Jules Stohr on software control for a new factory

In the transition to plant-based proteins, many suppliers to the food industry are working on innovation projects. Sometimes these projects are so large that they lead to the construction of a completely new factory. Jules Stohr and his team have been designing the control of such a new factory in recent years. What was involved and…

Mobile App Development: Connecting people, devices & data

Mobile apps are essential in today’s society, offering a wide range of functions and services that streamline our daily lives. From communication to entertainment, productivity to healthcare, apps play a crucial role in connecting people and simplifying tasks. Read more

Starlet automatiseert bloedafnameketen met mobileNXT

Bloed prikken, we moeten het allemaal wel eens, maar we staan er zelden bij stil hoeveel registratiemomenten er in dat proces zitten en hoe foutgevoelig het is. Zeker als de patiënt slecht ter been is en de prikker daarom bij hem of haar thuis of in het verpleeghuis moet langskomen. Daarom automatiseerde Diagnostisch Centrum Starlet het…

Boon Edam innoveert business model met conNXT

Waar Boon Edam altijd leveranciers is geweest van fysieke producten, met als enige vorm van dienstverlening de garantie, innoveert het bedrijf nu in rap tempo zijn businessmodel. conNXT ligt aan de basis van dit succes. Alle producten die nu de fabriek verlaten worden voorzien van sensoren. Verkopers verkopen nu niet langer alleen een deur of toegangspoortje, maar…

Developing embedded software as a mechanical engineer is ideal for me

Embedded software developer Dirk van Wijk has been working at Fourtress, part of ICT Group, since May 2023. In his student days, the mechanical engineer was one of the members of Solar Team Eindhoven. It was there that he discovered the combination of hardware and software. ‘For me, it was a foregone conclusion that I wanted…

Streamlining medical product development with Renesas Synergy Software

For the development of a special medical product, the software developers of ICT Group have used the Renesas Synergy Software Package (SSP) development platform. With this, they have reduced the time-to-market by a factor of 5 and the safety of the product fully meets the extremely high standards of IEC 62304 and ISO 13485.