TMC TALKS: #2 Sustainability

De podcastserie waarin we op zoek gaan naar de innovaties in de wereld van morgen. Welke lokale oplossingen hebben we voor globale uitdagingen? Hoe zien deze er technisch gezien uit? Wat is de impact daarvan op mens en maatschappij? We bespreken deze…

TMC TALKS: #1 Rebelleren kun je leren!

TMC TALKS: De podcastserie waarin we op zoek gaan naar de innovaties die de wereld van morgen maken. Welke lokale oplossingen hebben we voor globale uitdagingen? Hoe zien deze er technisch gezien uit? En wat is de impact daarvan…

Partnership with Formula Electric Belgium

We are partnering up with Formula Electric Belgium. This student team builds an electric race car each year. This year, they are building a car that drive autonomously as well as with a driver. Discover everything about the partnership in

TMC and employeneurship: ‘We put the engineers first

TMC employeneurs dedicate themselves to customer projects, ranging from new research and development to existing projects. The projects are often for big-name players across myriad industries, including aeronautics, automotive, construction, life sciences and energy. “We always say that we play in the Champions League,” says Naima Hamdaoui, Talent Acquisition Manager at TMC. Read more [Source:]

TMC and Bosch make a smooth transition to electric

With climate targets set for the next several years, the automotive industry is evolving and increasingly focused on electrification and sustainable driving. Bosch Transmission Technology aims to keep pace with this trend and start producing products for this new sales market. Bosch can put its core competencies to good use for these ‘future core’ products. But new challenges inevitably emerge…

These five AI trends will change our lives in the years to come

Texts that are written automatically and unique images that are generated in seconds… In recent months, artificial intelligence (AI) has shown just how much it is capable of. If developments continue moving this rapidly, a lot could change in the years to come. We have listed five AI trends to look out for. Read more