Manufacturing without limits (or bottlenecks)

Additive manufacturing (AM) generates significant interest due to its sense of creative freedom and ability to traverse both real and figurative boundaries. While this has so far found enormous support within smaller-scale manufacturing operations, it has become clear that larger manufacturers are also…

How does SHINE make laser scanning a more dependable metrology tool?

In the past, part inspection was mainly all about tactile measurement. In the twenty-first century, technological improvements that have delivered greater accuracy and easier usage have however seen laser scanning become an increasingly important and viable alternative for many inspection tasks. 

Smarter sustainability: Engineering a more sustainable future

As leaders around the world last year made pledges at COP26 to take significant steps towards limiting the global temperature rise, it became clear an influential industry helping to achieve this target will be renewable energy. Solar photovoltaics, wind power, other renewable generation forms, and energy storage systems offer viable alternatives to fossil fuels, but they too have…

Met Hexagon krijgt Brainport Industries Campus opnieuw een wereldspeler binnen de muren

Hexagon’s manufacturing intelligence divisie neemt begin 2022 zijn intrek in Brainport Industries Campus (BIC). Daarmee heeft BIC opnieuw een wereldspeler aangetrokken, zo maakte BIC vandaag bekend in een persbericht. Voor directeur Jan Klingen van Hexagon Nederland is het een logische stap: “Dit is de hangout van onze doelgroep. Hier kunnen we laten zien waar we toe in staat…

Laser scanning: a step-change in manufacturing efficiency

In today’s competitive market, manufacturers are looking for every opportunity to increase efficiency. In addition, regulatory bodies and the general public are increasingly attentive to the role that manufacturing plays in the current climate crisis. As such, manufacturers are…