TNO and Demcon provide the world’s largest telescope with sharp vision

Technology developer and producer Demcon shipped the first Laser Projection System together with TNO last week. Its destination is the European Southern Observatory (ESO), where TNO and ESO will test the system. In total, Demcon company Focal and TNO will build nine systems for ESO’s Very Large Telescope and Extremely Large Telescope in Chile….

Demcon supports research on preventing cervical cancer

Cervical cancer is generally preventable, provided that the disease is detected at an early stage. Although screening programs can prevent 92% of deaths, participation in these programs in the Netherlands is low, ranging between 50-60%. For women with a migrant background, this percentage is even lower, namely between 30-40%. For many women, participating in screening seems…

First grant from the Einstein Telescope R&D scheme for high-tech companies

A consortium of Demcon kryoz, Cooll and the University of Twente will develop an advanced cooling system for the Einstein Telescope. This enormous observatory will measure gravitational waves, which Albert Einstein predicted more than 100 years ago. It may be housed beneath the hilly landscape of the Dutch-Belgian-German border area. Read more