HxGN Virtual Manufacturing Suite
Portable measuring arms
Portable measuring arms allow you to take measurements directly in the manufacturing environment, where process improvements are the most beneficial. Read more
Overcoming the challenges of soft robot design with Hexagon student ambassador
In manufacturing we often talk about skills shortages, digitalisation and automation—but the interplay between these trends places huge emphasis on digital expertise, innovation and the ability to harness technology to break ground. Hexagon exists to empower partners in industry to do exactly that. For us, unlocking future capabilities means empowering future makers. The Hexagon student ambassador programme allows the very brightest minds…
The 6 trends shaping manufacturing
Our industry is undergoing a transformational shift from automation to autonomy. We are fast moving from a situation of automated assembly lines and physical tasks, to a world where hyper-connected autonomous technologies lead a revolution across the entire value chain by using data to its fullest potential. Predicting how the manufacturing landscape will evolve is vital to my product and…
Generative design: A new avenue for innovation
Generative design automates the design process. The engineer simply inputs the specific requirements, constraints and objectives and the AI gets to work creating designs that meet the objective. Without any kind of societal experience or learned bias, the AI creates designs that no person could ever have thought possible. Simply by creating a design to sit…
Innovation Partnership with Oracle Red Bull Racing
Winning a Formula 1 race can come down to just a few thousandths of a second. Hexagon products help Oracle Red Bull Racing find those thousandths by delivering extra microns of precision in production. The accuracy and quality provided by Hexagon products and services played an important role in helping Red Bull Racing win the 2022 F1…
The HP-L-10.10 CMM laser scanner for large-volume metrology
The HP-L-10.10 offers fast measurement speeds and advanced usability features, making it an ideal solution for increasing inspection throughput, reducing cycle times and removing bottlenecks in the manufacturing process. Our customers have praised its accuracy and reliability, and the…
The world’s most accurate portable measuring arm
Have you seen how the Absolute Arm Compact can be easily positioned within a CNC milling machine for on-machine verification processes, without the need for any specialised mounting? Take a look at this new Portable Arm video to see how.
Hexagon launches next generation ultra-high accuracy CMMs
Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division today announced the launch of its new generation of Leitz PMM-C ultra-high accuracy coordinate measuring machines (CMMs). This series has long set the performance standard across a broad range of precision applications where manufacturers need the highest accuracy and low measurement uncertainty. Now that standard is even higher, thanks to a powerful and…
Hexagon haalt GelSight naar Brainportregio voor bliksem demonstratie
Geen groot evenement; geen uitgebreide campagne; geen klinkende namen als keynote sprekers. Toch kreeg Mikrocentrum binnen twee dagen tijd een kleine 20 QC-experts uit de hightech maakindustrie zover om op maandagavond naar Veldhoven te komen. Mét afgekeurde componenten. Waarom? Het Amerikaanse GelSight demonstreerde de bijzondere meettechnologie. Lees verder [Bron: made-in-europe.nu]