Have you ever walked into a local gym, eager to start your workout routine only to realize you’re overwhelmed and unsure where to begin? This can be uncomfortable and embarrassing, but it’s completely natural. Making the right choices for your body can be complex, especially if you’re unsure where to start. And a crowded gym where all the treadmills and machines are full only complicates things further. But even working out at home can be challenging; even the latest, trendiest fitness machine can go to waste if you’re not using it properly or consistently. The bottom line for most of us is this: without a solid plan in place, you won’t achieve the results you’re so eager to see. In the absence of a personal trainer, look to technology as an alternative. Advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) can help you intelligently guide your exercise decision-making. Machine learning and AI have become integral parts of our daily lives, shaping how we interact with technology, make decisions, and access information. This got our team thinking: can machine learning design a workout program that meets the demands of average individuals starting their fitness journey? To find out, we turned to the solutions within the Altair® RapidMiner® data analytics and AI platform. Read more