Latest tech trends in manufacturing inspired by the natural world
From materials that fix themselves to swarm robots improving teamwork and generative design reshaping how we create, biomimicry is a fascinating source of inspiration and innovation. Read about three of the latest tech trends, inspired by nature, empowering the manufacturers of today and tomorrow. Read more
What makes Hexagon handheld 3D scanners stand out
Take a closer look at all the innovative features that make Hexagon’s new line of handheld 3D scanner devices stand apart from competitor systems. With a unique capacity to adapt to your workflow, the ATLASCAN Max and MARVELSCAN…
Manufacturing transformation starts at the beginning
Making the right decision is not enough. We need to make better decisions faster. Shift Left creates a seamless flow of data across the value chain empowering optimal decision making. Download the eBook to find out how. Read more
Optimising gearbox mechanisms with artificial intelligence and machine learning
Imagine a car was like a human body. The engine is like the heart, keeping everything going with a heartbeat like the revolutions of the motor. The steering system is like the brain guiding the course of the vehicle. The chassis is the skeleton. Read more
Introducing handheld 3D scanners from Hexagon
Meet the first handheld 3D scanners in the Hexagon product range – ATLASCAN Max and MARVELSCAN. Engineered to redefine how you perceive 3D scanning and data capture, Hexagon’s devices revolutionise the standard feature set while addressing customer challenges head-on.
Machine Shop Excellence starts here
Are you ready to take your machine shop to the next level? Looking for insight to shape your transformation? Hexagon’s industry experts have created a comprehensive guide to help you on your journey to machine shop excellence. Read more
Machine Shop Excellence
Hexagon’s Machine Shop Excellence solutions offer an innovative approach to modern manufacturing. By embracing cutting-edge technologies, machine shops can not only stay ahead of the competition but also enhance operational efficiency and meet evolving customer demands with unmatched precision. The integration of these advanced tools promises to revolutionise traditional manufacturing processes, enabling machine shops to achieve…
Hexagon introduceert geavanceerde Machine Trainer binnen het Factory of the Future Experience Center op de Brainport Industries Campus
Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence introduceerde onlangs een innovatieve Machine Trainer in het Factory of the Future Experience Center op de Brainport Industries Campus in Eindhoven. Met dit innovatieve systeem is het mogelijk om operators trainingsmogelijkheden te bieden, zonder dat daarvoor de daadwerkelijke verwerkingsapparatuur nodig is en zonder dat een beroep hoeft worden gedaan op de waardevolle tijd…
Transforming manufacturing: 5 steps to get started with digital twins
To say that innovation creates upheaval is an understatement. Innovation creates entirely new industries. The history of manufacturing is a history of pure innovation and change. In a Hexagon article on digital twins published on last year, we wrote that manufacturers are facing a “perfect storm”. Read more
Hexagon MI en GelSight sluiten samenwerkingsovereenkomst
Hexagon MI en GelSight hebben een samenwerkingsovereenkomst gesloten. Hexagon gaat de tactiele meettechnologie van de Amerikaanse startup integreren in het portfolio van meetoplossingen. Gezamenlijk willen de twee bedrijven de druk op de kwaliteitscontrole in de maakindustrie verlichten met de innovatieve tactiele meettechnologie van GelSight. Lees verder [Bron:]