Making life better with with medical glass components

In recent years there has been significant growth in advanced technology for medical and biotechnology applications – from personalized medicine to small portable or even embedded medical devices providing 24/7 monitoring. Medical grade devices need to deliver the highest possible accuracy and must meet strict regulatory requirements. As a customer-driven supplier in machining glass and ceramics,…

LouwersHanique: ‘Samen met onze klanten doen wij fenomenale dingen’

De Brainportregio kent talloze high-tech maakbedrijven. Ieder met unieke kwaliteiten. Eén van deze typische Brainport bedrijven is het in Hapert gelegen LouwersHanique. Wat de onderneming onderscheidt, is het vermogen om technisch glas, keramiek en metaal te bewerken en met name te combineren. Dat leidt tot hoge precisie producten en componenten die essentieel zijn in de semicon, medische technologie en analytische…

Exploring the Future with 3D Glass Printing

We are now able to integrate optical, mechanical, fluidic functionalities at a micron level with 3D Selective Laser-Induced Etching (SLE). SLE is a two-step process that allows us to modify the structure inside glass via a pulsed laser beam and selectively remove glass via wet chemical etching. This way, we are able to create microstructures in…

UHV en Hogedruk Componenten

Hogedruk en vacuümcomponenten vindt men vaak in allerlei processen. Bijvoorbeeld waar verontreinigingen en deeltjes in de lucht zorgvuldig dienen te worden beheerst of verwijderd. Aan de meest stringente kwaliteits- en prestatiecriteria kan worden voldaan middels onze uitgebreide test- en meetinfrastructuur en cleanroom faciliteiten. Lees verder

What can you expect from working with us?

We often receive questions about the steps that are taken from the beginning of a project up to series production. This blog will tell you a bit more about what you can expect from working with us. What exactly happens once we have received your inquiry? Read more