Model-based engineering for product platforms, i.e. a family of products
Nobleo is a strong believer in model-based engineering, not only for one of a kind prototypes but also when it comes to product platforms, i.e. a family of products. The latter is challenging and requires special attention since the designer intends to reuse models or parts of models. Read more
For engineers who are looking for a broader view, this is more than just a job
Nobleo Technology’s Rick Voogt starred in the Carrière Magazine of Technische Universiteit Eindhoven of March 2023. In the article he shares his experience about working at Nobleo Technology and why he chooses to work here. Read the article
QR Code Navigation by Nobleo
Demonstration of navigation by an autonomous robot based on localisation with QR codes. The QR codes on the robot and the wall are captured by an external camera, on the left of the image. Our software can localise the QR code with…